Megan Marker Clint Eastwood and 11 other celebrities who like meditation

Meditation is not only for your healthy friends. Everyone from actors to media tycoons curses because they can help increase productivity, reduce stress levels, and make you feel more connected with loved ones. To explain why people are flocking to this traditional spiritual practice, we ask experts to tell us how meditation benefits our profession, appearance, attitude and relationships. Read on to find out which screen cowboys, royals and CEOs can't stop praising meditation.

Source: Photography: Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage

1 Alicia Keys

Since Alicia Keys became the face of #NoMakeup sports, we have It's not just that I barely saw how amazing her skin is. But it turns out that the secret of her glowing look is more related to expensive Hollywood beauty products. California-based Guru Jagat revealed last year that 15 Grammy Award winners prevented aging by practicing Kundalini Yoga. So how can meditation improve your beauty? “Kundalini Yoga and Meditation activates your gland system just like anything else. When the glands are secreted correctly and rhythmically, you have a clear mind, balanced metabolism, vitality reserve and natural luster and shine. "Guru Jagat told LIVESTRONG.COM." “Even if it’s just a simple daily exercise, you can make a major change and achieve serious results.”

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Source: Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images

2. Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson also practiced with Guru Jagat, thinking of Kundali Yoga helped her overcome the difficult times in her life. “Meditation, breathing and focus help calm,” the actress told people. "This approach can build trust in yourself.Let you feel love, forgiveness and compassion. According to Guru Jagat, Kundalini's yoga is not limited to exercise, making it a more comprehensive exercise than other forms of yoga. “Typical experience includes yoga similar to what you experience in other yoga styles. Posture, but it also incorporates dynamic and powerful breathing, meditation, and voice and mantra," she said.

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Credit: Turner's Christopher Polk / Getty image

3. Goldie Hawn

Although actress and lifelong dancer Goldie Hawn admitted that it is difficult for her to remain still, she recently revealed that she would In the recent interview with the "People", the "robbed" actress leaked her secret to the feeling and looks forever. Every day there is meditation. "I meditate briefly during the day, if I don't have a long morning Time to cough, sometimes the phone rings and you start running. But I do have time to calm down," she said. 123]

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Credit: Rodin Eckenroth / Getty Images 4. Katy Perry

Katy Perry publicly talked about how meditation helped to alleviate her anxiety during the Vatican City Unite to Cure Health Conference group discussion. According to Newsweek, she said "Not instead of having to turn to prescription [drugs], I have been able to turn to this. A study by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that practicing meditation narrows the amygdala, which is part of the brain's regulation of stress and anxiety. According to Hilary Jackendoff, a Los Angeles-based Tantric meditation teacher, when the amygdala is less affected, You can immediately realize that stress is not life-threatening and allow you to make clear decisions about how best to move forward.

Speaking of this, practicing meditation every day helps the actress restrain Her road is angry...

Credit: Fraser Harrison / FilmMagic [ [K] Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell with a calm smile on her face, unforgettable for a lifetime, now we know the reason : She meditated. "Doing meditation yoga for 10 minutes every morning. When you have problems - whether it's anger on the road, your guy is still working - meditation can make everything work as expected," she told Shape. According to Jackendoff, meditation makes the forehead cortex stronger and stronger, enhancing our ability to perform functional and rational decisions. "Meditation tells you, you are not your thoughts or your emotions," Jackendoff said. "It helps us realize that these ever-changing experiences are like clouds passing through the sky - always changing, always changing. We are not clouds. We are the sky moving clouds."

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Christopher Polk / Getty Images [ [Cl] Eastwood

In a video he recorded in support of David Lynch's Operation Warrior Wellness project, when Clint Eastwood did not name it on the big screen, he was defeating pressure with transcendental meditation, which was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The person provides extraordinary meditation. "I have been using it for almost 40 years now, and I think it's a great tool, and anyone must be able to act as a tool for stress," said the 87-year-old actor, director and producer. According to Jackendoff, the difference between transcendental meditation and mindfulness meditation is that it is based on a spell. A spell is a monosyllabic or multi-syllable phrase that recurs both mentally and loudly. “Mantra is a powerful tool that emphasizes thinking,” she said. Focus on

mentally repeat a mantra, your brain's language reasoning is occupied, your thinking mind becomes quieter and quieter. "

