5 states that get the most (and least!) sleep

Everyone you know brags that you can't sleep for five hours? If so, you are likely to live in Hawaii, Kentucky or Maryland. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released new data on the average nighttime sleep time reported by Americans themselves. It turns out that 35% of Americans have less than 7 hours of snooze, which is an unhealthy habit. Read on to find out which states are the easiest to fall asleep, and which states are completely okay when capturing their ZZZ.

Credit: Maridav / pyty / Adob ​​e Stock

Best Sleep: #5 Idaho [ 123]

This state is a bit difficult. Sixty-nine percent of people are sleeping well, but the number of people in Idaho is still very low. At the same time, according to DrugAbuse.gov, it is one of the countries with the highest rate of non-medical prescription drugs in the country. Can Jeju State take medicine to enter a dream? Again, Idaho is the country with the seventh smallest population. The smaller the number, the less noise and the less light exposure, both of which interrupt the circadian rhythm.

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Credit: zrfphoto / iStock / Getty Images Best Sleep: #4 Nebra California

has a population of 1.9 million, accounting for about half of the city's Los Angeles. Nebraska may be another of these states, with a small population, less lighting, and less distraction. The overall health status of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also points to a fairly low national ranking for diseases such as heart disease, flu, stroke, accident, kidney disease and suicide in Nebraska.

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Source: zrfphoto / iStock / Getty Images Best Sleep: #3 Minnesota

Our first thought: When it caught a cold, most of the yearTime, there is no other way than to sleep. However, this is a simple answer. More interestingly, Minneapolis ranked second in the list of the most suitable cities last year, indicating that the Minnesota people are very active. Do not you know?

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Credit: Joe Christensen / iStock / Getty Images Best Sleep: #2 Colorado

Is this the fresh mountain air? According to the 2015 Gallup poll, not only do Colorado residents have a good rest, but they are also the happiest people in the United States. Denver was also rated as one of the best cities in 2015, suggesting that these Rocky Mountain climbers may make a difference.

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Image source: kanonsky / iStock / Getty Images Best sleep: #1 South Dakota

At Mt.'s home, 71.6% of Rushmore sleep more than 7 hours a night. It must be good, right? According to NPR, South Dakota “may be better because their overall health is often better and their population density is usually lower. “Lightening and reducing interference make this state the best choice for people with mild sleep.

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Credit: Patrick Burke / iStock / Getty Images Worst Sleep: #5 Michigan

The recent story is like leadership - Flint's poisoned water and the country's financial crisis and slow recovery, people in Michigan may be more worried than citizens of other states . In fact, NPR pointed out that stress may have an impact on sleep in these five states. Minimum REM.

Related: Q&A:Why sleep is so important and how to get it [12] 3] Image source:

Steven_Kriemadis / iStock / Getty Images Worst sleep: #4 Alabama

Disease prevention and control One of the main findings of the Center's report is that all ethnic groups, non-Hispanic blacks get the least amount of sleep (spoiler alert!) Pacific Islanders. Only about 54% of African Americans sleep more than 7 hours a night. Of the five worst-sleeping states, Alabama has the largest population and is confirmed to be black (according to the latest census data, this figure is 26.2%).


13 new sleep strategies mom Image credit:

dvest / iStock / Getty Images Worst sleep: #3 Maryland

As the fifth most populous state, Maryland is a small state that can...not get enough rest. Interestingly, the Census Bureau reported that Maryland's family is the richest family in the country. Mo 'money, Mo' question, right? Are Maryland citizens busy working on all the dough to get some pillow time?


14 stress-relieving foods Credit:

Sean Pavone / iStock / Getty Images Worst sleep: #2 Kentucky The state

Blue Grass State not only lacks sleep, they are not happy. Kentucky ranks 49th in the Gallup poll of the happiest states. Perhaps they export too many famous bourbon whiskers, not for Kentucky's many meadows and rivers, rich elk, wild turkey toasts and productive coal fields - and then get a good night's sleep.


10 proven ways to avoid stressful diets Credit:

alexeys / iStock / Getty ImaGes Worst sleep: #1 Hawaii

Only 56% of Hawaiians sleep more than 7 hours. But here is the kicker: Two years later, Hawaiians consider themselves to be the happiest people in the United States. Not only that, the Gallup-Health Road Health Index ranks Hawaii as the highest overall health condition in the United States. This makes us believe that life in Aloha is almost always rainbows and butterflies. They all have to shorten their sleep time to enjoy life, maybe wake up to surf before dawn. Hang loose, Hawaiian! Just make sure you get enough snooze time to stay healthy.


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BigRedCurlyGuy / iStock / Getty Images [How do you feel?

Why do you think these 10 states are at the top and bottom of the sleep list? Please let us know what you think in the comments section!


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