You should not ignore the warning signs of 8 depressions

Your boss will take you off. A car hit a puddle and was covered with dirty water. It was a bad day, but it was only one day. However, for one-tenth of Americans with depression, the blues do not disappear with the flipping of the calendar. The symptoms usually last for two weeks or longer and usually do not resolve without treatment. Unfortunately, most people don't realize that the symptoms of depression are not as simple as "sadness." More importantly, everyone has different depressions, which means that some people may experience more symptoms than others. Depression is often overlooked and people affected by it are forced to silence. Read on to find out how to identify the most common symptoms of depression - whether in yourself, friends or family - and how to get help.

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1. Anger and irritability

Usually, when feelings are low, people feel anxious, upset and even violent. Psychiatrist Robert London explained that the anger of medical doctors can also make depression permanent. According to an editorial on the progress of psychiatric treatment, when anger is not resolved, it can lead to passive aggression. This behavior can be self-destructive and lead to depression. London suggests that anyone who has experienced aggression or hostility, even an unusually tempered, will discuss conflicts with others to find possible solutions. Talking to a counselor or therapist can also prove helpful in classifying anger or resentment of feelings and presenting constructive ways to deal with them.

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2. Self-criticism

["We all have an inner critics," Jaime W. Vinick, MC, LPC, NCC, chief clinical officer of the Sierra Tucson Psychiatric Hospital said. "For those who are depressed, this critical inner voice can have a powerful and destructive effect on their mindset." Excessive self-criticism can be a powerful indicator of depression. In a 2009 comprehensive psychiatric study of 107 adults, the most self-criticists were in four years.It is also easier to feel depressed later. Pay attention to how often you or others use the word "should", said Dr. Moe Gelbart, a psychologist at the Torrance Memorial Medical Center in California. It is a common sign of self-judgment by saying that "should" do something that often cites your behavior. Learn how to fight this self-criticism through active self-talk.

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Source: Purestock / Purestock / Getty Images 3 Despair

"One of the most serious symptoms of depression is a feeling of despair," Vinick said. The feeling of despair can prevent people from seeking treatment for depression. Those who are extremely desperate may not believe that they will or will feel better, which explains why some people try to commit suicide. More importantly, according to Dr. Nick Flander, a clinical psychologist assistant professor of psychiatry at Ohio State University, some experts believe that despair may lead to the development of depression. Flanders said that for many people with depression, over time, a sense of hopelessness is fostered through the history of failure. These failures may be real or imagined, and self-criticism can play an important role in the latter.

Credit: David De Lossy / Photodisc / Getty Images 4. Losing interest [ 123]

Losing interest in a three-hour meeting is one thing, but with Feeling low, people may lose interest in things they usually like, such as movies, sports, and spending time with friends. This phenomenon is called anhed, according to Gelbart, onia. Unfortunately, losing interest can exacerbate isolation and lead to further depression, Gelbart said. According to London, this loss of interest may be due to changes in the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. For people with depression, this is a self-destructive cycle.


Andrea Morini / Photodisc / GetTy Images 5. Major weight changes

Depression can be a number to a certain extent. When depressed, many people lose interest in eating because they no longer enjoy food. On the other hand, they may eat in intentional or unconscious emotions to improve their mood. In fact, according to a 2003 Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating carbohydrate-rich foods can temporarily promote the synthesis of chemically serotonin that feels good in the brain. Inactivity caused by depression can also promote weight gain. According to London, if a person's weight changes exceed 5 percent in a month, they must receive medical attention.


JGI / Blend Images / Getty Images 6. Changes in sleep habits

According to a 2008 review published in the Clinical Neuroscience Dialogue, approximately three-quarters of people with depression have insomnia. “Continuous fear, anxiety and rumors will make it difficult to stay or fall asleep,” Gelbar explained. Many people make up for poor sleep by pressing a snooze button, taking a nap or drinking coffee, which can make it harder to fall asleep at night. And, like many depressive symptoms, poor sleep can only worsen depression. At the same time, according to the same study, approximately 40% of depressed young people (most commonly young women) are oversleeping during depression. According to Gelbart, in general, depressed individuals who are unable to sleep are using sleep as a means of escaping problems.


Purestock / Purestock / Getty Images 7. Fatigue ]

Depression can take it seriously from you. “Frustrated people behave like constant pressure, which may lead me to Forand to say that inflammation can in turn lead to fatigue. According to London, most people suffer from depression, even if they don’t realize depression. People complain of tiredness, sluggishness and exhaustion. Sleep disorders often occur, which can exacerbate fatigue and fatigue. In some cases, this fatigue can be through unclear speech, slow response time, slow walking, and gestures.And other actions are shown.

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8. Unexplained pain and pain

Usually, when depressed people do seek medical care, they The complaint is not depression at all. This is pain and pain like Vicknick's saying, stomach pain, joint and back pain. She explained that the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine not only affect mood, but also affect the biological and neural processes that cause pain. More importantly, depression affects the painful feelings in the brain. "The pain signals from the body that are usually passivated or metastasized can be amplified," Forand said. He said: "Depressed patients tend to have a lot of negative self-concerns, so they may be more likely to notice pain and focus, which makes the pain feeling worse."

[ 123] Credit: [ 123] Purestock / Purestock / Getty Images How to help

"If someone falls to the ground, G London says: "If you get indigested, you won't leave them. "Similarly, you shouldn't ignore signs of depression, which can be fatal. Cognitive behavioral therapies and drugs, whether used alone or in combination, can be said to help relieve depression, he points out that although depression can Treated quickly and easily in some people, but may be recurrent and need to continue treatment in others. If you suspect that you or someone else is suffering from depression, then this is a simple first step to recover is to go to the primary Health care doctor.


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Depression is a serious illness. Have you or someone you know ever experienced this warning? What warning signs are there? Are you looking for help? What helped you or your friend finally solved this problem? Share your thoughts, opinions and experiences in the comments section below to let others know that they are not alone.


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