Beyond Sexual Recording: Experts Weighing Celebrity Advice

People can see almost everything that celebrities have - advice about sex is no exception. But how much wisdom does our favorite star send out? Is Rashida Jones' recommendation for "pre-sexual behavior" really a good idea? When Amy Poehler suggested that women never fake it, is she right? The dirty conversation between the sheets is essential for everyone, just like Khloe Kardashian? We choose top experts to join. Spoiler alert: The star didn't get all the answers.

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1. Eva Longoria

Actress Eva Longoria claims After she learned how to enjoy her happiness, her sexual life was greatly promoted - and it turned out that she had succeeded. “Before I started masturbating, I didn’t start to enjoy sex,” she told Self in 2005. "Before that, I really didn't have sex."

Nicoletta Heidegger, marriage and family therapy assistant and sexologist Los Angeles, even more disagrees with Longoria. "Understanding our own bodies and their ability to be happy is the key to having sex with another person," Heidegger said. “If you don’t know how to enjoy yourself, how can you expect gender to be better with others? The most important relationship we have is the relationship with ourselves.”

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2. Ronda Rousey

I2015, UFC star Ronda Rousey said she said before women fucked There should be no sensation when the lubricant should not be needed. "He needs to prepare her,"She told Maxim. “You never need a lubricant in your life. If you need a lubricant, then you are lazy and you have not spent time.”

According to Beverly Hills sexual therapist Shannon Chavez, Psy.D. Rousey's advice is far from sound. "This is not true. There are many variables that affect the natural lubrication of women, so if she is not lubricated, she will send a wrong message saying she has a problem," Dr. Chavez said. “Natural lubrication always changes with lifestyle factors, diet, medication, stress and frequency of sexual activity.” In other words: If you are r, you have no problems at 123.

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Credit: David Becker / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages 3 .Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian is never afraid to say what he thinks - this also applies to When she was in the bedroom. "If you're not a voice, I actually think it's rude," she wrote about her app in a 2016 post. "If my guy doesn't say anything, I won't be excited. How do I know if he is enjoying himself?" Although the naughty conversation may apply to Khloe, it is not a universal opening.

"Speech communication is not for everyone. People have different connections to what causes and motivates them," Dr. Chavez pointed out. "Combination is important in eating sexual and nonverbal communication in sexual activity. For non-verbal, use eye contact, hand caress and body movements to express your wishes and visually stimulate your partner." Couples trying in a dirty conversation, Chavez suggested a conversation first. "Agreement and comfort play a role in a very important role. Sex."

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Source: Frederick M. Brown / Getty ImagEs Entertainment / GettyImages 4 Heidi Klum

For Heidi Klum, mixing it in the bedroom is the key to a happy sex life. “It’s good to do something beyond the routine,” Klum told Marie Claire. You are wild and crazy, bring it up, so another person is fine. "While many people don't like to shake the boat in the bedroom, Klum is doing something.

Thinking - or performance - in the box Not only is it good for your sex life, it is good for your relationship. "It's about how much you are willing to learn new skills, meet your partner's needs or expand your interests," Director of Love and Sex Center, Network Show" Sari Cooper, the host of libido self-esteem, pointed out that "if two people agree with the role of obedience and are not interested in switching power roles, they may be the wrong match. But if the same couple learns the skills needed to change and take turns, that doesn't necessarily apply. "

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Source: Tommaso Boddi / WireImage / GettyImages 5. Amy Poehler

[ 123] In her memoir "Yes, please," Amy Boyle suggested that women give up the drama of forging orgasm. "Try not to fake it: I know that you are tired / nervous / eager to please / not sure how to get there There. Just remember to make yourself truly happy, don't worry about how long it takes,” she wrote.

Social worker and sex educator Aida Manduley could not agree. “It may be easier to forge in the short term, especially It is to end a sex life, otherwise it will be longer than we want. But it's important to ask yourself what we've avoided by pretending, and what the consequences might be," Manduley said, repeatedly falsifying orgasm will only train your partner to do something wrong.

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Neilson Barnard / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages 6. Christina Aguilera [ 123]

Forgot a glass of wine! After a long day, Christina Aguilera likes to relax between sheets. In 2013, the singer told Maxim, “Sometimes having sex with a partner is a good way to relax after a hard day's work.” It should be. According to Manduley, sex is a reliable method of decompression. "Sex (with or without orgasm) releases endorphins and other chemicals, boosts mood, increases pain tolerance and releases tension," Manduley explained.

But on the other hand, if gender causes you to stress, it is usually the result of too much thinking and not enough. Dr. Chavez pointed out: “Sex-focused sexual behavior and sexual behavior assessment can lead to stress through thoughts and emotions that trigger anxiety and self-awareness.” He added that conflicts in marital relationships can also lead to sexual stress and lead Feeling incoherent.

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7. Jada Pinkett Smith ]

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith have been married for more than 20 years. Part of the reason may be because the couple like to stay fresh by changing their sexual relationship. "Think outside, these places are very comfortable. Can he enter his office? Have a fantasy date. As his secretary!" she told the Red Book.

Dr. Chavez often recommends trying new locations around the house and using different props and new sexual words. "It adds gameplay and adventure," she said. Sex is as constantly changing and changing as everything in life. Change it and try new things to get youInterested and excited about sexual pleasure and games. "

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8. Rashida Jones [ 123] For Rashida Jones, the past is not necessarily a past sexual act. "I think [gender and an ex is] ag when you know that you won't see them again or call them again, I would say, “Sexual intercourse is also a good idea when there are unfinished things.”

At the end of the day, only you can decide if sexual intercourse is right for you, but sexologist Nicoletta Heidegger suggests acting cautiously. "Sexual intercourse can be tempting because it's very comfortable and you know each other. It may feel good for a while, but I will ask myself what you want to gain through double immersion in an expired relationship," she said. "As long as you are satisfied with the consequences of your physical and emotional, it depends on what you want to use your heart and body."

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9. Rihanna

Rihanna once said bluntly on Twitter: "I I can give f *** about the foreplay - I want it now." But maybe the singer mistakenly thinks what the foreplay is.

"Some people don't like foreplay because they should be a preconceived concept for foreplay," Manduley said. “I like to describe the foreplay as 'any activity that causes sexual encounters.'” Manduley also pointed out that some people do not like foreplay because they feel that they have time beyond the time they are told. The smallest. "There are a lot of psychological reasons, some people may hate foreplay, many of them are negative social information and shame about the bad things of the foreplay itself."

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10. Sofia Vergara

All Sofia Vergara demands good sex is love. “The key to good sexual behavior is to make both parties self and spontaneous,” she said. "But forgetting the exotic position, the key to ensuring a good sex life is to fall in love with that person. It's very simple."

Although love may be a key factor in the "modern family" star, not everyone This is the case. "Everyone has a different definition of 'good' sexual behavior." I know a lot of mutual love partners "Don't contact pornography," Heidegger said. "This is personal preference, I suggest trying different types. Gender has different connections and is curious about what makes sex work for you. Personally, I would rather have a good sex life, which requires knowing your own needs. "


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What do you think?

Do you have any sexual advice about celebrities? Do you think there is any suggestion here? What's the best? What's the worst? What are your sexual skills? Where are you looking for sex advice? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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