10 health problem men need to be aware

Men's health topics often include building muscles or reducing fat, but mortality is higher than women, and other important factors need to be considered to ensure the best health and well-being of the male population. Matthew Ruscigno, MPH, RD, a plant nutritionist who specializes in sports nutrition, is also a co-author of "scar-free athletes," he explained. "The biggest health risk is cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes. Strokes are like cancer and Alzheimer's. These risks are mostly related to lifestyle; mainly smoking, diet and exercise, but we don't prioritize prevention." June has been declared a men's health month. Improve detection, treatment and prevention awareness in men and men to prevent health problems. Read on to learn more about the health issues facing men, including mental illness, sexual health and cancer, and what actions you can take to help yourself or any man in your life.

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1. Mental Health

Men are more inclined to pay attention to physical symptoms while underestimating physical problems Lead to psychological or emotional causality. Studies have shown that men are under-diagnosed for depression, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among young men aged 15 to 24. Mental health can have far-reaching negative effects. For example, a recent study found a link between long-term depressive symptoms and increased risk of stroke. I am very important for men to seek mental health problems. Gary Libretti Jr., M.S., RDN, LDN, CSCS, a nutritionist in Chicago, recommends improving health and well-being when managing stress. Action: Discuss your emotions, including stress, depression or anxiety, with your health care provider at each check and regularly check your mood and stress levels.

Related: 8 Warning Sign of Depression

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2. Sexual Health

Do you know sex?Should the health check be a regular medical check? Although this may be a difficult topic to break through, please discuss your problematic health with your doctor. Studies have shown that it is not uncommon for men to discuss prevention of pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections with health care providers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, so screening is very important. Men may also need help with infertility, family planning, urinary tract infections, erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems. Some drugs, including diuretics and beta-blockers, can also cause sexual health problems. One-third of American men are affected by cardiovascular disease and these prescriptions are common. Action: Screening for sexually transmitted infections is required annually. Discuss any sexual problems you have, including erectile dysfunction or fertility problems.

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3. Eating disorders

The National Eating Disorders Association emphasizes the fact that disordered eating behavior should not Only for women; eating disorders do not discriminate against gender. Men are especially at risk when they participate in weighty occupations or sports - wrestling, boating, bodybuilding, dancing, gymnastics, swimming and even the track. An estimated 10% of people with eating disorders are male, and studies have shown that the rate of eating disorders in this population may be underestimated. A 2014 study published in the American Journal of the Children's Medical Association found that many men are also trying to gain weight or muscle, and in order to enhance their physical fitness, they use potentially unhealthy products. The use of anabolic steroids or excessive use of physical activity may be a sign of behavioral disorders. Action: Be aware that men also struggle because of eating disorders. If you or someone you know shows signs of eating disorder, be sure to seek treatment.

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4. Drug abuse

In the United States, male alcohol, drugs or tobacco use is statistically higher than female. Men are twice as likely to drink five or more drinks a day, and that they smoke a hundred percentFive.钍 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that smoking is considered to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States - six Americans die every day from alcoholism, and more than 76% of them are men. Given that drug abuse affects the male population more than women, men should be proactive in communicating with their health care providers about drug abuse behaviors and risk factors. Action: Today is committed to quitting smoking! Get support from friends and family or talk to your doctor for more information on useful tools in the process. Discuss tobacco, alcohol and drug use with your health care provider and seek information and support to help you quit smoking or get the treatment you need.

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5. Cardiovascular Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, the 2014 American Heart Association Statistics show that more than 39 million American men have cardiovascular disease (CVD) - this is one-third of people. One in four male deaths each year is caused by cardiovascular disease, which is not just a combination of cancer and diabetes! Cardiovascular diseases range from issues such as atrial fibrillation and atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) to coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure to heart attacks and strokes. Even high blood pressure is a kind of CVD. When visiting a doctor, please discuss your family history of heart disease, high blood pressure or cholesterol levels once a year. Make sure you know your prescription medication and the cause and follow the doctor's instructions. Action: Schedule a physical exam and ask your doctor if blood pressure and cholesterol levels are right for your test.

