Money won't make you happy but these 12 features will

Over the past half century, the times have undergone earth-shaking changes. We make more money than our ancestors, but according to research, we are not happy. Happiness seems to be coming... if we work hard. But happiness does not include a big red bow and car keys. The best way to be happy is to have several characteristics of a happy person. Scientists believe that half of our happiness depends on our genetic makeup, but we can determine the other half. It allows us to know that regardless of our genetic predisposition, our behavior will have a direct impact on our level of well-being. Here are 12 attributes found in really happy people, these attributes may be exactly what you need to make sure you stay on sunny streets.

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1. Happy people often laugh

Laughing is a disgusting feeling of unpleasant life. The best medicine. Loudly ridiculed the release of chemicals that feel good in the brain, the same chemicals found by those who have happiness and happiness. Laughing not only makes you feel good, but also benefits your health. Researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore found that people with heart disease were 40% less likely to laugh without heart disease. So if you are interested in a long and happy life, implement a more ridiculous moment. Around the interesting people, watching the funny m let you laugh at the eggs, learn to treat yourself less seriously, and go to a talk show comedian every once in a while. The first thing that comes out of chicken or eggs, happiness or a smile, is really important, just smile on your face and laugh at the way to happiness (and health)!

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2. Happy people have strong support systems

If there are no good friends and family, life will It seems long and lonely. Studies have shown that if you want to live a happy life, you need a strong support system. The Framingham Heart Study was published in the British Medical Journal in 2008. The researchers tracked 4,739 individuals between 1983 and 2003.year. They found that just like a cold, happiness is infectious. Professors H. Fowler and Nicholas A. Christakis, who led the study, began to notice that happy people gathered together, and unfortunately, the same was true of unhappy people. Friends who call themselves happiness groups, family and colleagues are more likely to be happy and continue to be happy in the future. The professors pointed out in their papers: “People's happiness depends on the happiness of others who are connected with them. This provides further reasons for the happiness, such as health, as a collective phenomenon.” A group of feathers gathered in together. Look for trusted friends who are usually in good mood. No matter how thick your wallet is, you will lead a happy life.

Listen now : Why the US obsessed with 'happiness' fully emphasizes us

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3. Happy people rebound

Elasticity is a key to open the door to happiness. Life is full of setbacks, but only dissatisfied, gloomy people will let these frustrations disappoint them. According to Ann S. Masten, author of "Ordinary Magic: Lessons from Resilience Studies in Human Development," those who have the ability to learn and develop from their own experiences can bring Success and happiness. Life is full of teachable moments, and you can learn valuable lessons from your mistakes. Bounce back so you can confidently face every obstacle. Therefore, the next life will disappoint you, excite yourself, get out of your self and start again.

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4. Happy people looking for benefits

Looking at the world through rose glasses can bring a happy life. The word "optimist" is taken from the Latin word "optima" and can be translated into the best results and beliefs about the best interests. Psychologist and author Martin Seligman has studied the subject for more than 20 years and has written a book called "Learning Optimism." In his research, he found that optimists have the will to survive and thrive.. They find meaning and purpose in every situation in life. The disappointment in life has caused pessimists to fall into deep depression. Optimists see setbacks as meaningful and use them as opportunities for growth. Albert Einstein said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe that we live in a friendly or hostile world." Change the way you treat life and watch it magically change for you. Pay attention to the good things in life - your son does his homework without you asking, a group of awkwardly clumsily flying on your head, even a smile of a complete stranger. These are small reminders that life is a wonderful gift worthy of appreciation.

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5. Happy people spend time alone

[123 or rather, they learn to enjoy spending time alone. Finding s can be a challenging, healthy time alone, especially when you have a job and marry a child. But happy people will put time in the first place. Realizing that taking time out for you is not a selfish act; it allows you to recharge so you can give back to the world around you. Psychology today's Sherrie Bourg Carter said: "Time for yourself to give your brain a chance to restart, improve attention, improve work efficiency, help you discover (or rediscover) your voice, give you the opportunity to think deeply, And help you solve the problem - solve it more effectively. "The next time you feel overwhelmed by life, please take a break from the chaos. Unplug your phone and leave your computer. Let your friends and family know that you are spending some recovery time. Everyone will be very happy that you have done it.

Credit: SamuelBrownNG / iStock / Getty Images 6. Happy people have purpose

It is not easy to follow your heart call - you must be brave, have Flexibility, don't care what others think. Joseph Campbell, author of the book The Heroes of Thousand Faces, studied different cultures, myths and religions around the world. He found that the happiest people follow the call of their hearts and have a purpose in life. heartCalling is one thing you call in your heart, even if you never get paid, you will do it. Your purpose in life may include being the best parent ever, leading the congregation in a religious environment or just enjoying life so that others can do the same. Whether wh is the case, the decision is entirely in your hands. No one can tell you what you desire in your heart, only you will have the passion to find it. Follow your happiness!

