12 foods that can improve mood

We all have sinful happiness; let us feel good food for the time being - but it feels very good after we finish. Although it is good to eat these things occasionally, most of the time your goal should be to take food that is not only good for you, but also to make you happier and more alert in the short and long term. key? According to registered dietitian Elizabeth Samuel, foods that are often eaten can improve your mood as part of a balanced diet. (As long as you add a delicious diet, you won't reduce it.) Somer, the author of "Food and Mood" and "The Road to Eating Your Happiness" and other nutrition experts recommend regularly extracting your body-boosters with the following 12 emotions.

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1. Squid

Somer said that eating two to three servings of omega-3 DHA per week People with squid, sardines, squid, and squid have the lowest rates of depression. Fish also contain folic acid, which is associated with decreased depression in men, and B12 is associated with decreased depression in women. Finally, salmon is also a good source of vitamin D and can help fight seasonal affective disorders (S.A.D.). Can't often eat wild salmon? “There are a lot of research on individual nutritional supplements, especially emotions, omega-3 fish oil, B vitamins and several other supplements,” said Jack Challem, author of The Food-Mood Solutions, an all-natural way to eliminate anxiety. Depression, anger, stress, overeating, alcohol and drug problems - feel good again.

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2. Coffee or green tea [ 123]

[ 123] In addition to other health benefits, caffeinated coffee can also reduce the risk of depression in women. Challem also recommends high-quality green tea, which is rich in L-theanine, which has a calming effect on the brain and improves mental concentration.


10 ways coffee can improve your health Credit:

iStockphoto 3. Vitamin D supplements

Multiple studies have shown that people with depression , especially SAD, improved as vitamin D levels increased. “WHI I always recommend 'food first,' and getting enough vitamin D from food is very challenging,” says Somer.


9 ways to get more vitamin D Credit:

iStockphoto 4. Berries

[123 Berry - especially blueberries and blackberries - contains anthocyanins, which are known to promote brain function, Somer said. She recommends a cup of Challem that nutrient-dense foods such as berries are the key to providing a good foundation for brain chemistry.


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5. Raw Chili ]

When raw, red pepper and green pepper and sweet pepper vitamin C Very high levels indicate reduced cortisol (stress hormone). Raw fruits such as oranges, cantaloupe, papaya and kiwi also contain high levels of vitamin C.


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6. Green leafy vegetables

] Eat at least one or two servings of spinach, kale, romaine, kale or beet every day. Among other benefits, these green folates are high in content and when depressed, it is associated with depression.


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7. Water

One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue, and the researchers found that even mild dehydration Will change a person's mood, energy level and mental function. Drink H2O all day.


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8. Date

The proportion of tryptophan in fruits is very high for phenylalanine and leucine-like dates, papaya and banana - will Increase serotonin levels to increase well-being. Medjool dates are a nutritious way to satisfy sweet cravings.



9. Shellfish

Shellfish is the most abundant source of vitamin B - according to the researchers, when it is lacking, it may The motivation that causes drowsiness and reduces normal activity. Studies have also shown that extreme deficiency can lead to irritability and depression. You can also try a soft replacement. "B vitamins are necessary to make many neurotransmitters, and Bs has long been considered an anti-stress vitamin," says Challem.


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10. Broadcast popcorn [ 123] "It's not surprising that people are upset when they are hungry in the afternoon and their blood sugar is too high," Challem said. Somer recommends eating a full-carb snack in the afternoon - just like four cups of air popcorn - to increase serotonin levels, which helps to relax and make you happy. But use this technique with caution; high-carbohydrate, low-protein diets increase insulin by secreting insulin, and if insulin is used repeatedly, it may trigger insulin resistance and lower serotonin levels.

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11. Olive Oil

A recent study concluded that those who eat fruits, nuts, fish, vegetables and olives Oil - but eat faster foods and commercial baked goods - more prone to depression. According to another study, olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the progression of depression.

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12. Dark Chocolate

[123 ] In 2009, researchers found that dark chocolate reduced the level of stress hormones. Another study shows that it produces a natural opium-like chemical in the brain (enke, as long as the test mouse eats it, it will soar and stay high. Recently, the researchers found that eating sweets (again eating chocolate) Afterwards, subjects are more likely to volunteer to help others; those who generally have "sweet food" are more likely to be labeled as "sweet." "Some vices are good for you," Somer said affirmatively. "Of course. Moderate." "

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Are you often in a bad mood? Have you tried eating these foods to improve your mood? Are they working for you? Are there any foods on our list that improve mood? Please comment below Tell us.

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