Red rash on baby's stomach after eating

Infant rashes are common and usually not a big deal. A rash may appear on the face or head due to normal conditions, such as a cradle cap or a miliary rash. The red rash on the baby's buttocks may be a diaper rash. Red rashes in other parts of the body, such as the stomach, develop immediately after eating and are more likely to respond to food; however, this is not the only possibility, so please consult your pediatrician.

Certain foods may cause a rash in your baby's stomach. (Photo: monkeybusinessimages / iStock / Getty Images)


Feeding your baby with allergies may cause a rash in your stomach. Food allergy refers to the immune system reacting after eating certain foods. About 6% to 8% of children under the age of 5 are the most important Mayo Clinic, said food allergies. Even very small amounts of food can cause serious reactions. A rash is a common symptom. Digestive problems and airway swelling are other possible adverse effects. Food allergies can also cause allergic reactions, a life-threatening allergic reaction.


Breastfed babies may also have a food reaction. If you are eating baby allergies and then breastfeeding, your baby may have rashes, wheezing, cold symptoms, irritability, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea and itchy eyes. Your baby may not be able to sleep and wake up, showing signs of discomfort, such as stomach upset. Symptoms may appear 4 hours or up to 24 hours after feeding. A rash on the rash According to, formula feeding is less likely to occur, but formula may cause a red rash on the face or hips.


Urticaria may be a response to food, but this is not the only potential cause. In response to a drug or infection, a hive can appear on the face or body. Urticaria, also known as urticaria or urticaria, can appear red, itchy and swollen spots on the skin, varying in size and shape. Cold compresses can relieve itching, but consult your doctor for the best treatment advice.


If your child has food allergies,He may also have eczema. Baby eczema is characterized by red, scaly and itchy skin. Sometimes eczema causes fluid to seep out of the skin. These patches may crust if scratched. Eczema can be a symptom of food allergies. Stimulating the baby's stomach like a rough fabric can also cause a rash. Dry skin or bubble baths are other possible causes of eczema in infants.