How to solve 8 potential defects in socialization at work

As part of a friendly working environment, not only makes your time in the office more enjoyable - close friends in the workplace can improve your job satisfaction and improve your productivity, 2012 Lope poll. However, browsing social places at work is not an easy task: there are many hypothetical considerations when developing office friendships and interacting with colleagues. Although you want to interact with colleagues, you don't want to go beyond boundaries. With this in mind, here are eight social scenarios you might face in the workplace - and expert advice on how to handle each scenario as professionally as possible.

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1. Add a colleague on social media

Although the LinkedIn request is completely benign, request Facebook Friendship or following colleagues on Instagram may be more fulfilling, because these platforms blur the boundaries between your profession and your individual. For this reason, professional coach Laura Sims said that this step can only be taken after you have established a close personal relationship with a colleague outside the office - just as other people who are important to hang out in the other's home are not I think that the other person is a "friend of work" but a friend of a friend. She said: "Otherwise, it is too easy for your college partners to post an embarrassing photo, to offend your politics, or to make the cat angry." "The possible risk is greater than the possible rewards." "

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2. Take the beer from the office Kegerator

These days, many companies now support by providing in the kitchen Alcohol or a bar from a rolling trolley to a cubicle to absorb work. While wine, wine and beer may flow - and it's free - but it's not always easy to know when (or "you should take a unique approach to drinking", professional coach Chris Delaney is " The author of the 73 Rules Affecting Interviews, he suggested using an open bar as a means of celebration. “Providing a drink to a colleague. For example, commemorating him or herBirthday," he said. Use this time to create rapport, build friendships and increase your birthday. "In this way, you will not be seen as a prosperous office, but a person who makes others feel special.

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3. Relaxing company activities

Working groups, especially working groups outside the office, usually your colleagues' time ( And higher levels!) will disappoint their guards. You want to be a teamworker, but you don't want to embarrass yourself. So, if your boss bought a gun, did you participate? You are social, Interesting and part of the team. More than one drink means you are more likely to say or do something stupid and become a feed for the rumor factory, "Simms saYS. “If you want a fun night, you can really relax, then go to those who don’t sign your salary.” Delaney agrees and points out that the old “work hard, work hard” The mentality is outdated. “These days employees must see the steps they take at work, because reputation is the key to career development, and lack of professionalism can affect your status.” He suggests always staying awake than drunk colleagues: if everyone There are a variety of drinks, make sure you drink less than they.

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4 Transforming office friendship into friendship after work

Maybe you get along well with your colleagues and you I want to start wandering for k hours after work. Delaney said that although it is basically awkward to find a colleague at the friend level by establishing a strong friendship during the day, it will eventually be natural. “When you work closely together, your friendship will grow and you will find common interests, create inner jokes, and build on the original relationship,” he said. “When you find yourself talking about common interests, take the opportunity to invite your colleagues to join activities outside of your work.” Whether it's hiking, check out the art gallery.Still just a happy time, you can test the water.

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Credit: monkeybusinessimages / iStock / Getty Images 5. Take R's relationship with colleagues goes one step higher

In some cases, office friendship can develop into romance, which always brings some tough challenges. Therapist Juan Santos said that the overall recommendation is crucial to stick to professional scripts during working hours - for your reputation. You don't want to be the star of the office gossip factory or your integrity is questioned, especially if you start someone on the totem pole higher than you. (When you leave the office, of course, you can flirt with your content.) If you decide to get things done, be sure to let the Human Resources Department and your supervisor know this, he said. "Although maintaining your privacy seems like a good choice, it's not the best option." Those who are in charge shouldn't hear your relationship through the gossip - they should listen to your message.

Credit: 6. Make friends with interns

In life, you will hit the most unexpected people. But even if you two get along very well, you probably shouldn't be a good friend with your internship. This kind of friendship can make your professionalism and leadership skeptical and prevent you from being taken seriously by those who work under you - and those who are above them. Instead, use your affinity for each other to form a guiding relationship. Delaney said: "Guidance helps new employees grow rapidly, and natural friendships can grow from this experience." "From an employee's point of view, guidance creates your professional image. When you need to exercise your authority , is respected and regarded as a professional. "

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Credits: alex .pin / Adob e Stock 7. Answering personal calls at work

How much time have we spent in the office these days - and how easy it is to keep communication - your work life and your real life may be at work Personal phone calls, texts sent to friends, etc. overlap. Professional coach Julie Austin, "Money Garden: How to grow seeds for a lifetime of income", answering or making an emergency call, such as a doctor or babysitter, should be no big deal, but often chatting at your desk may cause some people note. Especially if you are having a quarrel with a colleague about a cable company, or continue to argue over the weekend, and others around you are trying to concentrate. "As an employer, as long as the person's work has been completed and will not bother others, I will be a little chatter," Austin said. So if you need to call your college roommate to have a birthday or dispute a bill, be sure to take it outside.

Credit: vadymvdrobot / Adob ​​e Stock 8. Call Gchat with a colleague

The easiest and least conspicuous way to communicate with colleagues One is instant messaging. You seem to be taking notes or work, but you really like the ongoing meeting or decide where to go for lunch. While it's great to have a close relationship with a colleague, there is one main way you don't want your message to get out of hand: use it as a stage for gossip and broadcast complaints. When you type, it is easy to be taken away by words, which will eventually hurt you. “Research shows that people often report complaints about the lack of professionalism in office gossip,” said licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert Denise Limongello. Even if everyone seems to be expressing dissatisfaction, “turning to office gossip is a useful way to gain respect and love.”

Credit: michaeljung / Adobe stock What do you think?

Do you agree with tips on how to handle these traps? What is your social experience at work? Share your story in the comments!

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