Your boss wants you to do 10 things without being told

Based on the enthusiasm of your boss - and tend to give feedback - it's hard to know exactly what he or she really needs you to do. But experts say that no matter what industry you are in, senior executives want people they manage to have some common characteristics.

These features not only make the boss's daily work easier, but having them may allow you to accelerate or advance quickly. With this in mind, there are 10 ways to be a rock star employee that the boss dreams of.

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1. Do your own work.

Yes, this sounds obvious, but actually providing the result is the main thing the boss needs. After all, this is why she hires you

"You have the tools and knowledge to deliver results, depending on how you do it," said Rob Mead, director of marketing at Gnatta, a customer service company. “Your leader will be there to seek advice, support and help you through the storm, but you need to provide results, and then she will complete her bargaining by helping you move to the next level.”

Along the coastline Will not win any points from the boss - nor will it promote your career.

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2. On time.

"Whether it is attending a meeting, the deadline is still a happy hour for the team, there is nothing more annoying than someone who is late," Mead said.

Yes, sometimes it is inevitable to be late - traffic, family emergencies and other conflicts have arisen - but when you bring these things, you can gracefully communicate with the boss and colleagues that something has happened. “Leaders remember that those people appeared on time, and those people would be the ones they could rely on,” he added.

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3. Provide background.

Bosses are usually busy managing everything from people to crises while trying to lead a business - it's not an easy task. So give you a reference frame when speaking or sending emails about professionals. According to executive coach and TEDx spokeswoman Lynn Carnes, jects and deliverables can create a world that is different.

"Recognize that if you go beyond the typical ambiguity problem, you have incredible power to shape the boss's opinion. What do you think?" she said. "Quickly judge context - for example, 'This is about the XYZ project' or 'I've been thinking about our ABC event' - let her quickly be on the same page as you." In addition, your boss has many other things in her The mind is also very popular.

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Credit: [ 123] g-stockstudio / iStock / GettyImages 4. Arrive at the destination .

Plus the background, Carnes sa is, and soon reached your goal. She said: "There is nothing to make the boss more crazy, rather than letting you wait for her connection point in the bush." ​​"I believe your boss can 'handle the truth' and make your statement or ask you as clearly as possible. Demand."

If you are writing an email, please take a moment to edit your message. Decompose what you need to say into bullet points so your boss can easily read and understand what you want to convey. You can create any opportunity to save your boss time - and help her avoid unnecessary setbacks - and will benefit you.

Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund / iStock / GettyImages 5. Schedule the time.

It happened inOur best person: You stop and yell at your boss's office and ask: "Is there a second to solve this problem?" After 20 minutes, your "quick seconds" is coming to an end, your boss It seems that I did not notice. "You think this is because he doesn't like your thoughts or care about your problems," Carnes said. "In reality? This is because he is now busy attending a conference and trying not to be rude by cutting off your way."

The time required for your boss should be realistic, don't break into him. The office is "seconds", and if you have to say it will inevitably take longer. He did not suddenly appear, but arranged to schedule time with him and start his calendar.

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Letter of Credit: julief514 / iStock / GettyImages [ 123] 6. There is an attitude that can be done.

Of course, being too aggressive Pollyanna may only annoy your boss (like everyone else in your office, to be honest), but there are some words for employees who are willing to accept the challenge. . Her work. If you disagree with the decision or direction that the boss wants to enter, then be sure to go back and explain your position, but don't be a person who is constantly complaining about your task or how difficult it is to overcome.

"As an active person, it won't be natural, I spent a lot of time to master this, but it's the key," Mead said. "Being told that something is impossible, any senior person will be turned off - there is always something to do. It is never the right answer to say that what can't be done."


Developing countries / iStock / GettyImages 7. Solve the problem, don't because of these problems.

We all heard this: don't bring problems and bring solutions. "This is a large-scale cliché, but, like all the clichés, it contains some truth," Mead said. "If you always bring problems, people will eventually stoplisten. However, if you bring a solution, you will be remembered - even if they don't always work 100%. “

He explained that leaders are always looking for people who care about their roles to improve their own and others' responsibilities. Creativity and originality At least trying to solve complications will make you realize that you are resourceful. And is a team member seeking greater interest.


jacoblund / iStock / GettyImages 8. Participate in the initiative.

Global Brand Stag&Hare New York Jessica Tsukimura, head of the customer service team, said that being a self-starter has come a long way in impressing the boss, but rarely takes initiatives and design agencies. In fact, she says this quality is usually It is the main feedback of her team in each performance evaluation.

“View problems or needs internally or with customers? Why not try to develop a solution assigned to someone before it? This shows that you are willing to pitch the ball "and your ability to solve problems and improve efficiency," Tsukimura said. "Your initiative will make you stand out among your peers, and your boss will undoubtedly notice."

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g-stockstudio / iStock / GettyImages 9. No one accepted.

Quote "Godfather" (and "you have mail"), what happens in the office "is not personal, but business." This is especially true when your boss gives you feedback.

"The boss needs to make constructive feedback on your work without having to worry about hurting your feelings," said Carnes. "If you do find yourself taking things away, then you do." No response. When you get defense, it sends a warning signal that something needs to be worried. "On the contrary, she suggests taking a deep breath and remembering that feedback will help you thrive.


/ iStOck / GettyImages 10. Don't judge.

The boss must make constant decisions. Some of them are very difficult, and many of them cannot be discussed in detail with employees. You won't agree with all of this. But it depends on how you react to them.

"Although you can ask the boss why he made the decision, be aware that she may not be free to share all the details," Carnes said. "This is a good time with positive intentions and gives her a good time to take into account her situation. He benefits from doubt. "Unnecessary judgment may become naive and even prevent your boss from playing at a higher level." Imagine you.


] monkeybusinessimages / iStock / GettyImages What is your idea?

Did you find these suggestions useful? What do you try to be the best employee? Share in the comments section.


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