8 seemingly strange but working Chinese medicine practice

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the tradition of thousands of years of history. The idea behind Chinese medicine is this: health problems are caused by imbalances or interruptions in the body's life energy or gas, says Christina Morris, an acupuncturist, herbalist and owner of elemental therapy art in Brooklyn, New York. "Airflow through the body pathway, called the meridian, is associated with specific organs. Energetic imbalances can disrupt the normal flow of gas, leading to disease, disease, and disharmony. Chinese medicine controls the energy in these channels to restore balance and create better Health and health," she said. Some Chinese medicine practices seem strange - but they work! Check out the eight examples below.

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1. Acupuncture

The anchor practice of acupuncture Chinese medicine has existed for thousands of years. Practitioners assess where your qi or vitality is stagnant (or where you may feel pain) and insert tiny needles to stimulate many meridians of the body, correct energy imbalances, improve airflow and stimulate blood flow around. Affected area. "Stimulation of acupuncture points can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, trigger the body's natural painkillers, and stimulate the body's natural healing response," said acupuncturist Christina Morris. In fact, several studies have shown that acupuncture can help promote the healing of diseases such as chronic pain and reduce the pain and nausea of ​​cancer patients - even improving the results of women undergoing in vitro fertilization.

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2. Cupping

Clinical Director and Professor Jeremy Prucefer of the Pacific Institute of Cupping Jeremy Pulsifer is a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine (DAM). A glass or plastic cup on the skin (stationary or sliding) creates a vacuum that draws blood to the surface of the skin. Oriental Medicine, New York. It feels like a massage, but it leaves a series of round bruises that can last for a while. For pain management, respiratory disease and increased circulation, cupping is thought to speed up the detoxification process, discarding unwanted things in the body and reducing swelling and inflammation. Sounds weird, science confirmsThe positive role of the can: A scientific study in 2016 found that it improved fibromyalgia, a study in Iran in 2016 found that it can relieve nausea after anesthesia.

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3. Moxibustion

Moxibustion involves some acupuncture points and energy pathways called meridians. Burning a herb called mugwort, says herbalist Christina Morris. In Chinese medicine, the heat of this herb is thought to nourish and strengthen the gas, support its proper flow and circulation, reduce pain, promote organ function and promote faster healing. The 2016 study published in Scientific Reports found this technique to reduce fatigue with acupuncture. Another 2015 Chinese study found that it has "excellent effects" on neck pain caused by cervical spondylosis in the short and long term. However, one unusual thing about moxibustion is that it can smell like another (slightly less legal) herb: Morris joked that the new patient would ask if they would light up.

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4. Scraping

Dr. Jeremy Pulsifer, a doctor of Chinese medicine, said that scraping is a kind of skin pressing and touching. To scrape the method, use an object to create "sand," a temporary defect from the capillary to the surrounding blood cells (or red/purple similar to a slightly bruised) g tissue. “Because weaker blood vessels are destroyed, it causes a process called angiogenesis that forms and produces stronger, more vibrant blood vessels,” says Pusifer. “This allows more oxygen to be infused into the affected area, providing more nutrients to the tissue, making people feel relaxed, relieving pain and health.” A study by the American Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2012 found that it helps alleviate Pain in patients with chronic neck and lower back pain.

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5. Tongue Clinic [ 123]

The first visit to the Chinese Medicine Practitioners' Office will involve sticking out the tongue -But don't check your throat. Chinese herbalist Christina Morris said that the tongue is like a map, revealing what continues your body. "The tip of the tongue corresponds to the heart and lungs, to the sides of the liver and gallbladder, to the spleen and stomach to the middle of the tongue, to the kidneys and bladder." Color, coating, spots, bumps and cracks in specific areas of the tongue can indicate Physical imbalances represent possible diseases or future health problems. “By observing your tongue, she can determine if you have sleep disorders, anxiety, acid reflux, bloating, food stagnation, constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, asthma, COPD or high blood pressure.

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[Like a tongue, herbalist Christine Morris says that specific points outside the ear correspond to the various organs and areas of the body. This is called auricular therapy and involves the use of acupressure or acupuncture techniques in these areas of the ear to "activate" certain points that are thought to alleviate various health problems. Morris said: "The stimulation of the auricular points can be done by finger pressure. The pressure of the metal particles, small magnets or seeds are attached to the acupuncture points or by insertion of acupuncture needles. Although the researchers are still studying the ability of auriculotherapy to treat insomnia, a study of 12 studies in 2010 supported the use of auriculotherapy to treat pain.


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7. Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chava Quist, DACM, faculty member of Pacific Oriental Medical College and chief operating officer of Kamwo Meridian Herbs, said mixture of plant materials such as roots, leaves, bark and flowers Used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various health conditions. Although many herbs overlap with the items we find in kitchen cabinets, such as Xiaohuixiang (fennel seeds), other herbs appear to be more “secret.”

For example, Sea pepper small fish (cuttlefish) is used to relieve acid reflux because it can lower stomach acid. Chan tui (蝉蜕) is used to soothe stimulated throat and many skin diseases.Because it is made of chitin, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. However, pr should be cautious before eating any herbs - they are unregulated, can interfere with prescription drugs, aggravate or cause heart problems, and can be contaminated with toxins or heavy metals.


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8. Qigong

Fundamentally, Qigong will be "qi" (the source of life energy) and “锣” (through practice means skill) is mixed together. More practically, it is a combination of exercise and meditation, "using posture, exercise, breathing techniques, self-massage, sound and concentration intentions," the National Qigong Association said.

A 2017 study looked at the effects of qigong on patients with type 2 diabetes in drug journals and found that preliminary data is expected to warrant more research. A 2015 review of the medical journal examined 20 trials to assess the efficacy and safety of qigong in patients with hypertension. The researchers found that Qigong helps lower blood pressure and is more effective when combined with antihypertensives (compared to antihypertensives alone).


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] What do you think?

What do you think of Chinese medicine? Have you ever had a squid bone tea or have you ever been to an acupuncturist? We would love to know about your experience, so please leave a comment in the comments below!


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