10 exercise classes will improve your sex life

Of course, exercise classes are a great way to help you stay healthy, healthy and strong. But all stretching, bending, twisting, heavy breathing and heart rate in the fitness studio can also have some important effects on your sex life. Kundalini Yoga and indoor bicycle coach Colin King said: “Just in exercise, you can immediately enhance your body's self-esteem and self-confidence while reducing stress – all of which can promote sex.” What better reason? Let your loot get to the gym? Read on to find out how some of your favorite fitness classes (and some upcoming competitors) take your sex life to the next level.

Credits: LightFieldStudios / iStock / GettyImages

1. Zumba

This whole body workout I ncorporates salsa, meringue, samba, cha-cha and a little hip hop and Modern dance. Think about a lot of arm movements, trampling, core work, squats, lunges and swaying - all of which can prepare the body. Zumba coach Melanie Gibson said: "The hips rotate, the hips swing and the buttocks have a lot of hip movements." "And many songs are Latin-style - so the action is very emotional. After you take Zumba, you can Use the hips when the things in the bedroom are intimate. The looser the hips, the better the action. The guys won't be disappointed! "

Source: DragonImages / iStock / GettyImages

2. Indoor bicycles [ 123]

Indoor cycling is one of the most popular courses used to blast calories and promote cardiovascular health. However, this intense exercise will also make your body more comfortable. Indoor bicycle instructor Colin Kim said, “Biking in any form can promote physical contact.” According to Kim, cycling not only increases blood flow to the body but also increases heart rate – this ensures that blood gases such as oxygen And carbon dioxide is regulated. This is a heavy erectionThe factor. For women, cycling increases the amplitude of the vaginal pulse (that is, your lower abdomen blood flow during each heartbeat). The higher the pulse, the higher the wake!

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Credit: jacoblund / iStock / GettyImages 3. Barre

You have heard or tried one of these popular courses that combine elements of Pilates, yoga and strength training. Barre is a head-to-toe workout that trains your body with some very satisfying genders. Professor Taryn Falcetti, who teaches the classic Pure Barre and Pure Barre's fast-paced, high-intensity Empower, "Pure Barre has many isometric movements that can increase muscle endurance and help you stay sexy for longer. Everything in the classroom After an action - this makes you more flexible in the bedroom," she added. "With all these intense leg work, you will be more confident about how your back end looks."

[123 Credit:

Twenty20 / @ yhyan211 4. PiYo

PiYo is a DVD series from Beachbody that combines Pilates muscle carving, core tightness and strength And flexibility advantage Yoga Because you are exercising multiple muscle groups, you will also do some very pleasant sexy time for your body. PiYo coach Angela Lamb explained, “PiYo combines aerobics, flexibility and strength training. Aerobic exercise can boost your endurance and allow you to take longer. The Pilates-yoga combination increases your entry into those fun and interesting positions. Flexibility. When you gain strength, you increase your metabolism and burn more calories - so you will look and feel better naked."


Twenty20 / @ anton_sid [ 123] 4. ViNyasa Yoga

This fast-paced flow yoga focuses on keeping your breath in line with every movement to help you appear more in the moment - this is also the key to sexual gratification. “If you are out of the body, yoga teaches you to experience happiness again through physical exercise. And being willing to accept happiness makes sex more enjoyable,” says Vinyasa mobile coach Laurie Brockhaus.

"Practicing yoga can also encourage self-confidence and positive body image. By being more comfortable in our body, we are more likely to be more adventurous in the bedroom." In addition, she said, the process includes "uplifting And tightening the muscles of the pelvic floor, which strengthens and helps you control the muscles that are involved in the climax. "


fizkes / iStock / GettyImages

6. POUND [ 123] Driven by rhythm and music, this dynamic course uses Ripstix - a practice drumstick designed for POUND - to help you release your inner rock star during killer training. POUND Shannon Roentved's education director says: "POUND refining Proprioception (adjusting your body movements) and kinesthetic consciousness (knowing positioning and movement) your body. In turn, this enhances the certainty and certainty of your body's movements - may lead to physical confidence between the body And the rhythm is improved! "

She added that exercise stimulates the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Play a role in happiness and desire): “When you experience these benefits alone or experience POUND with your partner, you may expect to replicate this feeling at home.”

Credit: [ 123 Photo source: Brita Potenza, Alexis Love, Vice President of Marketing

7. Kundalini Yoga

This trend of yoga originated in the 1960s and is not your typical process. According to Kundalini coach Colin Kim, "Kundalini is in the house of Tantric, it encourages your soul.development of. It is based on inhaling and exhaling in a long, slow, deep breath to awaken your spirit. He explained, "Kundalini can heal old wounds and help you face life with confidence and love." "

How can you increase your enjoyment in the bedroom? Kim said: "Nothing is more attractive than a real, spiritual partner. He is a confident, calm and stable person." . When you combine anxious thoughts with a flexible body and combine it with the highest spiritual goodness, it can be ecstatic, love and truly relevant sexual contact. "


Twenty20 / @ lira_n4

8. VersaClimbing

Climbing the gym is a great way to build muscle. Torch calories, not everyone can take The formidable rock wall. This is where VersaClimbers comes in. These full-body fitness equipment are spread all over the gym. And because of their small impact, everyone can experience their amazing benefits - both have cardiovascular and sexual The rising country VersaClimber coach Hallie Shaw said: "I teach you half-hour VersaClimber courses can improve your endurance, and challenge you every once in a while, so that your heart beats faster, so your body will be better, you can Longer time. Moreover, Rise Nation is a full-body workout, which means everything will look better on the bed. "


Twenty20 / @ criene 9. GROOV3

If you want a high-energy training unlike fitness, more like a dance, then GROOV3 is the right course for you. This choreograph-based exercise teaches you hip-hop, funk and pop dance moves to an uninterrupted DJ set. Better? Learning these fun, simple combinations can lead to a better sex life. GROOV3 CEO, creator and housework photographer Benjamin Allen said: “Stimulate your thoughts, attract your body, lead to body consciousness and confidence in your skin – in and out of the bedroom. He solvedExplain, "We encourage participants to 'jump out ISH,' which means relaxation, freedom and 'you' - all of which can generate heat between sheets."


GROOV3 [123 10. Polar Dance

Let us face the reality: no one is surprised by this association. What is surprising is how much this practice benefits your body (and your sexual life). According to Wendy Serafin, a health and fitness expert and certified pole dancing coach, “Pole dance includes core, body awareness, strength, balance and flexibility – making you feel sexy and unruly. You can improve your core strength and even overcome the height. The fear, while reversing the length of the pole. "Please register us! Credit:

Twenty20 / @ shanti

What do you think about?

Have you tried these courses? How do they help improve your sex life? What other exercise classes have improved something in the bedroom? Share your story in the comments below! Credit:

Twenty20 / @ katyasiberianvegan