12 health trends are not healthy

While some health trends, such as eating more whole foods, are worth the effort, others are more hyped than based on facts. If you are lucky, an invalid health product or routine will simply waste money or time. In even worse cases, these products and technologies pose potentially serious health risks.

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1. Raw water

Raw water sounds healthy, but the reality is much more complicated. The “original” part comes from the fact that due to a company called Live Water, this (expensive) water is untreated and comes from Oregon's “lava tube”. “Water comes from the primitive period of the earth and is estimated to have matured below the surface for up to 10,000 years before b surfaced. “Live Water claims that the water contains essential electrolytes and probiotics, and contains “ultra-high content of natural silica. "It sounds interesting, but this untreated water can make you sick of bacteria in the water." Is there any diarrhea?

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2. No fat all

In the 1990s, many Americans avoided eating fat and thought of a low-fat diet It can prevent weight gain, heart disease and various cancers - these concepts have proven to be false. For most people, a healthy diet is the right amount of fat, which should account for 20% to 35% of your daily calories, from nutrient sources. Too little fat can cause a variety of problems, including nutritional deficiencies, memory problems, skin problems and fatigue. Although non-fat commercial foods such as pastries and biscuits may sound healthier than fat-containing products, many do not. Los Angeles-registered dietitian Julie Ross said: "In order to make many of these fat-free foods taste good and shelves are stable, food manufacturers add extra sugar and unhealthy food additives."

Credit: [ 123] Benjamin Howell / iStock / Getty Images 3"Clean" toxins with juice

Proponents of detox diets claim that avoiding the use of solid foods, sipping specific juices and taking "detoxification" supplements can make the digestive system eliminate toxins, leading to overall health. However, science does not support these ideas. “Our body is complex, the balance of microbes is used with our gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys to filter, digest and expel any unwanted impurities in our body,” says Julie Duffy Dillon, a registered nutritionist. Teacher and eating disorders experts. Greensboro, North Carolina. Dillon said that detoxification does not require juice and pills. According to Harvard Medical School and the Family Practice Journal, many cleansings have side effects such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, muscle loss, and weak immune function.

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Source: PeopleImages / DigitalVision / Getty Images 4. Hormone injection [

The HCG diet involves the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone produced by women during pregnancy - that consumes only 500 calories a day. This combination is said to produce rapid weight loss and can cause serious complications. “With extreme calorie restrictions like the HCG diet, our bodies will try to save us by craving to see any food and give us as much signal as possible,” Dillon said. She said that this usually leads to overeating and can lead to periodic overeating and hunger and mature eating disorders. There is no evidence that HCG causes long-term weight loss, and CDC studies suggest that a low-calorie diet may be dangerous. Potential side effects of HCG include bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, rash, vision problems and wheezing.


Stockbyte / Getty Images 5. Calorie cutting excessive

Losing weight usually requires calories, which means you must consume more calories than you consume the amount. Although dietitian Dillon understands the desire to start losing weight through a very low calorie action plan, Dillon says it is unhealthy andInvalid. “All of this is to get the body into a starvation reaction and slow down metabolism,” she said. “The body will save energy.” This can lead to final weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, overeating, depression, increased stress, and serious organ problems.


Wolfgang Lienbacher / iStock / Getty Images 6. Super vitamin and mineral supplements [2013]

According to the 2013 JAMA Medical Medicine Report, more than 50% of American adults take dietary supplements. While vitamins can provide health-promoting benefits to undernourished people, it is a problem to assume more and better and rely on pills instead of food. Dillon said that supplements are not a substitute for nutritious foods, and the body cannot use excessive amounts of micronutrient. “Large-dose supplements provide us with at least expensive urine,” she said, because the body exudes too much water-soluble nutrients. "In the worst case, it can provide a toxic and harmful level." This may be caused by an excess of fat-soluble nutrients. Nutritional toxicity can cause many symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, numbness, headache, muscle weakness, blurred vision, hair loss and fragile nails.


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7. Assume that “natural” equals safety

Herbs have been treated for centuries to promote health And eradicating disease, but many Americans mistakenly believe that "natural" is safe in terms of supplements. According to the Cleveland Clinic's non-profit medical center, little effective research supports the safety or effectiveness of herbal medicines. What's more, herbs are not tested for the safety, quality or usefulness of rigorous drugs in the United States. For example, Goldenseal is a supplement for the treatment of constipation and inflammation that can cause heart abnormalities. Irritant herbs are used to increase energy and weight loss, such as ephedra and bitter orange, which can have fatal effects. Seek advice from your doctor or registered dietitian before using herbs.


