6 reasons to break the New Year resolution

The clock rang 12, you sounded in the new year, and you vowed to be your last wine. This will be your year of abstinence, fitness and finding love. But in February, you sit on your sofa and cry into your Chardonnay, stuff your face with a cake, and complain to your mother about your recent failure date. But breaking your New Year's resolution is not a bad thing. In fact, there are some reasons why it might be good for you.

Credit: Duet Postscriptum / Stocksy.com

1. It gives you a new starting excuse

[ 123] Who can say that January 1 is you are allowed The only year to start again? Researchers Hengchen Dai, Katherine Milkman and Jas Riis from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania found that people are more likely to gain motivation and achieve the goals set at the beginning of any new era – not just at the beginning of the year – and they named the phenomenon For the "fresh start effect." In other words, if your enthusiasm for the New Year's determination weakens in February, then don't despair. You have a lot of other new beginnings to keep you energized: next week, the beginning of the next month or the new semester is the best time to be excited about trying again.

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Credit: Melanie DeFazio / Stocksy.com [ 123] 2. You realize that bigger is not always better

So you vow to completely cut off the sugar, but by January 10, you will take a piece of chocolate from the cafeteria cake. If your goal is to cut, not completely eliminate sweet things, you may still be on the right track, in order to keep up with your small and important changes, let yourself pat. Psychologists Teresa Amiable and Steven Kramer have extensively studied how to make progress, even if it is a small victory, it is one of the most powerful forms of power.

Personal trainer and founder of Fit4mum, Melissa Lorch, like thisThe same: "To develop a healthy habit in small steps No one is perfect, and try to end in a disaster. If weight loss is your goal, the goal is to lose one pound at a time or subtract one centimeter from the waist. Celebrate the milestone of the fall, Instead of losing two stones directly. "Are your solution going backwards? do not give up. Instead, shrinking you can still reach your goal.


Astarot / iStock / GettyImages 3. It lets you focus

Many people don't just make a resolution, they make a lot of resolutions - and then They can be frustrated when they are frustrated. Psychologist Emma Kenny recommends focusing on priority-based goals and not setting up multiple solutions. "For example, my goal this year is to walk with my children every month and go out to eat. After that," she said. "I can measure this, I can make sure I keep it because it is small enough. This is one thing j, if I can stick to it, it will soon become a habit. Then I can choose a new goal And focus on that. "

Read more: 14 New Year

' resolution is bad idea Image source:

Anyaberkut / iStock / GettyImages 4. Relieve stress

When you destroy your determination, you may have a preliminary sense of guilt and disappointment, but once you overcome you may feel A little relieved. Trying to maintain a heavy resolution can be incredibly exhausting, and if you fail, it feels completely normal to feel that your weight has been lifted. This does not mean that you should give up completely.

"Let's put everything down and it will make us feel better. Psychologist Emma Kenny said: "The key to giving up and solving problems is that you enter a critical phase, which is the day you give up. Then people will think, 'I have broken it, I can also eat what I want. 'On the contrary, see it as an opportunity to reform, rewrite, recalibrate and turn to other things. Always looking for alternatives. "


paff / StoCksy.com 5. You can stop cheating

Before you admit it, you may find that you have completely destroyed your determination, you are actually cheating on it. Maybe you swear to run five miles a day, but you gradually convince yourself that when you actually only ran three, you have already ran five. Then you missed a day, but you promise that you are only "once." Cheating yourself will only make you feel guilty.

"Having the right mindset is key," said Melissa Lorch of Fit4mum. “If people think they have cheated, they will cheat more. Feeling guilty can't help you lead a healthy lifestyle. It all depends on choice. You decide what to eat, whether you exercise or not. Don't because of your choice. To punish yourself, just make a little agreement with yourself and make a better choice and return to the original point. "


Jacques van Zyl / Stocksy.com 6. You can stop Depriving yourself

Normally, your resolution is closely related to deprivation, such as swearing not to drink all year long or to give up your favorite junk food forever. But psychologist Emma Kenny insists that if you are typical to do this, you need to put your resolutions first. “People always focus on giving up, not accepting,” she said. "Don't give up, you can do something new, you can try something good, you can do something exciting. You can add something to your life instead of taking fun away."

In addition, completely depriving yourself of something will make you completely painful and more likely to fail. “Editing instead of eating,” adds Melissa Lorch of Fit4mum. “It’s more successful to change lifestyles than to try to insist on deprivation.”

Read more: 10 steps to success in the new year

' resolution to lose weight ] Credit:

GIC / Stocksy.com What do you think?

Have you successfully retained the New Year’s resolution andI believe you have the secret to achieve this goal? Will the New Year’s resolution immediately make you suffer? Maybe you have never made a resolution and never will. Please tell us your opinion on the New Year resolution in the comments.

Source: kieferpix / iStock / GettyImages