8 non-caffeine method of increasing energy

It is now 3 pm. And you fade at work. Although you may be shooting badly because of poor food choices (we are looking at you, the temptation of morning donuts and vending machines) or not getting enough sleep (five hours without cutting it) and shooting at your feet, you Need some things you can do now to complete the rest of the workday. It is not advisable to go to the office for a nap in the office for a quick nap (although if this is the case!), you will not pay attention to the remaining time of climbing through the office at the snail's production pace. Don't drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon (which may make you sleep well) and try to use these caffeine-free solutions to solve your afternoon stagnation.

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1 . Reaching for cinnamon

Peppermint often gets all the trust, because we push the senses to the high position (and it can provide a beneficial energy boost when smelling or eating), but another fragrance Shows more hope for us to stay alert - Cinnamon. According to a 2005 study by the North American Journal of Psychology, chewing cinnamon gum is even more effective, and smelling cinnamon-flavored things has been shown to increase the individual's attentional process, virtual recognition memory, working memory and visual-motor response speed. In order to defeat the depression in the afternoon, drink a bottle of cinnamon oil or a piece of cinnamon gum.

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2. Sn in Prunes [ack]

overturns all the preconceived notions about plums. Yes, your grandma ate them, yes, they can help treat constipation. But these dried fruits offer benefits outside the bathroom, including the provision of boron. Studies have shown that boron may play a role in preventing osteoporosis and key antioxidants, and it is also an excellent form of energy. According to a study published in the Food Science and Nutrition Review Review in 2001, Prunes will not cause blood sugar to soar because of their high fiber (if you choose whole fruit instead of prunes) and sorbitol content. becauseMetabolize slowly through the body for them.

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3. Drinking CommScope Tea

You have seen it in the supermarket. I heard your hippie friend say that he is brewing it in his closet. But have you tried Kombucha for yourself? You may want to try this fermented beverage the next time you need an afternoon lift. “Kombucha has many health benefits, including increased energy and focus,” said Santa Monica nutritionist Emily Littlefield. “Kombu tea is so powerful because it is a fermented probiotic drink that can help from better skin to stronger immunity and cure the body in many ways.” Slightly carbonated, slightly trendy drinks may It takes some time to get used to, but this fat-free, low-calorie, low-sugar drink can provide the perfect boost to help beat your afternoon slum page. Want to get more wake-up benefits? Choose an exhilarating taste like ginger or citrus.

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4. Let nature update you

Even if it's just a few minutes, you can increase your afternoon energy by leaving the office, said Jimmy Minardi, founder of Minardi Training and Certified Personal Trainer. “The change of landscape can change your mood and give you a quick energy boost. When you feel slow, any kind of exercise will definitely revive you, actually entering nature can play a bigger role,” he Say. In fact, a 2009 study from the environmental science journal found that it takes only 15 to 20 minutes to increase your energy, just like a cup of coffee. Other studies have shown that even five minutes in a green environment will increase participants' emotions and self-esteem, so go out and find some green things, then return to work and be prepared to solve the remaining to-dos.List of items.

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5. Nuts

[ 123] Nutritionist Emily Littlefield recommends using sugary snacks to consume your body and choose a small amount of almonds or walnuts - both of which are brain foods. Compared to other common snacks, nuts have the best nutrients and fibers of important, healthy plant proteins and important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Healthy fats can help you stay alive and full, and fiber helps your body slowly digest food. Walnuts also contain serotonin, which affects your well-being and well-being, while almonds and walnuts contain the essential amino acid phenylalanine, which increases brain power. better one? Littlefield says that nuts are combined with apple slices to create a delicious combination of protein fibers.

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Image credit: fpwing / iStock / Getty Images 6. Practice brisk breathing

Can't leave the desk, but feel the energy is decreasing? Some breathing exercises can be done using personal trainer Jimmy Minardi, you can raise awareness. Experts recommend reducing stress, rather than slow, slow, calm breathing, aiming to re-activate yourself in a quick and continuous short breath. “Try to inhale quickly and exhale through your nose for about 15 seconds, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. The breathing in and out should be equal to the duration, but as short as possible. You should feel the strength of the neck, the diaphragm, the chest and the abdomen. ,"He says. The purpose of rapid breathing is to stimulate the kind of breathing that occurs during exercise.

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Credit: ] kaspiic / iStock / Getty Images 7. Just ChiLl Out

Have you tried a small swimming pool? After a dip in one of the cool swimming pools, you will know what a cold water wakes up. In the 2007 Swedish whole body cold therapy study, treatment significantly improved participants' mood and quality of life. Another 2014 study from the North American Journal of Medical Science shows that exposure to the cold activates your sympathetic nervous system and increases the levels of endorphins and norepinephrine in the blood. In other words, it creates a small start in heart rate, blood pressure and alertness. Unless you work in a luxury spa, your work may not provide an office plunge pool, but you can still get some of the same results by washing your face, hands or neck. Really cold water.

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Credit: Digital Vision. / Photodisc/Getty Images 8. Choose a better bar [ 123]

When you hit a wall at work, there is likely to be a perfect claim - an energy bar. But New York-based masseur, natural remedy and acupuncturist Gabrielle Francis, said they should be alert to them. “There is a subtle gap between energy bars and smart marketing, which is a healthy turning point for what is essentially a snicker,” she said. According to Francis, the ideal energy bar should contain less than 25 grams of carbohydrates and 10 to 15 grams of protein from cannabis or nut butter or whey, pea or rice protein. Avoid using soy isolates, chemical flavors, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors or any hydride. Even better, switch to all-natural raw protein bars, such as Go Macro, ProBar or Omega Bars, which contain simple ingredients such as nuts, nut butter, seeds and fruit.

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Image source: Baiba Opule / iStock / Getty Images

What do you think?

What do you do when you are experiencing a recession? Can you still have a cup of coffee or a more natural route? Have you tried any of the ideas mentioned in this list? Or do you think you will? Which other caffeine-free methods would you recommend to increase energy? Share your thoughts and suggestions with you for the rest of the Livestrong.com community in the comments section below!


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