11 reasons to choose a book on Netflix Binge

As the winter approaches, you may itch to retreat to the sofa and sneak into the "something stranger" carnival. Or, you might want to grab an Afghan and a cup of tea and take a good book to a comfortable corner. If these two choices sound right for you, then there are 12 good reasons to choose this book through Netflix. When there are so many forms of entertainment there, what makes us continue to turn to books? In short, we read because it makes us happy. Here are another 11 reasons why your love for reading can translate into a better life.

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1. Reading improves your brain's ability to perform

When you practice sports When you are in sports, you gain muscle memory and improve your performance. Psychological and emotional exercises are also perfect. Reading a book activates the brain and strengthens the nerves, just as your brain is doing a good workout. In fact, a study in 2014 conducted a brain scan of 21 students, then they rested and then read a novel. Scanning shows that language understanding and muscle memory activities have increased in the days following the completion of the book.

Credit: Marija Mandic / Stocksy

2. Reading to enlarge your vocabulary [ 123]

As we have read, we often encounter unfamiliar words, But through contextual clues, we can understand and eventually add these words to our personal vocabulary. (For example, a "dictionary" is a dictionary or vocabulary that is limited to a particular topic or body of knowledge. You are welcome.) Many words appear in prints that have never appeared in everyday speech. If they appear in the conversation, you will read through them, and you will laugh at things like "always" or "more" (or "burning", which means getting pale in the thought of something). No doubt if they appear in the novel.

Credit: @lhgphotography by Twenty20 3. Read to make you more understanding

Contact with people - evenIt's fictitious - it can help you build better connections with real people. The Harry Potter novel has been translated into 68 languages ​​and has sold more than 40 of the world's 10,000 copies. Their general appeal lies in young people and the elderly as well as cross-cultural boundaries. A group of researchers in Italy introduced these books to pupils to test their theory: "Harry Potter's novels can be used as a tool to improve attitudes towards stigmatized groups." Their findings are just like What they expected. Their findings show that reading "Harry Potter" books can improve children's attitudes toward immigrants, homosexuals, refugees and other insulted groups. Reading fictional characters in a magical world actually makes children more sympathetic to real people in real life.

Credit: @ ra3hong via Twenty20 4. Reading can lead you to work

"The more you read, the more different types of people you come into contact with The more ways of communication, interaction, relationships and conflicts, the more you can use this experience to deal with people in the workplace,” explains Kira Copperman, who is a workplace communication expert and “send/receive/confirm: optimize modern Author of workplace communication. In fact, Copperman explained that readers have a higher average emotional intelligence (EQ) than non-readers - the key quality that employers expect when recruiting and promoting employees. People with high emotional intelligence are generally considered to be more friendly at work, resulting in stronger relationships and more job security.

Credit: @ rafi.dizon via Twenty20 5. Readers make a better first impression

Reading has another benefit inside and outside the workplace: Help you make a better first impression. Another component of high emotional intelligence is better communication skills. Big readers are better natural communicators, have a larger vocabulary and use the correct grammar more often, and all the main factors present themselves in an intelligent, professional way. In the Harvard Business Review article entitled "I will not hire people who use bad grammar", iFixit CEO Kyle Weins believes: "Good grammar is credible...... your words are what you have. "

Credit: @jehnner via Twenty20 6. Read to help you escape

Waiting room, terrible storm, ten political climate - sometimes dealing with the situation The best way is to escape it. Lorraine Berry is a writer and dedicated reader, waiting for Hurricane Ilma to immerse himself in a 900-page novel in the Middle Ages. "When the hurricane hit us outside the door I continued to read when I hit the window," she wrote in an article on the Signature website. "I focus on the idea that whatever I leave, (I) will be fine. "

Read more: Why reading is a new therapy (except for cheaper methods)

Credit: mihtiander / iStock / GettyImages 7. Read to help you connect

"When you read something, it's not just joy - go, 'God, that's me!' I'm living like this, I think that, I am not in the world of ale..."" David Foster Wallace's cuffs on reading the "Charlie Rose Show" in 1996 caused fanaticism everywhere. The reader's resonance.

Whether you have experienced a traumatic breakup, a profound failure or your own personal revolution, it is possible that someone, somewhere in history, from somewhere in the world, has experienced it. . Often, a "perfect" book may be the way you need to illuminate in the dark. “Rebecca Rubin, head of the branch of the Albany Public Library, said: “I will often recommend books that are interesting or extremely rotating in everyday life, such as

Maria Sepel’s where to go to Bernard Special ". Family books usually make you realize that everything is not so terrible. "

Read more: B books about self-confidence

Image source: lolostock / iStock / GettyImages 8. Reading makes you more flexible

Fanatic readers tend to be more open, and it turns out to be more flexible and requires less “closed”. In a 2015 study, 100 participants were assigned to read an article or a short story. After reading, the researchers tested the need for participants to close. “Participants in the short story situation experienced a significant reduction in self-reported cognitive closure requirements compared to participants in the paper situation. It was particularly effective for participants of habitual readers, whether novel or non-fiction. ," The research abstract was published in the Journal of Creative Research. Keeping open minds is a key factor in adapting to new situations and circumstances.

Credit: YiorgosGR / iStock / GettyImages 9. Reading can make you better

Reading about positive emotions makes us feel more positive about others . “Maybe in the process of enjoying the lives of others, we incorporate these experiences into our own personality, resulting in a new, reconfigured self,” explains Dr. Kristine Anthis, a professor of psychology at Southern Connecticut State University. If you feel a little Scrooge-ish, choose a novel about kind people, such as "Guernsey Literature and Potato Skin Cake Association" or "Polyanna." At the very least, it can help you a little more self-sufficient temper in the cubicle next to you, and you can find a way to recommend her good looking side.

Credit: @jtobiason via Twenty20 10. Reading will keep you sharp as you age

Many doctors in our annual inspection The advice given for using it or losing it applies to brain activity, just as it applies to physical exercise. A study published in the journal Neurology in 2013 showed that as people age, older readers who continue to read tend to be wary as they age. Join a book club, such as the Livestrong Healthy Reads Book Club, which not only helps them stay sharp, it also opens your new book and connects you to a reader andThinker community.

Credit: @linamah via Twenty20 11. Reading helps you understand your world

You have never met someone from another planet, with Four people have been involved in the dialogue between the two sides during the French Revolution or on the front line. And you may not have chatted with world leaders, visited every continent or took a submarine to the depths of the ocean. But through books, your world can expand infinitely. Your scope has become even further. Your imagination has reached a new height. You can learn more than ever before, without breaking the book and sneaking into pure novels.

Credit: @ WR36 via Twenty20 What do you think?

Do you like watching TV? What book has changed your life? Which type do you like? Please let us know in the comments!

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