10 ways to stay calm during the election season

First, there are some political tweets and several Facebook posts. It may enter random conversations on the Tinder date. But it will spread soon. You will see popular candidate stories in the news source. There are political connections and memes throughout Instagram. Finally, the elections are ubiquitous everywhere - happy hours, text, flyers under the windshield wipers and around the door handles. If there is no debate report, or the "people we care about support the blah-blah-blah committee" ad, you can't open the cable channel. It's all piled up until you want to scream, "Let it stop!" When the election season becomes completely confusing, there are 10 ways to keep you calm so you don't have to use a lid. .

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1. Unfollow the views of friends

Don't let politics undermine your lifelong friends since the first grade Friendship. Although you have shared your love for Totino's Pizza and "The Days We Live", you may have different political views like adults. It may drive you crazy and see them appear in your feed. So if you are on the other side of the aisle and you can't handle the Facebook roar of your party friends, you might want to hide their feed until the madness disappears. After the election season, you can follow them again and grab their cat and baby photos.

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2. #nohotbuttons [ 123]

During the election season, Hashtags is not your friend. So you have to keep them #hash2016 #liberal #conservative #democrat #republican and #issues2016-free tag games remainStanding. Stick to the labels that everyone appreciates, such as #foodporn or #ChrisHemsworth. Welcome.

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Credit: ponsulak / iStock / Getty Images 3. Remember, Politics is like sports

Which team do you vote for? One with an elephant mascot? In the election season, politics has become like a hockey or WWE. You have fans holding signs, wearing stickers and pushing T-shirts. Even the news can't be biased towards the political "sports." How to solve? If someone gives you a little talent for your "team" - flyers, buttons, bubble fingers - just remember that they just want to show teamwork. People's loyalty to the team may be so ingrained that they sometimes don't know why they are the first fans, so try not to be offended by their choice. If necessary, please politely refuse and say that your family has its own weird banner, thank you very much.

Credit: Getty Images News / Getty Images 4. Attention signs

When most of your neighbors lose the Republican Party, you want to shout to Dems Does it sound? If you want to avoid political quarrels with your neighbors, planting a safer sign on your lawn is to announce your home security system or rental/sale sign. The same is true for bumper stickers. We didn't say that you claim that your loyalty is wrong, but only know that you might invite possible negative comments, get your bushes to get TP'd or let your birds turn over - not feathery Kind.


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Credit: Lisa Werner / Moment Mobile / Getty Images 5. Streaming TV

When it comes to political programming, there are no restrictions on any network or cable channels - from their repeated enquiriesQuestion ("What preparations did you make this morning?" "Hey, I flew here.") To sex discrimination their evaluation of their personal image. Even the weather channel will do this by transporting some meteorologists to understand how bad weather affects voters' voting power or desire. If you want to get around this, it's safe: curl up with a cup of Pinot Noir and watch the "unbreakable Kimmy Schimidt." There is also "transparency", "Narcos" or any other highly addictive show that is now available on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

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Image source: Getty Images News / Getty Images 6. Create your own original soundtrack


Music is used to motivate voters to unite to support a candidate or proposed activity. But the music chosen by political candidates is more likely to draw attention (Donald Trump plays Neil Young's "Rockin" in the free world.) Defeat tacky jam by going to muxtape.com, where you can mix your own sweetness The playlist of songs, screaming "Tea Party", "Green Party" or just a simple "party."

Credit: Getty Picture News / Getty Images 7. Cultivate honesty in your life


As we all know, politicians have been trained to refute conversation points And half true and half fake. Most of their comments have been polled and pre-packaged. But in reality it's just messaging, we're leaving so many ads. When you are tired of politicians continually telling the truth and downright lies, they must become truly speaking from a child (preferably someone you know). Ask them what they think about anything. High odds they will give you an honest answer because they have not been disgusted by the injustices of life - or they just don't know better. You can also book a trip to Helsinki, according to the "Lost Wallet" experiment conducted by Reader's Digest in 2013, the most honest people in the world.

Credit: Getty Images News / GettyImage 8. Dodge robot

According to a report from the Pew Research Center in April 2015, 90% of Americans own mobile phones and nearly two-thirds own smart phones. This is why robocalls and text are extremely popular ways of communicating political information to the masses. They are also an effective way to hug schnorkleflicken from someone. So if you see a call from an unfamiliar number - and it's in the election season - just assume it might be related to politics. What is the easiest way to stop talking? According to lifehacker.com, just don't reply.

Credit: vadymvdrobot / Adob ​​eStock 9. Prepare the default answer

When people ask who you are 'voting, just like they are trying to start fighting same. No matter how you answer, there will be a discussion, and there may be a heated debate afterwards without a clear solution, because there is no right or wrong answer - there are only two different opinions. Really, who has time? So, if someone asks you how to vote, please come to a timely but irrelevant answer, such as: "Southern biscuits and gravy. You are talking about Lays' to do our flavor promotion, right?"

Credit: [ 123] Getty Images News / Getty Images [ 123] 10. Get a miniature treatment horse

If the magnified anxiety of the national primary election is still on you, your pain will not end, maybe The miniature treatment horse can lend you healing hooves. In this case, the pygmy goat and the failed ear rabbit are also effective.


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Credit: Getty Images News / Getty Images

What do you think?

Does the election season make you feel stressed or irritated? How are you? Are acquaintances like to publicize their political affinity? Is there any way to express your political interests? Please let us know in the comments below.


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Image source: Getty Images News / Getty Images