10 of the most important cities in the United States and 10 of the most important cities

Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the United States - more than two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. Although the latest obesity status of Trust for America's Health ="https:> shows that obesity trends in children and adults have begun to slow, the epidemic still affects 17% of children and 38% of adults. However, some cities and states have unhealthy living habits more common than others. WalletHub analysts compared 17 weight-related indicators in 17 of the largest US metropolitan areas, including access to healthy foods, projected obesity rates, and the proportion of adults who were physically inactive. Read on to find out which cities are the heaviest and which are the few.

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10. Most overweight: Louisville, Kentucky

WalletHub's experts analyzed three obesity indicators - obesity and Overweight statistics, weight related health issues and a healthy environment - determine the overall rating of each city. Unfortunately, Louisville did not perform well on all three of these factors.

The city reported high rates of heart disease and diabetes, both of which are weight-related health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the low-income communities in Louisville have exceptionally high rates of obesity and scarce health foods. WalletHub expert Dana Hunnes, a senior dietitian at Ronald Reagan Medical Center, said that the lack of access to fresh food from low-income communities has led to an obesity epidemic.

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9. Most Overweight: Columbia, South Carolina

Like Louisville, Colombia ranks poorly in all three categories. Although South Carolina created SCaleDown, this is a plan to fight obesity.But in 2014, it is still the fifth highest percentage of adults who eat less than one serving of fruit or vegetables a day. Colombia is located in the southern United States, and Hunnes says this is a factor in the rise in obesity. “The quality of the diet in the South is usually low, many foods are deep d, highly salted or sugared.”

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[123 Credit: Freelancer975 / iStock / GettyImages [ 8. Most Overweight: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Baton Rouge's adults can't eat one fruit a day Or the proportion of vegetables is the third highest. However, the eighth most overweight city is currently improving from 2015, when Baton Rouge was declared the most obese city in the United States. According to the government's initiative, Healthy BR, there are limited access to the city's grocery stores in low-income areas in Baton Rouge, which may explain the prevalence of overweight and obese residents there.

WalletHub expert Mohammad Siahpush, associate dean of social and behavioral health research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center School of Public Health, has more insights: “Generally speaking, obesity is less in large supermarkets. Geographical areas are more common and street safety is poor Credit:

SeanPavonePhoto / iStock / GettyImages

7. Overweight: San Antonio, Texas

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More than a decade ago, San Antonio was named the most obese city in the United States by the CDC. Although progress has been made, the city is still the third worst health city in the US. Developing a healthy environment is key to reducing obesity rates. Research at the University of Nair University has found that changing your environment, such as using smaller plates and rearranging your cabinets, can help you lose weight.

On the positive side, the San Antonio Regional Foundation says that Since 2011, it has been working to fight obesity by encouraging healthy diets and physical activity.

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SeanPavonePhoto / iStock / GettyImages 6. Most overweight: McAllen, Texas

Mai Karen ranks second in health problems in the United States, seventh in health, and the city is also the highest percentage of overweight. According to WalletHub's analysis, adults with physical inactivity, in addition to McLaren, account for the second highest proportion of adults with diabetes. The Washington Post reported in 2013 that many South Texasers, including those living in McAllen, rely on food stamps. According to the Washington Post, when people are forced to buy more than the quality, they end up eating less processed foods that contain less nutrients, fats, salt and refined sugar than fresh foods. Studies have consistently shown that processed foods promote obesity. solution? A study found that simply educating people to buy healthy foods and food preparations can improve their habits, suggesting that nutrition education can have a positive impact on obesity rates, health care costs and longevity.

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Credit: leekris / iStock / GettyImages 5. The most overweight: Lafayette, Louisiana

Lafayette is the second city in Louisiana to produce the list of the most heavyweight cities in WalletHub. A major problem is the high proportion of people with weight-related health problems. According to KFLY news, residents of Lafayette like to eat out and enjoy local delicacies such as boudin and crayfish. “The food is really great, the taste is really good, but maybe not the healthiest,” Lafayette resident Cody Chambers told the news media.

