16 kinds of food you don't always need to buy organic food

It seems that a new study or article is published every week to promote the benefits of organic food - it is more beneficial to our health and the environment. However, organic products come at a price that not everyone can afford, or that everyone can use. So where do you compromise? Read on to find out which foods are unlikely to contain large amounts of pesticide residues, so if you need them, the safest way to buy them (ie non-organic foods).

Credit: kaakamakaaka / Twenty20

1. Onion

From the perspective of pesticides, there is no need to cry for commercially grown onions. According to Enviro, onion pesticide residues are significantly lower than other commercial products. In addition to enhancing the flavor of the dishes, the onion also provides a rich antioxidant. Onions also contain a flavonoid called quercetin, which may help inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which is the basis of most gastric ulcers. Eat fresh onions on sandwiches, burgers and salads, or as part of the nutritional base of soups, sauces and stir-fries.

Listen now: Both foods you eat every day contain hidden insecticides

Credit: damira75 / Twenty20

2. Avocado

Avocado is the cleanest fruit - who knows? The Environmental Working Group tested that only one percent of avocado samples of more than 3,000 agricultural residues in agricultural chemicals showed any detectable pesticide. This is good news because they contain essential nutrients including potassium, folic acid and vitamin K, B-6, E and C. Avocados are also very popular with healthy fats. So go, add them to your smoothie cream, sandwich instead of cheese, or just enjoy a fresh salad.

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3. Pineapple


Thick pineapple skin absorbs most of the pesticide used for planting, making It became the "cleaning" of the Environmental Working GroupOne of 15" - 15 fruits and vegetables with the least pesticide residues. In fact, 89% of the pineapple tests are not inhabited. This is good news they contain vitamin C, they also contain an enzyme called bromelain, which can Helping our body break down food and reduce inflammation, which is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Want to save time? Choose frozen pineapple without sugar, nutritious.

Credit: yellowillow / Twenty20

4 Asparagus

Asparagus is one of the most unlikely vegetables to be included in the analysis of the Environmental Working Group, pesticide residues. Asparagus provides a rich flavonoid rutin - a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent “Asparagus on the grill is a simple and delicious way to enjoy,” says Dina Aronson, a newly registered dietitian and president of Montclair Welltech Solutions. New Jersey. “Try to use it instead of French fries, a little garlic. Garlic paste, even some creamy hummus. She suggested trimming the asparagus with olive oil and then baking them to tenderness.

Credit: richardcoombs58 / Twenty20

5. Grapefruit

Another reason It is a good thing to be "thick skin". Because of the thick peel of grapefruit, pesticides do not invade juicy fruits. And they are also very heavy, making them a win-win situation. A 2011 study found that 20 minutes before meals In grapefruit or 100% grapefruit juice, the total calorie of the participants is reduced by about 30%. This is huge.

Credit: pamalita63 / Twenty20

6. Mango

[ 123] Mango can help satisfy your sweets without too many calories or pesticides. Like their friends grapefruit, their dense peel protects their interior from the toxic chemicals used in production. A cup of mango is only 100 calories, it contains vitamin A and fiber. Fresh mango or add ice and other desired fruits as a delicious nutrient smoothie. For a healthy dessert, top a bowl of fresh mango pieces and a ball Greek acidmilk.

Credit: Jupiterimages / Photos.com / Getty Images 7. Kiwi

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If you can choose non-organic nectarines, peaches or kiwis, you may want To choose kiwifruit. Nectarine and peach belong to the top ten of the pesticides of the environmental work g group, and the kiwifruit ranks the top 10 most "clean". Although the kiwi skin is thin, the fruit is rarely sprayed with pesticides. Rich fiber helps move things and control appetite.