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8. Colon Spa

Colonic lavage, also known as colon hydrotherapy, is a technology used in health care and alternative health centers to detoxify the body and treat chronic fatigue And diseases such as constipation. Insert a rubber tube into your rectum and insert it into your colon, inhaling up to 20 gallons of water and possible additives such as soap, coffee or enzymes through the tube. It sits there while the technician massages your abdomen with the intention of loosening the stool and releasing toxins. The waste is then rinsed off through the same tube. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, this practice has not been well studied, and this premise has not been scientifically supported; most bodies are naturally detoxified and do not know that irrigation can enhance health. . However, colonic lavage can cause problems such as electrolyte imbalance, infection and allergic reactions to the additives used.


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9. Plastic sweating

Although losing extra pounds is exhausting, but as a quick fix sale The products usually don't work - including sauna suits. The sauna suit is a plastic garment worn on fitness equipment during exercise to increase sweat and promote incremental weight loss. Alice said, the problem of sauna suits! Columbia University's health promotion is that you lose fluid, not fat. If your skin can't breathe and sweat, such as weakness, confusion, dizziness, coma, and death, you may also experience complications during exercise. A balanced diet that emphasizes nutrient-dense foods and regular exercise is a proven, safe way to control weight. Maintaining adequate moisture is also important to stay healthy and healthy.


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10. Cutting carbohydrates is like crazy

Nutritional carbohydrates such as biscuits and pretzels, containing More nutrient-dense foods are a wise choice, and reducing all carbohydrates may not be necessary. “My certified nutrition coach and psychotherapist in New York and Hawaii, Jennifer Brin, said: “Carbohydrates are terrible, and this is a huge myth. This is not completely limitedMake them, but choose the right one. "You should choose a complex source," she said, rich in fiber and satiety, helping to ensure optimal brain and body function. Some examples of nutritional complex carbohydrates include sweet potatoes, pumpkins, beans, oatmeal, and flax. Seeds and berries.


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11. 100% vegan

Raw foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and seeds It must be nutritious. However, eating only raw food poses some risks. “The raw food diet can be very healthy,” says Giblin. “But you want to be s you can still meet your nutritional needs. “This includes nutrients often lacking in physiological foods such as calcium and vitamins B-12 and D. Giblin points out that too little vitamin B-12 is consumed, mainly from animal products, limiting the raw food diet, which can lead to fatigue, constipation, loss of appetite and Numbness. If you don't have enough vitamin D and calcium to promote bone health, you can develop fragile, fragile bones. If you choose to follow a vegan or vegan diet, you should consider taking vitamin B-12 supplements and vitamin D supplements. You can also spend more time in the sun to produce vitamin D, but depending on your skin pigmentation, limiting skin exposure to sunlight is a very important risk of skin cancer.


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12. Excessive use of protein

Protein provides amino acids and is the cornerstone of lean tissue. Like carbohydrates and fats, your body needs a sufficient amount. Come to normal operation - but too much, too much. With the popularity of low-carb diets, many Americans are beginning to treat protein-rich foods as free to eat without Foods with adverse consequences. According to the Medical Responsibility Medical Committee, increasing protein intake may increase weight loss in the short term, but most people are unaware of these risks. PCRM says high protein diet with kidney disease, kidney stones, bone Osteoporosis is associated with cancer formation. Excessive consumption, protein can also be added to use weight gain, leaving little room for other healthy foods in your diet.Such as whole wheat, fruits and vegetables.


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13. There is no good reason to go gluten free

If you are sensitive to gluten and basic treatment, if You have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease in which gluten can damage your intestinal lining and block, so a gluten-free diet is an advantage. Nutritional absorption. However, eating gluten-free products may not help you lose weight. Gluten-free commercial products contain as much calories as gluten-containing counterparts, or more. Unnecessarily gluten-free risks include nutrient deficiencies, constipation and weak immunity due to the lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut. If you think you have gluten intolerance, seek medical advice.


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What do you think?

Have you followed any of these health trends? What do you think about it, what kind of results (or problems) have you encountered? Do you disagree with our assessment? What do we think of the things in this list that you think belong to there? Let us know by posting a comment below.


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