How to know when to go to the emergency room and emergency care

In the era of self-diagnosis of Dr. Google, where you should go when you are injured or sick, you will become more and more confused - you should call your primary care doctor to see emergency care. Is the center still going straight to the ER? Often, the answer to this question is not always so black and white. Of course, life-threatening emergencies - heart attacks, bleeding that won't stop, loss of vision, fractures, serious head injuries - absolutely need to go to the emergency room. For other situations that are not emergency but still require care within 24 hours, emergency care may be the best option, saving you some time, money and inconvenience. If you are sick or injured, here are some tips to choose the right place.

PLEASE Note: This article should not be construed as medical advice. For your diagnosis and treatment of any disease, please consult your doctor.

Credit: Twenty20 / Darby

UTI or Bladder Infection

The most common symptom associated with urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder infection is urination Common impulses of frequent urination and burning during urination. UTI's common treatment is antibiotics that emergency care doctors can easily prescribe. However, if these symptoms are accompanied by high fever, back pain, vomiting or "all body disease", please go to the emergency room. Tracking the kidneys, infections that cause these symptoms can lead to sepsis, a serious disorder that occurs when the body occurs. Overwhelmed by bacterial infections. This is especially true for pregnant women, the elderly, and those who have recently undergone surgery or have serious illnesses such as cancer or multiple sclerosis.

Credit: Twenty20 / DanaTorana

Chest pain

[ Continued chest pain - especially if it radiates to your arm or chin, accompanied by sweating, vomiting or breathing Short, or lasting more than two minutes - guaranteed to travel to the emergency room. This could be a heart attack, in which case the emergency room will let the cardiologist be on hand to provide you with the treatment you need. Keep in mind that even adults aged 30 and 40 have a heart attack, so age is not a reason to consider getting emergency care.

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Credit: Stocksy / Jacob Ammentorp Lund Fracture or dislocation

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If you are injured and suspected to be a fracture, a composite fracture (bone protruding skin) or a dislocated joint, go to the emergency room, where there are equipment and medications to assess your condition, and if necessary, an orthopaedic surgeon Called. For minor sprains or strains - maybe you have sprained your ankle, but you can still walk - emergency care can be X-rayed and recommended to follow up with a specialist when needed.


Studio Firma / Stocksy Hard to breathe

If you are experiencing mild to moderate dyspnea - for example, you may be coughing, breathing and Nasal congestion, but can talk and eat completely - emergency care may help you with respiratory therapy. But if your symptoms are serious - that is, you gasp, can't talk or turn blue - you need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.


Twenty20 / WR36 Nausea and vomiting

Most food poisoning or other cases of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can be taken care of in emergency care. Call ahead to make sure the clinic provides intravenous fluids because they can really speed recovery. However, if it is particularly serious and persistent, or you can't write down any food or water a all,

goes straight to ER. This may be some of the more serious warning signs, such as pancreatitis or intestinal obstruction. Also, if you see any blood or suspicious darkness, this could be a bleeding ulcer and be guaranteed access to the emergency room. Credit:

Twenty20 / Madeinzw Fever

If you are healthy, you can usually treat fever or flu in emergency care. However, a fever or a cold is a completely different matter and can be suppressed for people or people with cancer or HIV/AIDS.Drugs of the immune system. If you are in one of these categories and have a high fever, the emergency room is your best choice: the same pneumonia means a lack of healthy days of work. For those with these diseases, arson may be more serious.


Twenty20 / JulieK vaginal bleeding

Pregnant women who experience vaginal bleeding but cannot get their regular health care provider should be cautious and direct Enter the emergency room. Although there are many causes of bleeding or bleeding during pregnancy, and most of them are not life-threatening to women or fetuses, it is best to evaluate them in the case of serious problems such as abortion. This is even more important if you have too much bleeding - soaking the pad in less than an hour - or bleeding with pain or cramps.


VISUALSPECTRUM / Stocksy Eye Injury

Emergency care equipment is used to treat small foreign objects removed from the eye, such as sand spots, and can treat conjunctiva Inflammation (red eye disease). If you have blood or bruises around your eyes, or if your vision changes or your eyes move normally, go to ER.


Lumina / Stocksy Behaves dramatically

If you find that a friend or relative is experiencing mental state changes or confusion, including loss of vision, sudden numbness, Weak, unclear, or unable to stay awake or meet people, please go to the emergency room immediately. They may be experiencing seizures, strokes or other serious conditions that may be life-threatening ions.


Hillary Fox / Stoke What do you think?

Do you have experience in the emergency room in the past, can you save time by going to the emergency care center? Share your stories and ideas as follows!


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