Evan S. How to use LIVESTRONG.COM's MyQuit coach to quit smoking

Name: Evan S.

Evan S. quit smoking after 17 years using LIVESTRONG.COM's MyQuit app. (Source: Evan S.)

Age: 42

Years of smoking: 17

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Smokeless from: December 31, 2010

My story

I have been smoking for 17 years. I lied to myself that no one knew that I was smoking. I now realize that all you have to do is smell me to understand my secrets. In the last 10 years of the 17 years, I tried to quit smoking almost every day. The first thing in the morning, I will throw away a pack of cigarettes, but by noon, I will buy a new one.

In December 2010, my doctor repeated what I had heard from her. Previous time: "You need to quit." For some reas at this time, she shared with me that the health insurance company paid her $10 for saying these five simple words and marked it as "quit smoking." advisory". As an insurance agent, this knowledge has made me excited. No wonder the premium is so high! The irony is that it is learning $10 instead of the money I spend on cigarettes, which ultimately motivates me to take lasting action.

Since 2009, I have been a member of LIVESTRONG.COM, trying to get healthy weight loss using the MyPlate Calorie Tracker. I noticed an ad for the MyQuit Coach - Dare to Quit Smoking app on the site. I have tried everything else, so why not try it?

In the past, I tried many popular smoking cessation methods - Wellbutrin, Zyban, CHANTIX, nicotine patches, lozeng and chewing gum, giving up cold turkey - nothing useful to me. Somehow, the five words of my doctor, her "smoking cessation counseling", has been lingering. I downloaded the app,I bought some nicotine gum and decided that once the ball on the New Year's Day New Year's Day falls, I will be smoke-free!

I put the last cigarette at 11:59 pm on December 31, 2010. I never accepted a boast.

My turning point

After I smoked for about three months, my wife and I decided to apply for marriage 10 years after the divorce. My life is collapsing, I know that smoking does not improve anything. I was there and there was no more important than keeping it smokeless! I spent the turbulent time to get through the difficult smoking, I am stronger. This is one of my most proud achievements to date!

My support system

I have almost no "real world" support when I try to quit smoking. My marriage is collapsing. My ex-wife is a chain smoker and has no intention of quitting smoking. My biggest support is the online community I found through the My Quit Coach app. It turns out that they are the most understanding, the most supportive and the most discriminating people, which has made me a great success in the world.

My biggest challenge

Smokers need a lot of time. I always have to think about how, when and where to smoke, and plan accordingly to make sure I can follow my schedule. m's biggest challenge I quit and want to know how to deal with all the extra time I get, not to mention what I do with my hand. The important thing is to refactor my daily life and destroy those deep-rooted habits to be successful.

The secret of my success

To be honest, the biggest secret of my success is the MyQuit Coach app, which introduces me to the LIVESTRONG.COM quit smoking community message board. This is the only variable I have tried repeatedly to quit, it is different for me. This time, every step of my life has a smoking cessation community. The contacts and support we share still exist today.

Like me, many members will stick to it a long time after success and completely quit smoking to pay for advancement and support others' efforts. We all share and understand the daily struggles in this nicotine battle, and it is invaluable to let the other party regain support during this journey.

My advice to others

[12]3] Never give up smoking cessation! Every failed attempt is a learning experience that will bring you closer to lifelong cessation. It took me 10 years to try to win this battle almost every day, but it's worth it! I am telling you here - it can be done, it will become easier!

Stay positive, stay busy, be kind to yourself. You can do this!!

Reader Update - After Evan's doctor expressed concern about his weight on his high blood pressure and cholesterol in December 2013, Evan decided to control himself again. The state of health. On New Year's Day 2014, Evan began tracking LIVESTRONG's MyPlate calorie tracker and successfully lost 40 pounds in the next few months! Read Evan's story about how LIVESTRONG.COM is here to save his life for the second time!