Is too much potassium causing liver problems?

Potassium is an essential mineral found in foods such as potatoes and bananas. This mineral is found in every part of the body and helps muscle contraction, including muscle contraction in the heart system. Too much or too little of this electrolyte can cause heartbeat disruption and kidney damage. Excessive potassium is a condition known as hyperkalemia, which may not manifest immediately, as symptoms sometimes develop gradually and potassium forms toxic levels. High potassium levels usually do not cause liver problems unless they are not treated for a long time. However, liver disease is more likely to cause excess potassium in the body.

High potassium can cause organ damage. (Source: Sebastian Kaulitzki / Hemera/ Getty Images)


People with impaired kidney function often develop high potassium because the kidneys are responsible for discharge Excess potassium. According to data from the University of Maryland Medical Center, older people often have a high level of potassium risk. This condition may not cause any symptoms or may affect your heart rate, leading to arrhythmia. In addition, you may experience weakness, fatigue and nervous system problems such as numbness or tingling. In addition to kidney problems, other causes of high potassium include excessive intake of dietary potassium, traumatic injuries, and drugs that affect potassium levels.

Dr. High Potassium and Liver

. Excessive potassium in the Margaret Roberson Plain of the Virginia Commonwealth University causes depolarization of sodium ions, leading to arrhythmias and heart failure. Although this effect does not directly affect the liver, it can destroy the acid-base balance in the body. An article published in the "Nephrology Symposium" in 2006 explained that acid-base imbalances in the body may cause liver dysfunction and are caused by liver dysfunction. More commonly, however, liver disease leads to high potassium levels.

High Potassium Therapy

Because high potassium levels can cause heart failure, the initial treatment is to reduce potassium while stabilizing the heart. Normal rhythm. The University of Maryland Medical Center explained that the use of calcium protects the heart muscle from the effects of p on otassium. In addition, diuretics and other drugs can help flush potassium in the body. If you already have liver disease, you may need to continue taking the drug to maintain normal potassium levels. Impaired kidney functionThe body may need a low-potassium diet, whether or not to use drugs to control potassium levels.


According to data from the University of Maryland Medical Center, kidney disease is the most common cause of excessive potassium in the body. Although this situation may change the stability of the acid-base balance, a more immediate problem is the safety of the heart system. High potassium may not be achieved until a routine blood test shows that your potassium is too high. The National Institutes of Health added that high potassium may indicate that internal damage can lead to permanent tissue or organ damage, including liver damage.