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7. Rupert Murdoch

2013 Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch announced through Twitter that he had already meditated. “Trying to learn transcendental meditation,” he wrote. “Everyone suggests that it’s not so easy to get started, but to improve everything!” a Harvard study found that meditation increases the density of the left hippocampus, a learning, cognitive, memory, and emotional regulation. Brain area. According to Diana Winston, Education Director of the University of California Los Angeles Correctional Awareness Research Center and the author of "Complete Presentation: Science, Art and Practice of Mindfulness," being able to adjust your emotional response can increase your productivity and keep you focused without being too nervous. So there is no doubt that a powerful celebrity like Murdoch, an inspiring celebrity, swears in a meditation on the next slide.


Photography: Taylor Hill / Getty Images

8. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah is not just meditation, she takes it as Part of life work. Since 2013, she has partnered with Deepak Chopra to create a number of mentoring meditation classes to help her fans fight stress and lose weight. In an interview with Dr. Oz, she revealed that she and her entire company began meditation in 2011. After seeing her staff sleep better, build better relationships and reduce migraine, she decided to meditate every day. "One thing I want to continue to do is to center myself every day and do an exercise for myself, because when I do this, my performance has doubled, when I bring myself back to something bigger than myself. My performance has doubled," she explained.

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John Phillips / John Phillips / Getty Images

9. Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes may be too busy. According to Elle Australia, she told Italian magazine Io Donna: "Her two young daughters are going to play the red carpet, but she still manages to set aside some "my" time for meditation. "I actually meditate, super meditation." “It really helps create not only a sense of balance, but all the other things – it sounds a bit cliché – but calm and kindness is a calm mindset. “So what does it mean to achieve balance? Dr. Elisha Goldstein, a psychologist at Los Angeles, is the founder of the “Mindfulness Life Course”. Our lives are often unbalanced because our attention is constantly broken, meaning we are There are many things at any time. By meditation, you can relax your nervous system, which can make you feel focused, "more informed, more controllable," he said.

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10. Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle's commitment to health It can be traced back to her growing experience as a yoga instructor's daughter. But the new royal family has only recently seen meditation as part of her daily life. Marker told the women's health organization: "I don't go to yoga mats some days, I always Take time out to meditate. "I have been skeptical for years, but there are miracles!" Dr. Goldstein said that it can provide the same mental clarity as exercise. In fact, he believes that the best time for meditation is after exercise. "With yoga and exercise, you can open your body and let the blood flow, resulting in "This sense of balance," he said. "So, when you go into meditation practice, you are more likely to feel the foundation and balance, not because you are from a smartphone, and you are more likely to be confused. "

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11. Hugh Jackman And Deborra-Lee Furness

Hugh Jackman and Deborah Lee Furness try to despise the possibility of a 22-year marriage in Hollywood. The two recently revealed an unlikely secret to maintaining a healthy relationship: "Meditation!" Jackman told people. "We meditate together," Furness added. "Sometimes we have friends to do too. It's a lovely Sunday morning. Everyone comes over and then we have breakfast." According to Dr. Goldstein, meditation can help partners get to the same page. For example, if one person is under stress at work and another person has a good day, the miscommunication may quickly lead to a dispute over exchange. But by meditation, they can be emotionally consistent and at the same level, so they can communicate and connect better.

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12. Arianna Huffington

The book "sleep revolution" by the female boss Arianna Huffington proves that she is very serious about sleep. But she wants you to know how you wake up. "A big part of the morning ritual is something I don't do: when I wake up, I won't start watching this day by watching my smartphone," she told High Existence. "On the contrary, once I wake up, I need to take a moment to take a deep breath, be grateful and determine my intentions for the day. Then I do 20 to 30 minutes on my day home, meditation and 30 minutes on a stationary bike." Huffington Post The co-founder, president and editor of the newspaper also provided some suggestions for those of us who are not on her (“You only need five minutes of meditation,” she said. “Ultimately, you can build 15 or 20 minutes a day ( Or longer, but even just a few minutes will open a door to create a new habit. "


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What do you think?

Do you meditate?If so, how and when do you like it, if you are not, are you interested in adding it to your daily work? Please let us know in the comments.

Source: Dan MacMedan / Getty Images