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6. Prostate Health


Cancer is not the only disease affecting this gland: many men Experience other prostate problems that may need to be discussed with your doctor. Keep in mind that many of these problems are more common at age 50 and older, but it is still important to discuss any family history or risk factors with your doctor. Men may have symptoms called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that can cause problems when urinating. The prostate may also experience acute or chronic bacterial infections and may require medication. Finally, the prostate may be prolonged, which is called chronic prostatitis and can be treated if you get help. According to Harvard Health Press, lifestyle factors include increased physical activity and increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, while limiting meat, salt and sugary drinks may contribute to prostate health. Action: Discuss with your doctor about pelvic pain, dysuria or blood problems in the urine to assess whether the prostate is the culprit.

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7. Cancer

The American Cancer Society ranks prostate cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer as the most important males Cancer. For any of these cancers, men can reduce their risk by following healthy living guidelines, such as quitting smoking, choosing a botanical diet, exercising and increasing fiber and fresh produce in the diet. Gary Libretti Jr., MS, RDN, LDN, CSCS explained, “I think many men need to take the time to appreciate the healthy work. They should take a step back and think about daily life, training programs, not what diet, but our diet. What is actually, and the task of restoring the body at night and calming down to prepare for the second day of sleep. "Action: Discuss your family history of prostate cancer with your doctor and ask for specific tests from the age of 40. demand. Most people's colon cancer screening also starts at 50, and lung cancer screening is based on risk factors and family history.

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8. Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, fear of hearing bad news makes men unable to seek medical advice And check, but this concern can lead to missed important interventions that improve health and longevity. If left untreated, diabetes can cause serious health consequences (blindness, nerve damage, amputation), cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction, etc. It is very important to talk to your doctor about screening, especially if you have diabetes Family history. Action: Discuss with your doctor to assess your diabetes risk. They may recommend a simple blood test to check blood sugar. If you are makingFor diabetes medication, please follow the doctor's instructions. Family members can help remind diabetics to check their blood sugar when they need it. Designed to maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and a healthy diet. Request a meeting with a certified diabetes educator or dietitian for further support.

Read more : 17 celebrities who fight cancer

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9. Weight and obesity [ 123]

Weight gain around the abdomen may be a particular problem for men, especially if their waist circumference is more than 40 inches. Matthew Ruscigno, M.P.H., RD, recommends a healthier diet to help maintain weight. He explained, “Everyone wants to focus on dessert or Friday dinner as the culprit of weight problems, but the most important thing is what you do most.” Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. They are not necessarily exotic or up-to-date local raw organic products - just eat more plants. Start with the one you like. Just eat a larger serving of food and eat it regularly. Expand from there. “Action: Increase fiber in the diet by adding fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Increase physical activity. Target exercise for 30 minutes or more per day. For more help with weight management, please contact a certified dietitian, certified A fitness professional or a doctor who specializes in weight management and a healthy lifestyle makes an appointment.

Credit: George Doyle / Stockbyte / Getty Images 10. Healthy Ageing

[123 ] Age increases can mean significant changes in men's lives, including family responsibilities, retirement, and financial conditions. As the risk factors for many diseases increase with age, annual health checks are critical to extending life. Aging can be a time of fun activities such as traveling or exploring hobbies, so it is important to stay healthy and active. Healthy diets and activities can protect your bones health, promote healthy brains and cognition, and achieve the desired weight. For the best mobility, and to protectThe immune system is functioning properly. The College of Nutrition and Diet recommends that older men focus on getting enough calcium, vitamin D, fiber, potassium and healthy fat sources in their diet. Action: Meet your doctor regularly (at least once a year) and make sure to discuss the screening tests that are right for you. Make and retain appointments and organize all the labs and records you have accumulated.


Nick White / Photodisc / Getty Images What do you think?

Do you (perhaps the person you know) avoid seeing a doctor or discussing health issues? Do you need to take or take any action from your doctor? Is there any other man's health problem here? What are the challenges facing men today? Please let us know in the comments!

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