Long distance running & low blood sugar

During a marathon or long distance race, your body will first burn the stored carbohydrates and then burn the stored body fat to maintain the energy you need. Over time, this will cause your blood sugar levels to drop, so it's important to make sure your blood sugar doesn't fall to levels that cause low blood sugar. You can use a variety of different strategies to ensure that this does not happen so that you can complete the long distance run safely and successfully.

Two runners are jogging. (Source: pojoslaw / iStock / Getty Images)


According to an article appearing in the article, glycogen stored in muscles for long-distance running The performance is crucial. The March 6, 2011 edition of The Globe and Mail, and the only way to ensure adequate supply of muscle glycogen is to eat carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta, rice, sweet potatoes, fruits, beans, and low-fat milk. The diet of the product and the whole wheat runner needs to provide enough energy to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day, which can only be achieved by eating at least three balanced diets that combine a mixture of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Hypoglycemia and running distance

If your blood sugar drops to a low enough level and you don't use some kind of quick-acting carbohydrates (if juice or sports drinks) to lift it, you may Symptoms of low blood sugar begin to appear. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, when you have hypoglycemia, your blood sugar drops too low, causing headaches, tremors or tremors, excessive sweating, confusion, and palpitations. During your run, you may be mentally focused on completing the run and ignoring any pain you may not notice these symptoms until they become more serious and dangerous; for example, excessive sweating may not cause attention because You may have been sweating too much. Therefore, it is important to prepare for nutrition before starting a long-distance run, because a bad diet can cause marathon athletes' blood sugar to plummet to a dangerously low level. If not treated in time, severe hypoglycemia can cause diseases such as seizures and coma.

Carb Loading

Carbohydrate load diet, commonly known as carb loadiNg, a strategy used by long-distance runners to increase the amount of amino acids stored in muscles to improve performance and prevent hypoglycemia. You should start your carbohydrate diet a week or so before the marathon or long-distance running activity. At this point you should continue to normal training while reducing the normal amount of carbohydrate consumption by about 50%. This will drain your carbohydrate storage, so there is plenty of room to load. About three or four days before the start of the event, increase carbohydrate intake to about 70% of daily calories, while reducing high-fat foods to supplement extra carbohydrates. In the meantime, you should also reduce your training time so that you don't exhaust the energy you are trying to get to the store. If done correctly, the carbohydrate load will ensure that you have enough fuel to carry you through this activity while keeping your blood sugar at a safe level.

Diabetic runners

A study published in the January 1988 issue of the medical journal "Diabetes Care" observed changes in blood glucose-related metabolism during a 3-hour run, especially in the examination These differences are among the differences between diabetic and non-diabetic runners. The researchers observed a significant drop in blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, but the other participants (control group) remained unchanged. Post-exercise ketosis - the body has exhausted muscle glycogen and begins to consume stored body fat for energy - the presence of diabetic and non-diabetic runners in robots is more pronounced among diabetic runners. This seems to indicate that anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes should painstakingly monitor his blood glucose levels to minimize the risk of exercise-related hypoglycemia.