Make these 8 simple changes for a healthy fall

Did you smell it? The fresh air carries a hint of bonfire and dirt? The beginning of the new season is a great opportunity to revitalize your health goals. So don't stay on shorter days and cooler temperatures, but use the fall to get yourself at your best, especially before the holiday season. Just make some small adjustments to your diet and fitness habits to get you going. Looking at these eight changes will make this fall the healthiest change in your history.

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1. Eat seasonal products

Eating local seasonal products is a change that will benefit The quality and health of your meal. “In addition to its optimal flavor and price, seasonal products are in an ideal environment and nutritious,” said Deborah Levy, a registered dietitian and health and nutrition consultant at Carrington Farms. "Choose seasonal foods, you may get cleaner food because you need less pesticides." Will some nutritious seasonal foods be added to your menu this fall? Acorn squash, pears, brussels sprouts, pomegranates and pumpkins.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ SeeDJan

2. Focus on healthy fat

When fallen, comfortable food is usually not too far behind. But think about what you are cooking and baking. If possible, try to find healthier alternatives. For example, Levy recommends replacing coconut oil during cooking or baking. Coconut oil has a higher smoke point, which means it can be heated to higher temperatures without breaking down into free radicals. In addition, it has a range of health benefits, such as high levels of natural saturated fat, which can increase healthy high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol.

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Credit: Twenty20 / @ stephbarcenas

3. Choose the challenge [ 123]

If you are used to waiting for the New Year to reactivate your workout goals, it's time to have a new tradition. Fall is actually a prime time health and fitness coach who sets the physical goal to get returns, said Laurent Amzallag, founder of Yala Fitness, the swimsuit season. Whether you are attending a spring marathon training or a 30-day training challenge, setting goals will motivate you. The same is true of your diet. Create a “nutrition challenge” for yourself and eliminate refined carbohydrates for a month. Amzallag said: "As autumn becomes the beginning of the holiday season, this is the most important moment to clean up the diet - so you will have more control during the holiday season."

Related: [ 123] LIVESTRONG.COM Facebook Challenge Image Source:

Twenty20 / @ criene 4. Train with others

Wake up the sun in a cold as soon as possible The morning, starting Amzallag said that throughout the fall, "sweat will" will keep your day healthy and happy. The best guarantee that you actually use these exercises as a regular part of the week is to get others to join you. “When you are done in a group, you will have the opportunity to run or walk in the morning. Being with friends will help you fight the mild depression caused by seasonal changes, especially as it gets colder and colder,” Amzallag Say.


Twenty20 / @ criene 5. Let time decompress

Don't just keep the time under pressure and the pressure becomes too overwhelming. active. Levy recommends doing something that can help you relax every day, such as taking a bath with psom sal and a few drops of lavender or spending 10 minutes meditating. Also consider the stress situation this season and start designing a game plan that makes them easier to manage. If family drama is eating you, please resolve it before the holidays to enjoy a happy and stress-free time.

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6. Wait 20 minutes

As the body tends to enter the "dormant" mode in the fall, if you practice a conscious diet it becomes vital to resist weight gain. Levy recommends that you eat an activity. In other words, don't try to multi-task by watching TV, using a computer, reading or talking to make a phone call during a meal. “This is because thoughts distract from the activity and do not record the amount of food consumed,” she said. “When the stomach feels full, you may get too many calories.” Also, wait 20 minutes and then go back a few seconds, because it takes time for your stomach to send a signal to your brain. Levy said that if you still feel hungry after 20 minutes, start with the second help with vegetables.


Twenty20 / @_ eatandlove_

7. Vitamin D [ 123] When the planet axis deviates from the sun, our vitamin D levels tend to decrease. The doctor suggested that this is why it is important for doctors to run 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in your next lab work. Trevor Cates, N.D. , naturopathic physician and founder of The Spa Dr. Skin Care Series. Dr. Cates said that in addition to keeping your immune system strong, vitamin D can also boost your mood, help solve skin problems such as acne, rosacea and psoriasis, and even protect your skin from the sun's UV rays. If your vitamin D level is low, tell your doctor to add nutrients and add vitamin D-rich foods such as egg yolks, dried mushrooms and fresh wild salmon to your diet.

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8. Hydrate more

Hydration may be a common tip for summer health, but in the fall It is equally important that your skin becomes dry. Dr. Cates recommends "moisturizing your skin from the internal organs with eight cups of water plus a cup of fresh coconut water. Also, eat moisturizing foods that contain good fats such as wild salmon or coconut, olive oil and crocodilePear oil. Don't forget other places where Dr. Cates recommends that for dry hair, heat a tablespoon of coconut oil and use it overnight. For fragile nails, sip bone soup or take collagen supplements.

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Credit: Twenty20 / @ mackenziefreemire What do you think?

What health changes are you planning to do this fall? Do you always stick to your resolution? what do you like the most? autumn? Please let us know in the comments section!

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Credit: Twenty20 / @ BYONELOVE