What are the health benefits of Sitopaladi Churna?

Sitopaladi churna is a common Ayurvedic medicine used in India and surrounding countries. Like many herbal medicines, there is currently no scientific verification of its effectiveness, but the anecdotes of its safety and effectiveness can be traced back to generations. Sitopaladi churna can be purchased at home or made with fresh ingredients. Consult a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine or natural remedies to understand the potential health benefits and side effects of taking sitopaladi churna powder.

A bunch of sitopaladi churna. (Source: Marek Uliasz / iStock / Getty Images)

Sitopaladi Churna

Sitopaladi churna powder is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic herbs for the treatment of respiratory diseases According to "PDRs of Herbs." It is also known as sitopaladi choorna, choornam or chooran. Asiotopaladi churna's five ingredients are cinnamon, cardamom, long pepper, bamboo shoots and powdered sugar. All ingredients are dried and ground to a fine powder and combined. The ratio is 16 servings of sugar, 8 parts of bamboo shoots, 4 parts of cardamom, 2 parts of cinnamon and 1 part of pepper. Once mixed, the powder is stored in a closed container to prevent oxidation. Ayurvedic physicians believe that the mixture is most effective within two months of preparation. If warranted, approximately 1 gram of powder is usually mixed with one teaspoon of honey and taken three times a day.

Potential Health Benefits

Sitopaladi churna has not yet conducted scientific research on human health. However, it is a popular Indian cure for seasonal coughs and colds and is considered an effective bronchodilator and expectorant that can cough up cough. Sitopaladi churna is also used to stimulate appetite, promote digestion, reduce sinus congestion and increase energy levels, according to "Cure herbs: prescriptions for herbal treatments."

Possible indications

in traditional Ayurvedic Chinese medicine, sitOpaladi churna is often used to suppress cough in various lung diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and lung cancer. However, it is only used to relieve symptoms, not to treat any respiratory diseases. Sitopaladi churna is considered safe for children, but consult your pediatrician before giving your child any herbal treatment.


Although sitopaladi churna is generally considered safe, there are some minor side effects. Taking herbs on an empty stomach can cause gastritis or stomach upset, so always take it with food. In addition, cinnamon may affect blood sugar levels, so be careful if you have diabetes.