8 foods that promote the immune system

We have not yet defined the cold and flu season, so it is still important to take all measures to stay healthy. Washing your hands and sleeping 6-8 hours a night helps keep our immune system strong and reduces the risk of getting sick, but our diet can also be changed to help protect yourself during the cold and flu seasons. Although no food can protect against the flu virus or the common cold, our recommendation is to use a healthy, balanced diet and add 8 immune-enhancing foods on the next slide.

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1. Yogurt

Fruit bottom, regular or mixed yogurt is a good source of bacteria called pro-biotics. These healthy bacteria have been all the rage, and we all got a memo about its importance in digestion. But what does it have to do with uncaught errors? About 70% of the human immune system is present in our gastrointestinal tract because our gut is on the front line when exposed to external bacteria, so it is important to keep the gut healthy to maintain overall health.

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2. Garlic

Folklore tells us that garlic keeps vampires away, but how do you scare off the common cold? In a small clinical trial, individuals who received garlic supplements for 12 weeks per day reported fewer days of disease in a study of 146 subjects. Although the results of this study are subjective, adding one or two extra bulbs to the dinner dish tonight may be no harm.

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3. Carrots

When you can imagine, our skin is one of the most important lines of defense, protecting our interior and outside world. Isolated. Keeping your skin healthy is essential, and vitamin A (vitamin A in carrots) plays an important role in this. In addition to supporting physical barriers, vitamin A can also act as an internal immune enhancer. The lack of this vitamin can weaken our immune system and increase the risk of infection. So how much do we need? For adults, a range of 700-900 micrograms is recommended. Other sources of vitamin A include: kale, broccoli, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricot, fish d. sweet potato.

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4. Black Tea

Hot tea is an ordinary cold drink time because it relieves the throat, but it may be more than originally thought Good for this. Black tea contains a small amino acid called L-theanine that may help support the immune system. A small study at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found an increase in interferon, which helps fight infection in subjects who drink five cups of black tea a day. Another benefit? When you feel depressed, moisture is vital, so tea, juice and water are good fluid choices.

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5. Cashew

Cashews are so many and not just a delicious snack; they are also a good source of zinc when zinc As your content drops, your immune system will drop. Your body needs zinc to develop and activate T lymphocytes, which helps the immune system respond to infections and serves as the first line of defense against infected cells. Other good sources of zinc include: beef, chicken, fortified cereals, crabs and beans.

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6. Apple

There may be some truth about the old maxim, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples contain quercetin, a compound in plant foods that has been shown to help reduce the rate of disease in athletes who are heavily trained. Other foods containing quercetin include: onions, red wine, tea, grapes, strawberries and kale.

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7. Strawberry

Although fresh strawberries are usually spring or summer food, they can also be cold in cold and flu seasons. . We often think of oranges, but strawberries are also a good source of vitamin C, which plays an important role in supporting the immune system and helping the body fight infections. Hami melon, grapefruit, kiwi, tomato, green and red pepper also contain vitamin C.

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Similar to zinc, iron deficiency can lead to low immune function and increase the risk of infection and suffering. Similarly, too much iron actually blocks the immune system, so overuse any of your benefits. So how much do you need? The recommended daily allowance for adult males is 8 mg and for females is 18 mg. For women over the age of 50, the intake should be reduced to 8mg. Other sources of iron include: red meat, turkey, tofu, fortified grains and lentils.

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What do you think?

Have you managed to avoid getting sick this year? Have you ever eaten these immune-enhancing foods? Do you have any suggestions to share with the community to help them stay healthy during the cold and flu season? Let us know by posting a comment below.

Related: 12 uncommon tips to fight colds and flu

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