As a way to avoid hiding the calories in restaurants, WalletHub expert Elissa Epel, a professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, showed that individuals are trying to keep eating out at special times. "Change the environment of food and beverages and make healthy choices -"Oh," she said. "People are healthier and happier. "


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4. Overweight: Little Rock, Arkansas

According to WalletHub, Little Rock eats less than one a day. Fruits and vegetables have the highest proportion of adults. Why is this important? Well, one study found that not eating enough fruits and vegetables each year accounted for about 15% of diet-related cardiac metabolic deaths.

The proportion of adults is also the fourth highest. Ho is not active. This may be due to the lack of recreational facilities. In an article in the Huffington Post, the founder of the Real Health Initiative, David Katz, described the locals of Little Rock. It is unlikely to enter the park, maintain a good playground, family fitness equipment or even a nearby gym.


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[123 Credit:

benkrut / iStock / GettyImages 3. The most overweight: Memphis, Tennessee [

Memphis is known for its southern way of grilled pork ribs, 2012 by "US News and World Report" Named the best barbecue city in the United States Unfortunately, Memphis also climbed the most overweight list of WalletHub. In addition to being the third-largest overweight city in the United States, Memphis also has the most unhealthy environment in 100 metropolitan areas. The second highest proportion of obese adults explains why it ranks fourth among adults with diabetes and third among adults with hypertension.

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2. The most overweight: Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson is According to the 2016 Obesity Report, the capital of Mississippi is the second largest obese state in the US.The city has 22 of the least healing environments for you, a little average in this category, and when it comes to other indicators of a city's "obesity", it doesn't do that well. Jackson ranked first in health rankings on the most relevant rankings, and the second highest percentage of adults were physically inactive. Lack of physical activity can lead to a variety of other health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, so it's no surprise that Jackson is also the place with the highest proportion of adults with diabetes.

Credit: SeanPavonePhoto / iStock / GettyImages

1. Most overweight: Shreveport, Louisiana

According to WalletHub, Shreveport has always been the most obese in the United States One of the cities is now ranked highest in the 2017 overweight city. It is also the second highest proportion of adults with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Food is an important part of Shreveport's culture, and the cuisine of the metropolitan area can seriously affect its inhabitants. According to Shreveport and Bossier City travel sites, Cajun and fried foods are an integral part of Shreveport's iconic dining venue. To avoid the temptation to eat out, Professor WalloneH, a professor of epidemiology and community hygiene at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, recommends: “ Eat whole food at home, eat and prepare food and keep fast, simple dietary ingredients at home.”[ 123]

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10. Lightest and overweight: Seattle, Washington

Seattle ranks fourth among the number of unemployed adults in the country. This may be because it integrates health into its culture. For example, the Seattle City commuter travel reduction program supports walking to workdays, and the Seattle Department of Transportation has a bicycle program.

The Seattle community also emphasizes fresh local food. There are many farmers' markets here, one of which is the famous Pike Market. “When buying food, in order to stay healthyDiet, buying lots of fruits and vegetables is very important," said WalletHub expert Jennifer D. Roberts, assistant professor of kinesiology at the University of Maryland. "Buying seasonal products or buying at a farmer's market can reduce costs. "With Seattle's rich market, it's no wonder that it is one of the least important cities in the United States.


Joecho-16 / iStock / GettyImages 9. At least overweight: Ogden, Utah

Located near the Utah Mountains, Ogden is a popular eco-tourism destination offering year-round outdoor activities such as hiking, hiking, mountain biking and cycling. In the lives of residents, they ranked 76th in their ability to suffer weight-related health problems in their lifetime.

Ogden also celebrates the bicycle work day in March, and May is the bicycle month in Utah. This is a statewide program designed to reduce traffic and promote health. According to the 2016 Obesity Report, Utah's adult obesity rate ranks seventh in the country.


Getty [ 123] 8. At least overweight: San Francisco, California [ 123]

Despite the close urban environment, the proportion of physically inactive adults in San Francisco is still ranked fourth. Studies have shown that parks have a positive impact on sports activities. Loud, San Francisco has more than 220 parks, open spaces and playgrounds. The city's entertainment department also sponsors its own healthy people, the Health Park Initiative, which organizes weekend walks through its parks.

