10 ways to learn how to love yourself more

We can easily become our own worst critics and give ourselves a thumbs up faster than our enemies. No matter what kind of cockroaches we find now, it may increase with age (such as wrinkles, bad knees and love handles), or begin to disappear in the face of unconditional love. Since we all get older - with or without fighting - we may be miserable, or we can learn how to get a smile on our faces at this moment. Usually, people go further in their life journey and find true self-love, so we interviewed five inspiring elderly women who love themselves as they do and listen to them learning how to unconditionally love Your own secrets.

Credit: Melanie Andersen

Lynda, 67, retired housewife

Full disclosure: Lynda, now a grandmother, my mom, those The woman who taught me: "What you get is what you get, but you are not healthy. "I am very fortunate to have a mother who loves her, how she accepts and even worships her shining example. Please continue reading her advice.

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Credits: Melanie Andersen

1. Learn to laugh on yourself

Lynda didn't take life too seriously because she knew that things were constantly changing in her inner and outer world. She can laugh at herself and challenge her humor in life instead of feeling embarrassed or self-assessing. For example, if she tries to do a balanced posture in a yoga class, she will loosen, focus and do her best. If she falls, she will chuckle instead of expressing her insecurities to the people around her and worrying about what other students will think. The reality is that most people are too busy to focus on the small troubles they notice you beating yourself. If someone gives you some sideways, brush it off and continue to laugh.

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] Credit: twenty20.com/@eaphoto

2. Forgive others for forgiving themselves

This is a tough lesson for Lynda, but she learns to forgive and accept people to hurt in life. Her people can let her forgive and accept herself. To be so tolerant, she put herself in someone else's position to understand that person's point of view. This makes Lynda not accept it personally when someone is unfriendly or grumpy: in turn, she is not so hard on herself. Putting down anger and resentment helps us extend the same tolerance and forgiveness to ourselves.

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Credit: twenty20 .com / @ hannahmcswain

Kathleen, 60, retired elementary school teacher [ 123]

Kathleen celebrates her 60th birthday with her closest 25 friends on the beach. I know because I am teaching there and there are friends who have been with Kathleen for about six years now. I have always been surprised by the way she sees things and energy. She is a busy woman with a complete social life, constantly joining a book club, library and Bible study, and has been looking for reasons to have her friends together.

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Credit: Melanie Andersen 3. Investment friendship

There are many kind and caring people in my life and I try to stay and contact them," said Catherine, who is also a mother. “I like to hold parties and gather and celebrate with any life events as an excuse!” She revolves around herself, not only likes her, but also loves her, which helps her love and accept herself.

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Credit: twenty20.com/@ cwellpics 4. Learn more about your senses

Another way Catherine learns to love himself is to make the world full of emotions. In order to attract her vision, she should wake up to the sun rising and pay attention to watching the sunset every day. Catherine travels around the world, noting the autumn cinnamon smell and summer barbecue, and taking into account the spring blooming flowers. She said that when she experienced the world of taste, she prefers to eat, so eating is "a religious experience." Through an in-depth understanding of her senses, she realized that this was a magical experience to become a person, and her gratitude for life inspired her happiness as Catherine.

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Image Source: twenty20.com/@lpowphotography Jan, 64, Jewelry Designer and Yoga Work The owner of the room

Jan is a small, lively woman, with her a vibrant smile, infused energy eyes and a desire for life. She has been a jewelry designer for over 40 years and now owns Harmony HB, a yoga studio in Huntington Beach, Calif., where you can take yoga and dance classes, get a massage and buy handmade Jan Palmer jewelry. Jan's creative, passionate life reflects her way of learning unconditional love.

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Credit: Melanie Andersen 5. Finding the purpose

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Jan suggests finding something you love and giving yourself a full feeling. Ever since she was a little girl, she fell in love with jewelry. Jan took a class and studied with the people she looked up to and achieved a successful career. She also fell in love with yoga and did the same thing. She shared her passion with others to change her life, injecting love and respect for herself.


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Twenty20.com/@kelsen28 6. A tool for using treatments

Jan spends most of his life studying his own treatment, not because she has any problems, but because when we started When we understand ourselves, we begin to appreciate many levels and our psychological complexity. For example, a better understanding of yourself can lead to mindfulness, allowing us to treat our imperfections. In Jan's case, she uses therapy to learn how to establish appropriate boundaries with others, how to design a fulfilling life, and how to accept and love her.


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twenty20.com/@taylor_hanigosky Gayle, 72, skiing Coach, personal assistant d nanny

Gail is a lively, sexy, sweet, active lady. She is also a mother, she is very adventurous, always with a big smile on her face. Her emphasis on physical health and well-being has made her a particularly great example of how a person should live while developing his or her own preferences. Her common sense advice is that you can start right away.


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Melanie Andersen 7. Exercise every day

[123 Gayle exercises, cycling, swimming, skiing, hiking and yoga every day is her favorite activity. Every day when she looks in the mirror, she is the same as what she sees. She knows how to keep her body in an ideal state. Dan Beuttner, the best-selling author of the New York Times and founder of Blue Zones, is looking for happy, healthy, long-lived people around the world. He found that these people exercise for some hour every day in some way. You don't have to commit suicide to burn calories every day - only mild to moderate exercise every day.


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] Image source: twenty20.com/@ivan_law

8. Good night sleep

When she sleeps well, Gail notices her The mood is clearly different: she feels more positive about hersel and loves f and others. But how did she do it? By staying busy and coming at night, she is very nice and very tired. She also tried to go to bed at the same time every night, which is a research support. According to Dr. Michael Bruce, author of the Sleep Doctor Diet Plan, keep a pattern that controls your biological rhythm and ensures sleep at night.


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Credit: twenty20.com/@gerik

Rosa, 51, finance vice Director

With the upcoming diagnosis, Rosa's mother was mostly ill all her life, and Rosa thought she might lose her at any time. When her mother finally passed away, she lost her grief and her health and refused until she received a call from her father. He found a letter in his mother's wallet, which was written specifically for Rosa. It wrote: "Dear dear daughter, always remember that I love you very much. Take care of yourself. You are a very important person..." Rosa spent the rest of her life doing this.


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Credit: Melanie Andersen

9. Spend time with yourself

Rosa and her husband worked full time and took care of their two daughters, knowing how crazy life would be. She didn't pull her hair out, just paused. A few times a year, she participated in a silent retreat, where she could listen to her higher powers. Her time for self-healing reinforces the way she values ​​herself, and she returns with a high degree of courage, peace and optimism. Taking time alone (and enjoying it) is the key to learning to value your thoughts and opinions, giving them room to strengthen and grow - ultimately providing them with unconditional love. Do you think that you are right?


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Credit: twenty20.com/@burnningbridges

10. Make yourself happy [ 123] When Rosa received a letter from her mother, she immediately felt that she had a task. She has been looking for Lee's benefits in her life - art, poetry, music, her friends, family, food, sports and nature. Rosa suggests making yourself a mission to discover positive factors in your life. In fact, you allow her to be happy, so go there and start walking on the sunny side of the street, because according to Audrey Hepburn, "Happy girls are the most beautiful girls."


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Credit: twenty20.com/@cassandramadeline What do you think?

Do you love yourself unconditionally? Do you have any way to improve your self-esteem and self-worth? Please let us know in the comments below.


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