Get used to 10 times a day to increase your productivity

A typical chaotic day may allow you to return to table tennis from conference to conference, from cell phone to computer, and make you feel that your achievements are rare. How to manage? It's all in the routine. For Benjamin Spall, the co-founder of My Morning Routine (, these daily rituals allow us to develop many habits immediately from best-selling authors and successful entrepreneurs. . “We all have something we want to start doing, and by creating a routine (whether in the morning, afternoon or evening), we can more easily develop this habit, and more, this is our life. Part of it.” Shelby Castile is a licensed therapist who believes that everyday work is a necessary life for productive people. “When we formulate conventions for ourselves and our families, it brings the security we really need,” she said. “When we know what will happen – and know what our expectations are for us – our decisions will get better and our behavior will improve.” There are 10 everyday habits that will keep you focused and productive. .

Credit: iStock / Halfpoint

1. Have a consistent bedtime

Although difficult to arrange, sleeping and waking up at the same time every day has many benefits. You start setting your internal clock to be tired at some point and become energized at some point. According to the National Sleep Foundation, currently recommended adult sleep time should be 7 to 9 hours for adults aged 1865 and older for 64 years, 7 to 8 hours. Set bedtime and wake up time to keep up with your work schedule or general life. If you sleep at 10 o'clock in the evening every night, you can wake up at around 6 in the morning and give you two hours of preparation. If you are a 8 to 5 person, you can go to work. Make adjustments based on your own personal arrangements so that it can work for you.


2. Review your goal first thing in the morning

[123 ] If you are reading this article, you may be the one who has already made a to-do list. You have realized that the complete agenda is easier to manage when recording, rather than swimming in your mind. You can also enjoy a sense of responsibility - do list for you, including a sense of accomplishment when you are able to check each task. For Sam Thomas Davis, the author of “Unfettered: How to Break the Habits and Form Consistency,” a powerful morning ritual is the best way to get what you want because it lays the rest of the day. The tone. Equally important, he said, “I found that reading your goals first in the morning can help you separate a few from a few and make the biggest contribution to the most important things.”

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The "Simpsons" writer shares his interesting journey from Couch Potato to marathon runners Source: 3. Let the positive Participation [

According to the researchers, the Department of Sports Science at the University of Georgia exercised for 20 minutes a day, increasing the amount of oxygen that rushed to the brain. This enhances brain function associated with memory and processing. It also greatly increases your brain's ability to create new neural pathways and speeds up your ability to complete tasks. Get into the habit of being active every day to incorporate it into your life - just like showering and brushing your teeth. Davis said: "The habits in sports tend to keep moving." "If we develop a habit but don't complete it, we tend to experience intrusive thinking until we do it." When some other activities Most people can work more efficiently when they can drive automatically; for example, if we always think about breathing, we will never get anything,

Credit: [ 123] 4. Efficiency check

Castilla said, “When it comes to daily life, always check with your own and re-evaluate which works and what works. “If you To improve your productivity, evaluate the most basic daily tasks and find out how to adjust them. Reflect or record every dayThe effect of working often until you have a good feeling for the need for streamlining. For example: If you get your clothes ready the night before, can you do more work the next day? If you take an hour off at noon, can you do more work in the morning or afternoon? Or do you need to take a break later to get more morning time? There is no need to keep working day-to-day without really helping you, so decide what is bad for you.


5 Know if you are an early bird or a night owl

Although the night owl is not so productive early in the day, They may finish a ton later in the afternoon. At the same time, early birds can burn through bright and early paperwork, but tend to slow down over time. Spall ( said: “Doing something useful to you doesn’t mean what you want to do.” “When we find that our productivity is highest, we are working hard to improve the quality (and quantity) of production. "Watch w if you have the most energy and use that time. If you are a morning person, you may want to fill out more to-do lists ahead of the day so that you don't have much to do when you lose energy.

Credit: [ 123] 6. Designate a technology-free era

In terms of productivity, new technological advances have brought us amazing developments. . However, sometimes the daily digital revolution can be a huge obstacle. When you turn your phone on and mute it, try to set aside a certain time of day. Another strategy to combat "bad time" techniques: Determine a full day period during which you will check your email and respond. This way you won't let them float all day, letting your attention disappear from the time-sensitive work in front of you. And rethink your shutdown time at night. Shelby said: "I always advise my clients to completely remove the technology from their daily work at night. My motto is: "After anything like 8 can wait!" Most people feel satisfied with them and What they actually didThe content is amazing! "

Credit: 7. Don't be multitasking

It turns out that we are not the champion multitasking we think. Stanford University A study by Professor Clifford Nass found that even advanced multiplexers who consume information and use a variety of technologies are not well placed to ignore irrelevance, which should be an important part of multitasking. "It turns out that Task handlers are terrible in all aspects of multitasking," he told PBS in an interview in 2009. There is more evidence in recent years that our brains are unable to cope with the overload of multitasking, especially when learning new things. In order to improve efficiency, please take the time to focus on specific tasks that you need to pay attention to. When you are in this state, do not postpone completing small tasks and “complete tasks.” This is not a strategy, but a delay. [ 123] Credit:

8. Before the night of preparation

We are 5 minutes late and it took a long time to catch up with the rest of the day? ? In those days, every time you turn on the red light, your clothes are still wet, because the clothes dryer is too early, the coffee machine is broken. Try the next day before the night before, you may suddenly feel You are 20 minutes in advance. The night before, pack lunch, choose clothes, put the coffee machine on the timer, let all the supplies wait for you at the door. You will have time to sit at each red light (even if you are on time You have been playing green light!! Credit:

] 9.Start calm

Starting a new day on the wrong foot may be Destroy all day! But, starting in a calm, peaceful way, every day can even wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Castilla said: "I often advise my clients to meditate or self-affirm in the morning. Start their day in the middle. "Take a few minutes to set a positive intention for your day and create a slogan such as "I see the value of everyone I touch" or "I choose happiness"In addition, Spall recommends that you use "wake up as you get up, start doing some slight stretching, then do some push-ups and then convert to your favorite yoga pose." Or you can use Wake up as your reminder to take a book from your bedside table, read 10 pages, then pop up on the kettle and start eating breakfast. "Be calm, you won't go wrong! Credit:

10. Regular breaks

published in a cognitive magazine In the study, subjects were asked to remember the numbers in their minds. Over time, the subject's memory capacity decreased significantly. However, when the researchers asked the subjects to recall the numbers in shorter time increments When they are easy to recall, the researchers suggest that completing the work in less time and integrating rest between tasks will increase a person's productivity. A large number of research institutions also support the actual lunch break. It includes relaxation, a quiet, separate time to walk in nature and away from the desk. When you “let go” and keep relaxing, you will enrich your mind and body with the best ability. So please help yourself. Develop a habit of rest all day, even if you only walk around the workplace for 20 minutes. Credit:

How is your productivity?

[ 123] How efficient do you think you are? ? Try these strategies do you have more tips to improve the efficiency of you to share your story in the comments below
