9 surprising reasons why you have been very tired

If you are tired in the past week, please raise your hand. We can safely assume that about 100% of us raise our hands. It is not uncommon to feel tired occasionally. We have all experienced this situation - after a long day of work, after a lot of stress, stay up all night. However, what is unusual is that when feeling always sleepy or tired, the feeling will never fade. But there is no reason to continue to feel so tired. If fatigue can interfere with your daily activities and prevent you from enjoying your life, then you should find a solution. Start by looking at some of the possible reasons why you might feel so tired and what you can do to eventually restore your energy.

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1. Sedentary lifestyle

Sitting at the desk all day (and evening) may It will drive you crazy, but it does not help your energy level. "Inactivity will not only lower your energy levels, but also hinder your desire to be active," said Scott Weiss, a physical therapist and strength and conditioning specialist at Bodhizone Physical Therapy and Health in New York. In order to completely avoid this inactive trap, it is important to maintain some activity even when recovering from an injury. Especially if you are not injured, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor health and must be corrected through proper diet and exercise, Weiss said. “This can often be a test of will, forcing yourself to get rid of tired ruts and enter a healthy sport,” he said. But the good news is that after a week of regular exercise, the body should start feeling more energetic and Rejuvenation. "

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2. Anemia

There is a quick review of biology: red blood cells contain hemoglobin, there are Helps deliver oxygen from the lungs to the tissue. When the number of red blood cells also drops, the American Blood Society says the blood disease is very common, affecting nearly a quarter of the world's population (three million Americans), a very common blood disease. The causes are poor diet, certain infections, chronic diseases and intestinal diseases. Lack of oxygen exercise physiologyHome Scotts said that this can lead to fatigue, which is the main symptom of anemia. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness and headache. Fortunately, anemia can be easily detected by a simple blood test. Although treatment depends on the cause, many cases can be corrected by a healthy diet or dietary supplement.

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3. Neglected sleep

In today's busy world, with endless demands and distractions, sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice. However, adults need at least seven to eight hours a night, said Nishay Chitkara, assistant professor at the University of New York at Lange Medical Center. He remembers recommending a series of basic habits to enhance good sleep. Start with a consistent sleep schedule - even on weekends and rest days. Dr. Carl W. Bazil, Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Columbia University Medical Center, agrees. "Sleeping on weekends can lead to 'social jet lag' - the equivalent of changing the time zone every weekend - which obviously makes you feel tired." Both doctors recommend turning off the electronics at night. Also, avoid taking caffeine and nicotine before going to bed, avoid taking a nap during the day, and don't exercise too late in the day.

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4. Sleep Apnea [

However, your sleep problem may not just be a crazy schedule. Sleep apnea destroys the sleeper's breath for a few seconds to a few minutes. Although these events usually do not fully wake up, they can disrupt sleep, affect sleep quality and cause excessive daytime sleepiness. You need sleep research. If an apnea is confirmed, the doctor will usually have a continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP device that uses a gentle air pressure to keep the airway open and allow the sleeper to breathe normally, says Farlinghurst's main dentist and owner, Frank Farrelly. Teeth in New South Wales, Australia. Studies have also shown that the mandibular advancement splint, a simple wearing at nightA single dental appliance may be the choice of some patients with apnea. “Therefore, although CPAP devices are a better treatment,” Farrelly said, “For those who can't or will do it without a CPAP device, the mandibular advancement splint offers some benefits.”

Credit: Adob ​​e Stock / theartofphoto 5. Depression

The tragic fact about depression is that you or someone you love is likely to have experienced it. It affects around 350 million people around the world and touches almost every aspect of life. Symptoms include ruthless grief, low energy or lethargy, and sleep symptoms such as insomnia, says artisan Arthur N. Falk, a sleep specialist at the face and skin center in Albany, New York and Saratoga. Changes in sleep patterns - such as overnight waking hours, reduced deep sleep and early REM sleep - he said that this is a sign of depression, of course, most people feel sad or tired or at some point can not fall asleep, but with depression Symptoms, these feelings usually last for at least two weeks). The good news is that once diagnosed, depression can be treated with talk therapy and medication.

Credit: Adob ​​e Stock / kieferpix 6. Hypoglycemia

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Your constant fatigue may be attributed to your blood sugar problem. Sports physiologist Scott Weiss says that if you have other symptoms, such as irritations, confusion, and anxiety, you may experience hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels are extremely low. Our body needs glucose to get energy, so when it's in short supply, you may see irritability, tension and other symptoms. The most important thing is fatigue, Weiss said. If you have diabetes, hypoglycemia may be a side effect of your diabetes medication, and your doctor may need to adjust or change. If you are not a diabetic, you may get hypoglycemia due to certain medications or other diseases. If you suspect that you have hypoglycemia, ask your doctor for a laboratory test to determine the cause. Treatment will depend on the cause of hypoglycemia.


Adob ​​e Stock / Panoramio Productions [1]23] 7. Hypothyroidism

You may not spend a lot of money thinking about your thyroid gland. Because, unless it doesn't work as expected, there is no reason to notice it. Your thyroid gland produces a special hormone that controls its way the body uses energy. If your thyroid gland does not produce enough of this hormone, you may suffer from hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism. This causes normal body processes to slow down, causing weight gain, dry skin, increased sensitivity to cold, and, of course, feeling tired and other symptoms. It may be caused by an autoimmune disease, surgical removal of some or all of the thyroid or radiation therapy. Your doctor can test your blood to measure your hormones. Dr. Arthur N. Falk said that if you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you will be given a thyroid hormone replacement to try to reverse the symptoms, including daytime sleepiness and fatigue.


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8. Periodic limb movements during sleep

Even if you record enough time in bed, your sleep It may still be the culprit. Periodic limb movements (PLMS) during sleep can upset your rest and make you feel tired. PLMS patients experience unintended repetitive movements, usually in the lower extremities, every 20 to 40 seconds. Exercise may be bending, twitching or short-term muscle twitching that can last from a few minutes to a few hours. Some people with PLMS may also experience restless leg syndrome - discomfort in the calf or thigh. The exact cause of PLMS is unclear, but occasionally it may indicate a serious illness. Although some drugs can effectively manage PLMS, it is only necessary to treat igue or with restless legs when the disease causes insomnia and fat during the day.


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9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia

As the name suggests, chronic sleep specialists Dr. Arthur N. Falk said that fatigue syndrome may be the source of your constant fatigue. Or it mightIt is fibromyalgia. These two conditions produce similar symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, chronic pain, insomnia, and impaired memory or attention. For CFS, fatigue is the main symptom, and for fibromyalgia, pain is the most common. Since there are no laboratory tests in either case, the doctor will try to rule out other causes of fatigue. Both conditions cannot be cured, so both treatments are said by Dr. Falk, a complex multidimensional. The goal is to find a combination of therapies that can solve the most debilitating symptoms.


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What do you think?

Have you always felt tired? Have you found the reason? What have you learned in managing or solving problems? Anything you have done is helpful? What skills have you learned from self-treatment or getting help from your doctor? Any suggestions for other people who may always feel tired? Share your thoughts with the LIVESTRONG.COM community in the comments below!


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