The eleven most difficult situations in life and how to deal with them

We tend to view life as a series of controllable events and within the scope of our shaping. But as time went by, we began to realize the truth of life: change is inevitable. Life brings us unacceptable challenges. These curve balls sometimes make us exceed the pressure we deserve. But the truth is, when we have the ability to overcome change, we know ourselves best. Know yourself to promote growth. Growth is the best part of humanity because we develop into a new, different (hopefully better) person. In the slide below, you'll learn about some of the typical changes that most people experience in life and how to best equip themselves to address the main challenges in life.

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1. Achieve milestones

According to psychologist Daniel Levinson's "The Season of Human Life" Theory, Adults It has undergone major development changes during the aging process. Between 22 and 28 years old, adults begin to choose their lifestyle, friends and work. Personality blooms, we become the people we want in society. Next, a 30-year transition took place. We began to slow down and build our lives, looking for everyday and balanced in our daily work. Between the ages of 33 and 40, we find ourselves becoming part of society and sinking into the greater interests of the entire culture. Most adults find themselves at this stage have settled. The next middle-age transition period (40 to 45 years old). At this stage, t fundamentally, people will question the direction and meaning of life. Mid-adult (45 to 50 years old) can create the most stress, because we find ourselves seeing the years of our lives and the years we left and the list on the list before retirement. Whether you find your age or not, it's important to recognize that each of these developments has the ability to increase stress. As human beings, it is difficult for us to deal with change. These development milestones have changed in our life cycle. When you find yourself in transition, remember that you are in the midst of change. Enjoy this process, make the most of what is available in the current stage of life, and spend the tide of life.

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2. Change friendship

Social connections and friends laughing around you, experiencing life and love is an essential part of life. People's connections are considered as important as the food and shelter of a healthy living. However, friends come and go. Some people will devote your life to a short time, just like a teammate or a brotherhood brother of a university. Some people will survive the storm and stay forever. There is a healthy place to accept in relationships, and sometimes it is something you have to do to make room for people to continue to make room for new growth. Although this change is difficult, accepting and letting go is a process in life that sometimes teaches us how to become more adaptive. When you find time in friendship, don't be afraid to let go of the hand you have been holding. By letting go, you can open up new opportunities and people who might meet your friendship needs, not those who no longer help you grow.

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3. Turning out the spotlight

Fame Most of us know that this is short-lived. Take athletes as an example. The most successful athletes do sports during adolescence. Many even have the opportunity to be in college. Playing, in the four years of college is full of team participation, goals, motivation and determination. When you get out of this stage (whether you are an athlete or not), it is completely normal to experience sadness, loss and transition. Your self-identity is Changed, because most of the people you used to be taken away. It is important to understand that the skills and attributes that succeed in your sport, career or hobby can be used elsewhere. With any change in self-identity It’s perfectly understandable to have the feeling of sadness or even depression that matches this huge change in life. Make sure to find activities that make you feel like sports or work. Whether it’s office sports Sing karaoke at your favorite bar or volunteer to hold your next fundraising event at your child's school. You need to find an event that will provide you with the satisfaction you once had, but that doesn't require you to be the focus of attention. This reduces this changeDifficulty and help you rebalance yourself.

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4. Move to a new place

Whether you want to move to a street house or a city across the country The impact of moving is the same. Movement is stressful because there are too many unknowns. The simplest tasks, such as grocery shopping and refueling, become daunting because it's brand new, and the new meaning of navigation can increase your discomfort. Don't treat this as a terrible change, but accept the challenge. You have the opportunity to know about you when you are not feeling well, the elves will grow the most. Think of this as a way to add new city map knowledge to the knowledge base. You have the opportunity to try new restaurants, explore new places and find yourself. Enjoy it and realize that these changes are only temporary - you will soon get used to and settle in new cities and homes.

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5. Start a new job

Work conversion is difficult. Even if you are the one who leaves your company or recruiters to find and pursue you, the anxiety and pressure to become a "new person" is always behind this change. In the work environment, the social system has established who is the person in charge, the synchronized personality and the boundaries of established people. For these reasons, it is difficult to become a newborn in the neighborhood. However, you can also be part of your new work environment as you browse through the components you need for your new job. So enjoy this process. Because there will be a new "new child" over time, you will find your location in the right system.

