5 strange ways your mental and physical illnesses are connected

Is there a blues and bad stomach pain? Both can be connected. Until recently, scientists were not sure about the relationship between mental and physical health: does mental illness cause physical illness, or vice versa? This depends on the situation. Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland analyzed data from a survey of about 6,500 American teenagers and found some shocking connections between certain mental and physical illnesses. Sometimes mental disorders predict physical illness. In other cases, physical illness appears to be a risk factor for mental illness. If you experience depression during adolescence, what kind of physical illness do you develop? How about anxiety or addiction? Please read on!

Credit: Twenty 20 / @ TaylanYasar

1. Emotional disorders are predictors of arthritis and digestive diseases

Adolescents with mood disorders, Depression and bipolar disorder are more likely to suffer from arthritis and digestive diseases (based on new findings such as irritable bowel syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease later in life). The researchers' conclusions are supported by early research. The study found that strengthening care for depression reduced arthritis pain in patients with depression and arthritis. To support data linking mood disorders to digestive diseases, scientists mentioned another study that found Depression is a predictor of peptic ulcer.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ laeonl

2. Anxiety can cause skin disease

Adolescent anxiety disorder - Including anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder - may increase the risk of skin disease. To support their findings, the researchers highlighted two previous studies suggesting that psychotherapy can improve anxiety in patients with atopic dermatitis And skin conditions, atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that causes severe itching and eczema. In fact, psychotherapy can improve the skin condition of patients more than topical ointments or drugs. Although comprehensive medicine focusing on the treatment of body and mind is still in our Considering the edge of normal health care, but these findings support this trend

Credit: Olga Ternavskaya / Adob ​​e Stock

3. Drug abuse may cause seasonal allergies

Despite the strong link between substance abuse - which is associated with mental illness and seasonal allergies, the authors of the study did not provide support for them. Any other evidence of conclusion. One explanation may be that beer, wine and spirits contain histamine, which may trigger an allergic reaction. Another explanation may be the link between allergies and the liver. The liver can detoxify and excrete toxic substances. But when it becomes overloaded with toxins (which may be related to drug abuse), it produces additional allergy-induced histamine protection

Credit: Twenty20 / @ ancaharris

4. Heart disease can cause anxiety

Although the authors of the study found that adolescent heart disease is a risk factor for anxiety, there is currently not much research to support their findings. A report found that more than half (51%) of the 288 patients who underwent a study had aggravated depression or anxiety within 12 months of the heart attack. However, researchers at the University of Basel believe that there is not enough data on the subject's healthy heart attack to prove that the event is the cause of their mood and anxiety.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ leila_miyala

5. Epilepsy may cause eating disorders

A person's adolescent epilepsy may eventually lead to eating disorders, including anorexia and Bulimia. The authors of the study say that both diseases are associated with the limbic system in the brain. In simple English, this system can control your emotional response to your diet, so imbalance can cause eating disorders. Damage to the area associated with the system may also result in seizures. good news? In some case studies of seizures and eating disorders in patients with brain damage, treating wounds can solve both diseases.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ kaplantiger

What do you think?

Is this information causing your attention, or do you already know the link between mental and physical illness? Do you have mental illness that causes physical illness?Sick, and vice versa? How do you think this study should change the way doctors currently treat their physical and mental health?

Credit: Twenty20 / @ JulieK