10 non-toxic solutions for each type of pain

According to a study by the Journal of Pain, up to 11.2% of adults suffer from chronic pain every day. Although it is tempting to just eat a pill, there is no choice of drugs. Of course, each type of pain is different and some require medication. This is why getting the right diagnosis is the most important first step. "Otherwise, this is just speculation. You won't know if drugs or non-toxic choices should be your first line of defense," said Kaplan, California, the founder and director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the McLean Kaplan, Virginia. Associate Professor of Georgetown University School of Medicine, author of the book Full Recovery. Check out these 10 non-toxic options.

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1. Sleep

Americans are notorious for lack of sleep, but doing so will make you more painful. Why should this be your first non-medical alternative? “Nothing is more important than pain for pain relief because it is vital to the healing of the body,” Kaplan said. The reasons are as follows: Chronic pain is associated with inflammation of the brain, and sleep helps relieve some inflammation. Sleep disorders can even exacerbate your pain. Take seven to eight hours of sleep every night, but it's important to know the quality of your sleep.

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Image credit: tatchai / iStock / Getty Images 2. Herbal supplements [12] ]3]

Once diagnosed, consult your doctor for a drug-free alternative. A good reason to consider them? "The drug has a lot of side effects," Kaplan said. In some cases, no drug selection may even be more effective, less costly, and have a lower risk of toxicity, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, founder of Hawaii, Cures AZ, a free smartphone app, fibromyalgia The director of medicine and the fatigue center and authors of several books, including "painless 1-2-3". An example of a supplement that has been found to relieve pain is Curamin,A highly absorbable mixture of curcumin, frankincense, DLPA and nattokinase, Teitelbaum says it is a miracle for many people. A study in the Journal of Botanical Therapy found that Curamin is more effective than ac arthritis than the therapeutic drug Celebrex.


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thawornnurak / iStock / Getty Images 3. Meditation

Although you can't erase your pain mentally, meditation can help ease it. Kaplan said: "Meditation plays an anti-inflammatory role in the brain, increasing blood supply and allowing blood vessels to relax." In fact, research has found that regular meditation can help you develop new brains associated with elasticity, which can prevent pain. Only 20 minutes of quiet mindfulness per day will have an impact.


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4. Partial plant-based remedies Measures

comfrey is a plant that, when applied as a cream on the skin, relieves acute pain and inflammation in the case of muscle and joint pain and injury, and adds It has a soothing, pleasant effect without any odor. He recommended a brand called TraumaPlant. Arnica is another example of a plant that relieves pain. In this case, it is a flower. Topical use can reduce the pain caused by bruises, arthritis and sprains, and even insect bites. You may find various combinations of homeopathic phytotherapy, including other ingredients such as belladonna and musk, to help alleviate the pain caused by tar fasciitis to the tennis elbow to carpal tunnel syndrome.


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5. Frequency-specific microcurrents

This relatively new method of treating neurological and myofascial pain is by electrical stimulation of the skin through gloves, wet towels or gel patches. As a result, there may be scars or hard or stiff muscle tissue that begins to warm and soften, thereby relieving pain. But it goes beyond this. "Although these mechanisms are not yet clear, it actually accelerates tissue healing and provides specific electrons and energy for each treated tissue," Teitelbaum said. Visit FrequencySpecific.com to find a professional who can use Trea


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6. Exercise ]

You obviously need to exercise your heart and weight, but it turns out that exercise can also be an effective painkiller and even help Protect you from harm, especially if you are dealing with recurrent sports injuries. Kaplan said, after all, every time you exercise, the hormones you release not only make you feel good, but also reverse the inflammation in your brain to solve the pain. Shoot four to five times a week for 30 minutes and find creative ways to solve your pain. For example, if walking troubles you, walk into the water. Is there pain in the lower body? Using an upper body dynamometer is essentially a bicycle.


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7. Diet

You are really what you eat, and diet is a common cause of pain, especially if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. To determine if food is a problem, try a month-long anti-inflammatory diet, especially to eliminate inflammation-enhancing things like gluten, alcohol and coffee, as well as nightingales such as potatoes and tomatoes, as well as common reactive foods such as soy and peanuts. Products and corn. Focus on the consumption of lean protein and non-inflammatory agricultural products and grains. OneAfter the month, slowly introduce these foods into your diet and pay attention to your feelings, so you can point out the culprit of pain.


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8. Acupuncture [123 A large number of studies have found that acupuncture is effective in many painful conditions, including low back pain and migraine. bonus? In addition to relieving pain, Kaplan says it can improve digestion and sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and add that you should try at least six courses before you assess whether it helps.

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Source: Past Medical Journal / Adob ​​e Studio 9. Massage

Muscle soreness? Looking forward to recovering from tension or sprain or getting rid of the trigger point that causes muscle spasms? Kaplan says massage can help relax muscles and relieve tension and pain. One form of massage, lymphatic drainage, can be particularly effective in relieving pain as it removes toxins that cause pain from the body. Please note that a common form of Swedish massage includes lymphatic drainage techniques. Schedule regular massages - monthly or weekly, if possible - to keep your muscles painless.


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Credit: Minerva Studio / Adob ​​e Studio 10. Hypnotherapy

[ 123] Relieving pain through hypnotherapy may sound very good and it works. "Although this mechanism is not fully understood, it transforms the brain from a reactive inflammatory state to a calm, anti-inflammatory state," Kaplan said. During hypnotherapy, trained therapists will use guided relaxation, concentration or concentration to help you achieve paralysis. There, you can stop the body's feelings, including pain, and work to control the pain. Look for a licensed therapist or physician who is trained in hypnotherapy. [123


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What do you think?

What kind of pain do you most often experience? Have you tried these techniques? Tell us about your experience in the comments!


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