Credit: prostooleh / iStock / Getty Images 7. Happy people are weird people

Happy people show goodwill and ignorance Beautiful behavior. Researchers have discovered an interesting phenomenon known as "helper high," in which volunteers or people donated to charities gain real heights from giving others. Blood pressure drops and activation of brain reward centers. Health-related chemicals (endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin) are released into the bloodstream, producing effects that are highly similar to drug-induced, no drug-induced harm to the body. Kindly behavior can have a positive impact on the person performing the act, the person accepting the act, and anyone else who happens to see it. Well done, it feels good!

Credit: LiudmylaSupynska / iStock / Getty Images 8. People living in happiness

The ancient philosopher Lao Tzu said perfectly: "If you feel Frustration, you are the life of the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are in peace, then you will live at that moment." What you have is only the present moment. Life is constantly displayed in front of you, providing you with a lot of exciting gifts. Blue sky, your laughing child, rain or your comfortable voice can give you a sense of happiness and happiness. The Heart Mountain Prison Project (HMPP) is a program that provides mindfulness courses for prisoners to promote the calm and altruistic behavior of prisoners. Doug Booth is the executive director of HMPP and the author of the meditation manual "Reassuring Your Time", which has been distributed to more than 6,500 prisoners. In their research, they found that those exercises are positiveThe prisoners who read will make the prison more calm and more optimistic about the future. If mindfulness can make a prisoner live a better life, it can certainly do it for you.

Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund / iStock / Getty Images 9. Happy people listening to music

Music can stimulate your brain in many ways. Listening to a sad song, the memory is activated, bringing tears to your eyes. Listen to a cheerful song, energy flowing through your veins, and your smile makes your face more beautiful. In Elena Mannes's book "The Power of Music," she analyzed 20 years of research on how music has a positive impact on the brain. It calms the baby, lowers blood pressure, increases the feeling of good chemicals, and even helps those who have lost their ability to speak. Music is a powerful mood change agent that can be used in many different ways. Smooth jazz or light classical music can reduce the release of cortisol from the system, helping you calm down and even help you recover from your injuries. Happy, cheerful music can give you energy and improve your mood. Next time you feel low, make yourself an optimistic mix e 123.


AntonioGuillem / iStock / Getty Images 10. Happy people have a good time in nature ]

Your mother rewards you if you come to visit, hug and kiss - Mother Earth will reward you with a happy life. According to several studies reported by the Science Daily, spending time in nature can bring energy and happiness to people. The subject of the study presents different scenes, some of which see pictures of nature, others imagine spending time in nature, and some actually walk in nature. Each subject expressed a feeling of being more vivid, whether it was natural or just imagining it. Another study found that patients in hospitals saw simply faster from their windows, healed faster, and were released earlier than unobserved patients. Swimming in the ocean, flying a kite in the park or strolling through the forest are free activities that will bring you a spring. [123Source:

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] 11. Happy people exercise

Exercise is the happiness of people at the top of the to-do list. Researchers at Penn State University conducted a 14-day study of 190 college students over a period of eight days, and studied 63 college students. Subjects were asked to record their activities, sleep patterns and their feelings daily. The results of both groups show that the amount of activity they do every day has a direct impact on their satisfaction with life. They did not call it "the height of the runner." Exercise increases the amount of happy chemicals released by the brain, creating a lovely mixture of neurotransmitters that will definitely show a smile on your face. Exercise also helps digestion, keeps your heart healthy, helps sleep, and helps you look good. So if you want to be happy and healthy, go jogging on the couch.


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12. Happy people have a good night's sleep [ 123] Losing a night's sleep is sure to be the worst of your mood. One of the things. It's hard to work when you're tired - even harder to smile. Nor did UC Schwarz, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California, write a study in which 909 women were evaluated and asked to use DRM (Day Reconstruction Method) to describe their day. Ask each woman about her income, marital status and number of children and other related issues. He found that one of the biggest determinants of happiness and happiness is the amount of sleep each woman has. Schwartz said: "The annual increase of 60,000 US dollars of income has less impact on your daily happiness than an extra hour of sleep every night." Now it is obvious that money can not bring you happiness, but perhaps healthy closed eyes energy. A consistent sleep schedule is the best way to make sure you sleep.

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What do you think?

You think you are oneA happy person? Why or why not? What do you value most about your happiness? Do you know these 12 characteristics of happy people? Do you have these qualities? Have you missed our list? Leave a comment let us know.

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