LeszekCzerwonka / iStock / Getty Images 8. Mushroom

Mushrooms are some of the least pesticides. According to clinical dietitian Leslie K. Kay, they are also a powerful country. Kay said that the darker the mushroom, the more delicious it is. He recommends frying mushrooms or fried mushrooms at high temperatures to get the strongest taste. Add small mushrooms to soups, salads, curries and casseroles. Large mushrooms, such as portobellos, offer a non-fat vegetarian alternative to burger patties.


robynmac / iStock Photo 9. Papaya

Papaya - You! About 80% of the papaya tested in the study conducted by the EWG was pesticide-free. The fruit's vibrant orange indicates its nutrients. A small portion of papaya provides 80% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, as well as rich potassium, folic acid, beta-carotene and fiber. If you are concerned about genetically modified foods, you may want to eat this food organically - a small portion of the papaya grown in the United States comes from genetically modified seeds.


Source/Image Source / Getty Images 10. Sweet peas

According to the Environmental Working Group, sweet peas have few pesticide residues. It can be purchased safely like traditional (ie non-organic agricultural products). A cup of sweet peas provides up to 14 grams of fiber, making it one of the most fibery vegetables. Medical Research Institute recommends every woman every dayAt least 25 grams of fiber, 38 grams per gram of fiber for men under 50 - but the average American consumes 15 grams of fiber per day. In order to add fiber, protein and some other essential nutrients to the diet, add frozen peas to peppers, soups and casseroles.


Maximilian Stock Ltd./Photodisc/Getty Images 11 .Cantaloupe

Once again, thick skin comes in handy. Pesticide residues are not able to obtain the tough skin of cantaloupe, protecting its succulent interior, making it one of the “Clean 15” of the Environmental Working Group. “Mature cantaloupe at home, placed at room temperature,” wrote Heather Calcote, a registered dietitian in Washington, DC. Once mature, Calcote recommends adding diced cantaloupe to brown rice and polenta to add color, taste and nutrients.


Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images 12. Sweet Potato

Another reason sweet potatoes are sweeter: they are unlikely to contain High levels of pesticide residues are compared to other products. Containing beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C and fiber, they provide a satisfying source of natural sweetness without producing excessive calories and sugar. [123 Credit:

Audi de la Cruz / iStock / Getty Images

13. Eggplant

Whole cup of cooked cube eggplant only 33 calories, and worth The amount of saturated fiber. Many of the pesticides used to produce eggplant do not remain on the skin of plants, so they occupy a place in the Environmental Cleanup's “Clean 15” list, making eggplant safer than high insecticide vegetables. For delicious dishes, grilled eggplant slices with olive oil until golden brown on the outside. Then add the desired seasonings such as basil, oregano, garlic or sea salt and lightly dust.


jacquiecooks / Twenty20

14. Cabbage

Green leafy vegetables do not require green nutrition.Whether it is white, red or purple, cabbage provides a lot of nutrients, including vitamin C and fiber, as well as significantly lower calories, or about 13 boiled cabbage per cup. Like kale, according to a recently published study, cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that can prevent certain types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Unlike kale, kale is a list of high-level pesticide projects in the Environmental Resources Group, which often contains few toxic residues.


MatthewEnnisPhotography / iStock / Getty Images

15. Watermelon

The taste is not the only sweetness of watermelon. The thick outer shell provides protection for the pesticide. Watermelon can also help soothe muscle soreness and keep your ticker healthy. In order to maintain your calorie intake and weight, please replace high-calorie, low-nutrition sweets with sweet fruits (such as watermelon) in your diet. Watermelon is also a delicious supplement to smoothies.


Salima Senyavskaya / iStock / Getty Images

16. Cauliflower

This vegetable is now trending as a low carbohydrate alternative to potatoes, rice, etc. Product. The good news is that broccoli is unlikely to hold pesticides, so if your budget is limited, you can use this routine.


AJ Withey / Moment / Getty Images

What do you think?

Do you buy any of these 16 fruits and vegetables? Do you know that they can buy regular (ie non-organic products)? If you are surprised by any of them, please let us know and share your favorite preparations. Do you know the list of 20 foods that should always be bought organic? What do you think of organic food? Let us know by posting a comment below.


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