San Francisco eats every day The number of people who come to a fruit and vegetable is also the second lowest. According to VegSF, San Francisco has a variety of vegetarian and vegetarian options. Hoodline reports that farmers' markets and community farms are particularly popular because sustainable agriculture is an important part of the city's history. Part.

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7. Lightest and overweight: sandalwoodMountain, Hawaii

Honolulu is a world famous resort, but it is also one of the healthiest people in the United States. It is the third lowest according to the 2016 obesity report, which ranks first in the country. It is also the fourth lowest percentage of overweight adults and is over 90% of the least weighty health problems and the lightest and overweight population.

There is a lot of boasting in Honolulu, including a lifestyle that many residents have adapted to health. Hawaii has a variety of island programs that encourage healthy living, such as the Healthy Hawaii Initiative, which focuses on promoting physical activity and reducing smoking rates.

Credit: sorincolac / iStock / GettyImages ] 6. Minimum overweight: Boston, MA

Despite the cold winter, Boston still has the 10th health resident environment of. According to data collected by the Caesars Family Foundation, almost all Massachusetts residents (96%) have access to health care. In addition, according to Smithsonian Mag, Boston is experiencing “a farm-to-table revival” as its residents increasingly consume locally sourced food. The city's various food choices and health promotion activities, such as the summer fitness series and free park training, help to improve the health of residents.


SeanPavonePhoto / iStock / GettyImages

] 5. Maximum weight overweight: San Jose, California

San Jose is ranked for least due to weight-related health problems At the top of the list, the fifth lowest percentage of diabetic adults and high cholesterol adults is the lowest. The website of the San Jose Economic Development Office describes the city as “active, green and healthy”. Its bicycle-friendly environment is combined with numerous parks and trails. Like the other least fat cities on this list, San Jose's culture encourages healthy living.

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4. Lightest and overweight: Salt Lake City, Utah

The capital of Salt Lake City is located near five national parks and several ski resorts. No wonder it has the ninth healthiest environment in the United States. Its residents can enjoy outdoor activities all year round - water skiing and sledding from sno winter in the spring and summer. According to the Livability survey, 83% of adults in Salt Lake City said they were engaged in physical activity during their leisure time and 75% were healthy.

Source: AndreyKrav / iStock / GettyImages [ 123] 3. The most weight is overweight: Provo, Utah

Provo's weight is slightly higher than Salt Lake City, Because weight-related health problems are rare, although its health environment is low. Among the top five cities in Provo, the highest percentage of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol adults are associated with obesity. Provo has an impressive park (92) spanning 802 acres across the acros and a farmers' market in the city, supporting local farm and food suppliers.

Credit: NikonShutterman / iStock / GettyImages

2. Minimum overweight: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Colorado Springs Weight-related health issues Second, the proportion of adult hypertension is the fifth lowest. Part of its success is attributed to the Colorado government's many initiatives to promote healthy eating and active living. For example, LiveWell Colorado Springs participates in community collaborations such as YMCA's Pioneer Health Community Initiative to create sports and nutrition programs for its residents. Colorado Springs also has 500 acres of trails and 9,000 acres of parks and sports fields and open spaces.

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Credit: oneillbro / iStock / GettyImages

1. Minimum overweight: Denver, Colorado city

Denver is at the top of the list of the most important cities in the United States. It has the second least weight-related health problem and ranks fourth in San Diego and San Francisco because it has the lowest proportion of adults who are physically inactive.

In 2016, Denver was named the best location to live according to US News and World Report, so it is not surprising that the city has the smallest number of overweight people in the country. The city has an impressive park and entertainment system, 29 entertainment centers and 309 sports fields. The Denver government is involved in the development of community initiatives to promote public health and access to health care.

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What do you think?

Is your city on this list? How do your cities and states fight the obesity epidemic? What factors do you think contribute to a healthy lifestyle? Please let us know in the comments section!

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