Does drinking beer interfere with the healing of fractures?

When you have a fracture, the faster you heal, the sooner you can return to activities of daily living without actors or support. In order to heal properly, your body needs time and proper nutrient mix to produce healthy and strong bone cells. If you regularly enjoy a glass or more in your diet, you may wonder if it will affect your body's healing ability. While beer may have potentially beneficial effects when consumed in moderation, over-consumption can have potentially devastating effects.

Beer and Silicon

One of the potential benefits of drinking beer and treating bone is that beer contains silicon, a new mineral needed for bone and other connective tissues. Beer contains ortho silicic acid, silicon is a kind of silicon, but not all beer contains the same level. For example, beer produced from barley contains more silicon than beer produced from hops. Light beer contains more silicon because their deeper beer is less damaging. Although beer does contain a lot of silicon, there is no clear link between enhanced bone health and the consumption of silicon-related beer.

Heavy drinking and bone growth

Chronic and heavy drinking According to data from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the ability to heal bone is reduced. Because moderate drinking is considered to be one or two drinks per day for women and two drinks per day for men, the amount of alcohol consumed for most of the week exceeds this amount, which may constitute a large amount of alcohol. Alcohol, including tax-drinking beer, seems to affect the body's ability to produce new bone cells, called osteoblasts. Since your body must build osteoblasts after a fracture, if you are a chronic beer drinker, you may experience slow bone healing.

Alcohol and ossification

Beer and other alcohol products may also interfere with the formation of an ossified matrix, a group of essential bone cells that harden after fracture. Alcohol affects the production of bone matrix by interfering with signals from damaged bones to the brain, indicating the need to establish new bone cells. The more alcohol that is consumed, the greater the effect of the ossified matrix.


Always discuss your beer consumption and appropriate levels of consumption fractures with your doctor. In addition to the therapeutic effects of alcohol, it is also important to consider that alcohol can damage your judgment time, making it easier to trip and/or fall, which may cause your fracture to fall again.Damaged. If you have difficulty giving up and/or overdrinking beer every day, please consult a doctor who can advise you on the appropriate resources.