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6. Injury

Injury is a change that is difficult to overcome at any age. No matter how or where you are injured, all the bets are about the daily life of the gym from the moment you start. When I work with a patient with a brain injury in a healing environment, I usually see that my body's ability to return to normal is frustrated. a lot ofThe patients eventually became frustrated because their recovery and physical ability did not improve as quickly as they hoped. However, it is important to recognize the slow and stable performance of the recovery process. Obviously, listening to your body is the most important part of recovering from injury. Many of my patients will leave a diary to track their recovery process, because in the bad days when you are stuck on your knees, you can't let you go too long or your shoulders still cause pain, you can take you The performance pulls out the log. Sometimes evidence that you have made progress is to keep your momentum back.

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7. Lose a lot of weight

Most weight loss occurs in a slow period of time to lose weight and need to change minds, Changes in behavior and expectations can be successful. In the field of psychology, change is attributed to a theory called the transformation phase model. It points out that people operate within the five stages of change - pre-testing, contemplation, action, maintenance and recurrence. At each stage of these stages, people slowly shift from ignoring what they want to change to preparing for change, and then taking action to change. With weight loss, whether it's pregnancy weight, that annoying holiday ge or last 5 to 10 pounds, you haven't been able to get rid of it, it's best to realize that you can control the changes you need to make. Once you establish control and feel that you are in control of your own ideas, your body will slowly follow. When you change your mind from "I can't do this" to "a little bit", you may see yourself making changes step by step. In addition, when you use positive self-talk, it's easier to stick to your weight loss goals. So keep the phrases like "I rock" and "I am great".

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8. Make room for your family


In your family, most people are This is the case in life. Regardless of whether I am born, married, married, or adopted close friends, most family units will join. Sometimes adding a new brother or sister to your family is very exciting.But sometimes you will find yourself not too excited about future in-laws. When you are worried about adding another family member, consider where this comes from. We are all worried that we will lose our way in the shuffle of life, we are all looking for a place of our own. You can build a personal relationship by adding chairs, creating spaces and using new extra time to control this situation. This creates a space that still belongs to you and makes another person feel the need and need. Don't worry, you belong, so do some elbow space on the table and know nize. Although this is a change, it is still a good thing.

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9. Older people

Ageing is a process of constant change and letting go. Gray hair, wrinkles, weight gain and a slower pace of life make it challenging to accept the aging process. It’s no secret that everyone has to transition through aging, but how your age makes the world different. Ageing is beyond human control. However, you can control some parts. For example, saving pensions, planning exciting trips, and making available and easy-to-achieve goals all contribute to the aging process. People often plan to retire their entire life just to find that stroke or physical illness has changed their vision and expectations for the future. You never know what life will throw at you, so seize the opportunity. It's important to realize that things don't necessarily become easy, and now is the best time to do the best.

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10. Changing the role of life

Changing the role of life is tricky. Some people change from single to marriage and change their identity to two units. Some people adapt to becoming parents and get new names like mom and dad. Others have played the role of caregivers to elderly parents who have taken care of them. These role transitions are always so difficult. If any mother tells you that this is not a difficult transition, she does not disclose every part of the transition that people transition to their parents. when weFrom focusing on self to focusing outward, even the best relationships can change our lives. When you get new responsibilities in your life, be easy. Take time out for you. If you need to leave your new boyfriend or grocery store without a child, don't let yourself feel guilty. Time other than intimacy allows you to appreciate people in your life and restores the independence you may lose because of new characters in your life.

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11. Trading with the death of the loved one

The process of death and sorrow is that we are in life One of the most difficult experiences experienced in the middle. At some point, everyone will lose their parents, spouse, friends or family. The pattern of sadness and loss provides the five stages we have experienced after the death of a loved one. These stages - rejection, anger, frustration, bargaining and acceptance - can be done simultaneously or separately. They don't necessarily happen to everyone, but they are important when you experience the loss of a particular person. Everyone deals with sadness and loss in different ways, which is why your family or friends may react differently to you. Love yourself and find a good therapist who will discuss your loss. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. This process is different for everyone. Some people find it easy to keep in touch with others, and some people need to be sad alone. The most important thing is to really feel what you are doing at the moment you do it. Pain will be very difficult, but being faithful to your feelings during failure will enable you to love yourself as you do now.

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What do you think?

Have you encountered these difficult situations? How did you get through the storm? Are these suggestions real in your own experience? Or are you currently experiencing one of these situations? Maybe the person you know is. Will you put these suggestions into practice or share them with your friends in similar situations? What other conditions and suggestions would you add to this list? Share your thoughts, stories and suggestions in the comments section below!

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