9 Feng Shui tips to make you healthier and happier

You may not realize how much your environment affects all other aspects of your life, but live in a chaotic, dark or unfamiliar house or apartment, or in a narrow, windowless office. Working can make you feel energy and depression. Although you can hire an interior designer to decorate your space, you may not dig deeper into your mood and energy levels. This is where Feng Shui comes in. Feng Shui is not only an interior design method, but also an ancient Chinese art. It improves your environment according to energy flow and harmoniously with nature to improve your health. The following slide shows some simple feng shui tips and tricks that you can now use to improve your environment and the company to restore your health and well-being.

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Start: Everything about Chi

The core of Feng Shui is chi, meaning energy or vitality, flowing through you and Everything around you. When it flows freely, chi can enhance your health and happiness. However, when it becomes stagnant or stuck, it can make you feel dull and moody. In your environment, the flow of chi may be hindered in many ways for a number of reasons. Pictures that you don't like in the bedroom can lead to negative thoughts, which can make chi into trouble. After quarreling with your spouse, the same negative energy will increase and cause qi stagnation. The goal of good feng shui is to let positive energy flow to revitalize the environment and revitalize the place of life.

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1. For Chi

[123 Clearing the little cockroaches on the road that don't make sense and just collect dust doesn't let your airflow flow freely. There are no unopened emails on your desk. All these disturbances hinder the qi and weaken your mood and energy levels. "Your home basically represents you - it's you," said Catherine Graham, a master feng shui consultant in Atlanta, Georgia. "If you imagine the wallIt's your skin, the room is your organ and h is like your blood vessels. You don't want piles of newspapers to block the flow of energy in your home, just like you don't want to block in your body. "In order to clear Chi's way, get rid of anything that doesn't mean or produce negative energy for you. When it comes to good chi, less is more.

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Credit: Jupiterimages / Stockbyte / Getty Images 2. Find yin and yang

Health and happiness depend to a large extent on creation and Maintaining your balance The harmony in your environment is expressed through yin and yang. "Yin and yang can be thought of as the opposite of the same mountain: one is very bright, one is dark; one is feminine and the other is masculine, “Feng Shui expert Catherine Graham explained.” Everything is an expression of yin and yang. “This includes the color of your walls, the amount of light in the bedroom, and the sound of music. You play during dinner. In order to create an environment that promotes health and happiness, you must strike a balance between these two aspects.

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Source: Thomas Northcut / Photodisc / Getty 3. Balance your yin and yang

The yin environment is more feminine and softer, while the yang environment is louder, brighter and more crazy. "If you have a family yin, you can become frustrated over time" Feng Shui consultant Catherine Grae Mum said. "If you have the sun - too optimistic - a home, over time, you may be exhausted or burnout. “Creating a good balance, promoting your health and well-being environment is related to your life stage, your natural rhythm and your unique energy needs. As you age, more negative environments are usually appropriate, and younger People may feel more energized by the slanting space, Graham explains. If you feel drowsy at home, look around - is your space too cloudy? Try to draw a brighter picture on the wallBright colors, or throw some vibrant pillows on the sofa. If your stress is high, you may be surrounded by a quick, calming restoration that can be introduced in this case with soft tones and soft light.

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Credit: Jack Hollingsworth / Photodisc / Getty Images [ 123] 4. Bring your bedroom Come to the serenity

Feng Shui Trinity - bedroom, bathroom and kitchen - is the most important area for your health and happiness. The bedroom is the last room you see in the evening and the first room you saw in the morning. The bedroom should have more shaded space, softer colors and a more feminine touch. However, the most important thing is, never “let your boss go to bed,” as Feng Shui consultant Catherine Graham said. "Don't work in the bedroom, there is no office in the bedroom, don't even think about working in the bed," she said. "You want to create a sexy, sacred space, which means love, rest and renewal."


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5. Clean up your kitchen and bathroom

A messy, messy kitchen or an old fridge filled with expired food clearly The ground reflects your health. “The Chinese say keep your stove clean, keep your refrigerator clean, and never eat broken or broken cookware or pottery,” Feng Shui consultant Catherine Graham said. Meticulous. Keep a flawless kitchen, get rid of any old or unused appliances or cookware, and discard any food after the expiration date. “Harvey’s cautious attitude towards what you keep in the kitchen reflects how you feed and take care of yourself,” Graham said. Self-care is also reflected in how you maintain your own bathroom. There is a layer of sludge around the toilet, which is most likely to generate negative energy each time the lid is opened, except for unsanitary conditions. Thoroughly clean and then maintain weekly maintenance so thatCleaner, happier, and healthier.


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6. Lighten your environment

There are some places in your home that want dim lighting - like the bedroom before you go to sleep - but erall, a feng shui space with good lighting. If your house or apartment has lots of windows that feel light and airy, then you are all in that department; but many living spaces are not set at the best, letting light enter. First, Feng Shui expert Catherine Graham advises you to open the curtains in the bedroom when you wake up in the morning. Graham said: "We need to touch the light in the first hour after waking up, otherwise our circadian rhythm will be completely out of control." The same is true for other spaces you enter in the morning - such as the kitchen and bathroom. Your work area should also be well lit. If you can't get enough natural light, you can strategically place the mirror on a window-facing wall to reflect more light. Graham also suggested investing in the Li ght box, which is also used to alleviate seasonal affective disorder.


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7. Bring Nature

Harmony with nature is one of the principles of ancient Feng Shui philosophy, and today is more important in a world that is primarily human - manufacturing and manufacturing. If you live in a high-rise apartment with only a city view, you may know the feeling of being out of touch with nature. Solve disturbing disconnects by bringing natural elements into your home. “Plants are always good in feng shui because they are woody, which represents an upward growth,” Feng Shui said. Consultant Catherine Graham. In addition, plants help to clean the air of breathing. Graham reminds to ensure that plants stay healthy and avoid artificial plants or dried flowers as much as possible.


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8. Spruce Up Your Workspace

Whether you are working from home or at the office Work, you can apply to create a healthy, happy work space for the same tips for the family. Make sure you have enough natural or full-spectrum artificial lighting and incorporate natural elements into your decoration. Some potted plants can improve the air quality of your office and inject good energy into your workspace. In addition, the location of your desk relative to the office or compartment door can affect your professional success. You want to be in the command position, which means your desk should be facing you, allowing you to face the center of the room and have visual control over the room and its entrance. This will make you feel more relaxed and let your creativity flow more freely.


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Feel happier and healthier?

You don't have to be a feng shui master to create a healthier, happier environment at work and at home. Even making a few minor changes - such as buying some plants or creating more light - can have a major impact on your feelings. Have you tried these feng shui tips? Have they worked for you? Do you have any tips for you to share? Please leave your comments, questions and suggestions below. We are always happy to hear from readers.


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