When you stop sex 12 bad things can affect your health.

If the only fun of your recent nude is bubble bath, then you are not alone. From sexual activity to asexual life is relatively common, especially in long-term relationships. You may find yourself no longer having sex because of breakups, health or stress. While overall health does not require sex, there is scientific evidence that physical intimacy, awakening and orgasm can trigger some great benefits that you might miss because you don't have sex. Read on to find out how non-sexual behavior can have a negative impact on your physical and emotional health - and then use this information as a motivation to return to the station wagon.

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1. Less endorphin

A.rousal and orgasm can cause chemicals that feel good in the body (within Release of morphine). It is well known that these chemicals can relieve pain and enhance mood. If you stop sexual intercourse often, you may miss those impulses - similar to the end of training, once gave you a well-known "sportsman's height," said Sheila Loanzon, a gynecologist in San Jose, California.

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2. More stress

If you remember feeling relaxed after playing between sheets, you may not Will be surprised that less sex life gives way to more stress. In a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology in 2010, female college students reported their daily stress and sexual activity levels in the months before the major exam. Women who reported the most stress also said that they had less sex. While there are other ways to control stress, you may eventually notice that your stress level will increase as your sexual activity decreases. On the other hand, high levels of stress can reduce sexual behavior.

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3. Reduce relationship satisfaction

Body intimate work for many couples, feels good glue, attracts and keeps You are in loveFeel more contact. Unless you are a sexless person, having sex with your partner may result in a decrease in your satisfaction. The study of the Journal of Family Psychology also showed that women reporting less gender reported less relationship to ication. This may be partly due to the orgasm that causes the release of chemical oxytocin in the brain, also known as "binding hormones." Oxytocin produces a sense of trust and intimacy that can even help you and your partner look at each other with a more positive eye.

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4. Self-judgment and Lower self-esteem

Changing from sexual activity to sexual sedentary may also damage your relationship in another way - including relationships with yourself. “From a medical point of view, less sexual life does not affect neurotransmitters or medical conditions,” said gynecologist Dr. Sheila Loanzon. Forever, the emotions and judgments we superimpose on ourselves may be harmful. “Small sex or libido can lead to a hodgepodge of emotional challenges, such as self-judgment, jealousy and anxiety.” These emotions begin to worsen internally, she added.

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5. Erectile dysfunction

Rarely busy, and can be extended to our relationship and reach out to partners. A study published in the American Journal of Medicine in 2008 showed that men who reported a one-time weekly report were one-half of men with erectile dysfunction compared with men with a lower frequency of sexual life. More than 900 male participants who are studs are between 55 and 75 years of age, and conclude that regular sexual intercourse can prevent ED. New York City sexual therapist Steven Snyder said that while many other factors have an impact on ED, once it happens, it can lead to other problems, such as tensions... and avoiding sexual behavior. “ED may be the number one reason for men to avoid partner sexual behavior.”

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6. A less body-building vagina

Regular vaginal activity, whether it is a partner or a solo, can promote vaginal health. According to the North American Menopause Association, this is especially important for middle age and beyond, as less dryness and elasticity are common results of hormonal transitions. Sex play stimulates blood flow to your genitals, helps keep your vaginal muscles healthy, and maintains their current length and elasticity. Similar to treating erectile dysfunction, it also makes sex life more attractive and fun.

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7. Less lubrication

Both female and male, you are sexually active, you may notice wet Play an important role in waking up. Sexual stimulation stimulates the glands to produce vaginal moisturization If a woman doesn't feel it often or not at all, they may experience vaginal dryness - this can make any sex life you suffer. Although there are other reasons for "declining" dryness, such as hormonal imbalances associated with menopause, for example, routines may vary.

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8. Reduce mood

It is hard to say which first come first served, low according to May 2015 Reports on the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, sexual activity or depression, but research shows that there is an important link between the two. If you feel depressed or depressed, you may not be interested in sex. However, given the good privilege of sex, it can also lead to irritability from a strong sex life to a rare sexual life. Frequent participation in foreplay and sex may be what doctors demand.

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9. Reduce heart health benefits

This is another possible Catch-22. While sexual behavior can help reduce stress and contribute to heart health, poor stress and cardiovascular health can interfere with arousal and sexual function. A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 2010 increased the likelihood of low-sex frequency and cardiovascular diseasePlus connect. According to the Cleveland Clinic, research like this does not necessarily prove that sex can prevent heart disease, but they do show that sex life is good for a heart-healthy lifestyle.

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10. Reduce immune function

Touch, wake and orgasm lowers body's stress level by pleasure, comfort and release And set up those chemicals that feel good about the movement. All of this helps your immune system, because physically weaker bodies can better fight the disease. No longer having sex can eliminate the benefits you receive and may make it easier for you to catch colds, flu and other viruses.

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11. Reduce libido


Although it may have the opposite effect, less sexual life may lead you to wish Time to reduce sexual life. Many people and sex experts report that "use it or lose it" applies to your sexual desire. From a physical point of view, if there is almost no sexual activity that adversely affects your sexual health - for example, causing vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction - you and your body may become less likely or often awakened. The less habitual you become, the more you get used to being unaccustomed or starting to think that you have fewer sexual acts. Think of it as a snowball effect.

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12. Reduce self-confidence

When women worry about too little sex, they often blame themselves for doing something wrong "If this period of time complicates, it will affect self-confidence and sexual intercourse," she said. gynecologist Sheila Loanzon, MD. In addition to addressing any medical or emotional reasons for loss of libido, prioritizing happiness, understanding your body through masturbation, and perming yourself as you wish to enjoy sex can help restore lost confidence.

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What can you do to bring back sexy

If you want to re-enter the sexual saddle, if you suspect a medical problem, please see a doctor. In order to maintain or maintain the desire, gynecologist Sheila Loanzon, M.D. It is recommended to season with a variety of things. “Studies on sexual function have consistently shown an increase in sexual desire and happiness in new relationships,” she said. “Although I don’t want people to seek new partners to improve their sex lives, I encourage them to explore and investigate the changes in their current relationships, changes and perspectives.” Management pressure, fatigue and poor body image Also added.

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What do you think?

What are the benefits of your most common sex life? Did you notice health challenges when you went out? Please let us know in the comments below!

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