How to improve your memory with 11 great mind skills

Memory works in a strange and mysterious way, but one thing is certain: when you can't remember something, it's really frustrating. Beginning in the twenties and then accelerating after the age of 65, memory functions slow down with age. Like a computer, memory is like the entire processing system, not just a location in the brain (although the hippocampus is essential for memory). Over time, the processing system may fail - often referred to as a memory error.

Memory expert Linda Ercoli, Ph.D., works in neuropsychology at the UCLA Semel Institute. Take care of people with dementia for more than 20 years. She says that as your brain ages, it experiences cell loss, which helps the entire brain connect, so you can recall the information. She said that in order to protect these cells, you must maintain cognitive stimuli. “The best way to strengthen your memory is to use it as consciously as possible.” With her expertise, there are 12 memory improvement tips that can be integrated into your daily life. Enough to practice this, and soon you will be able to log in to your online bank account for the first time!

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1. Group

Otherwise called "chunk" or "category", grouping is a way to remember you Smart way of groceries or to-do lists. You can group related items by categorizing them. For example, you can make sure that you start over to get the eggs, milk and cheese by listing them under "dairy" on paper or in your mind. This strategy allows items under each category to be part of the code. This way you won't work hard to remember every item - only a few categories.

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2. Make a story

Similar to grouping, stories are easier to remember because they are included on the timeline Specific event. For example, you turn left from Washington Street to First Street. When remembering these directions, think about it: "Washington left the White House to become the first president."

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3. Visualize and Associate

Link a person, a place or a thing to another person, place or thing Provide important information so your brain can recall it more easily. For example, establish an association when remembering new acquaintances. You just met Frank, who is wearing a bright blue shirt. Maybe your uncle Frank really entered the Blue Man Group.

Imagine that both of them are Frank twins wearing blue. Now that the new Frank is connected to the old Frank, the name of your new acquaintance is in your memory. Read more:

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4. Listen, think and write down

Can't recall a slide from the boss This morning's introduction ING? Ercoli suggests taking notes, but be strategic. When someone talks, watches and listens (your sensory organs make a sound, so you have already taken notes by listening.)

[123 Take a moment to think about this information, then just write down the main points, you are making a shorthand version that you understand. "You can handle this information in different ways," she said.

Credit: [ 123] Farknot_Architect / iStock / GettyImages 5. Funny and makes it meaningful

Cognitive stimuli throughout life are essential to memory - which means that you are more likely to remember Information that makes sense to you personally or makes you laugh. Start making information interesting or creative. Bring Frank again: You just met him, his nose is very long. So he painted his nose in a candid way. [ 123] Ercoli says it doesn't even make sense. "The hippocampus [part of the brain necessary for memory] really likes novelty. "Forget your PIN? Remember the numbers by making the numbers meaningful. Take the number 2152: Think legalDrinking age and a deck of cards.


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6. Have learned new skills [123 has two types of memory: speech (conscious learning) and exercise ( Muscle memory). By enhancing your motor memory, for example by learning new instruments, new connections are formed in the brain, followed by chemical and physical stimuli. Elkoli (who learned to play mandolin after the age of 50.) It is recommended to use crochet to enhance motor memory.

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: g-stockstudio / iStock / GettyImages 7. Play Electronics Game

Finally, you can defend your mate's game time. Although brain games are becoming more popular and recommended for memory movements (eg, Lumosity), a 2015 computer and education study showed that playing video games has a significant positive effect on memory. Action video games are especially beneficial because they require players to make quick decisions and track a lot of information right away.

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8. Follow the 24-hour rule

Most forgetting occurs within the first 24 hours of learning, so If you want to remember something new, please revisit this information within 24 hours. Read your written notes and even psychologically review the people you meet before you go to sleep.

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Source: millann / iStock / GettyImages 9. Stop multitasking

If you want the most effective memory, distraction will never let you be there. Unfortunately, multitasking distracts.

[123Our brain has so much bandwidth, and Ercoli says that the less tasks we do at one time, the less we can accomplish them. "You may blame yourself for poor memory, but most of the time it's a capacity issue." Get into the habit of turning off your laptop during a meeting, or turn off your TV while talking to BFF.


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10. Using acronyms

Acronyms are a good strategy for remembering ordered information. It can be a real or meaningless word, you just need to pronounce it. To form an acronym, write down the facts and underline the first letter of each fact. For example, remember the names of your new customers Paul, Leah, and Anna'n'Tom, just think about "PLANT."

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m-imagephotography / iStock / GettyImages 11. Sing together

We can't bring those nasty commercials to Stop playing in our minds - they just stick to it. History shows that information set to music or poetry is the easiest to remember (like your ABC). Set these words to the songs you are familiar with when you are working on data or lists. No one knows that "Mary has a little lamb" is playing in your mind.

Oh, for those who suspect that you have the ability to gain new brain stimulation habits, Elkoli has a message: No matter who says that you can't teach old dogs, the new tricks are wrong. You can. "


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What do you think?

What can help you remember things and improve your memory? You have Haven't tried these psychic skills? Tell us about your experience in the comments!


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