8 serious but dangerous creatures should pay attention when traveling

One of the best parts about traveling around the world is to see and experience things you have never had before: food, weather, people, and of course local wildlife. Compared with cute animals, it doesn't evoke the "aw" factor too much, but the appearance can definitely be deceived. Some of the most clumsy creatures look more dangerous than you think. So for some creatures that may seem completely harmless but actually fierce or even fatal, this is a fair warning!

Credit: filipefrazao / iStock / GettyImages

1. Slow Loris

[ Slow lazy monkey may look like a gentle baby Ewok, but these furry guys It is the only known toxic primate in the world. In Southeast Asia and its border areas, it may be fatal to eat from these delicious pies. Their elbows have toxic glands, and they carry poisonous bites. If they feel threatened, they will not hesitate to attack. An allergic person who is allergic to their venom will develop anaphylactic shock if it is unfortunately bitten.

Homeland: Chronic Lorises found in southern Asia and western Indonesia. They like to live in the woods of the rainforest.

Source: praisaeng / iStock / GettyImages 2. Pufferfish

Pufferfish may look cool, but being too close or eating one may be fatal, especially It is because the venom of puffer fish has no known antidote.

A According to the National Geographic magazine, tetrodotoxin is 1200 times more toxic than cyanide, and a small pufferfish is sufficiently toxic to kill 30 adults. Holy smoke!

In Japan, puffer fish's meat - known as puffer fish - is considered a delicacies, but dine at your risk: it should only be trained and qualified to prepare the liver and ovaries Wait for toxic parts. Meat and fins are edible, but when the fish are cleaned, these can also be contaminated with this deadly poison.

Country of origin: Pufferfish is most common inTropical and subtropical waters. In order to taste the dangerous taste, you must always go to Japan, but we recommend that you choose some cute, safe and delicious squid.

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Credit: lilithlita / iStock / GettyImages 3. Stingray


People often climb in the aquarium to touch these seemingly docile creatures. But don't make a mistake - this prehistoric cartilage fish's thorn pin may become a killer.

When they feel threatened or trapped, stingrays will be whipped with their dangerous venom tails. Although incredibly painful, venom is usually not fatal. After accidentally stepping on a person, people often get hurt by their feet or ankles, but they usually live to tell the story. However, you may not be very fortunate to be hit by a chest or abdomen by one of these beautiful creatures.

Scorpio: Stingray is most common in coastal tropical and subtropical waters around the world.

Credit: qldian / iStock / GettyImages 4. Brown Bear

If you go to the woods today, avoid those cute brown bears. Seriously, stay in good shape. Bears - especially cubs - may look infinitely poor, but these furry beasts can be fatal.

Although bears rarely attack humans in sight, they may react if they feel threatened or surprised. If you are unfortunately wandering between the mother bear and the cub, she can bite your head straight. Despite their impressive size, bears can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. So, if you are traveling a brown bear is a native place, it is recommended to take some particularly effective pepper spray.

Homeland: Brown bears live in forests and mountains in Europe, Asia and North America.

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Credit: davidrasmus /iStock / GettyImages 5. Hippopotamus

They may look docile and slow, but National Geographic ranks hippos as one of the most dangerous animals in the world. According to the San Diego Zoo, male hippos average between 3,500 and 9,920 pounds. They are extremely aggressive and regional, meaning you really don't want to be too close.

They can be 19 miles per hour, and their eno crotch has 20-inch canines that can tear humans - even dark-skinned crocodiles - debris. They usually attack ships on rivers and lakes where they will squat and will not hesitate to chew, drown or curse you. So don't even think about going anywhere near you!

Homeland: Wild hippos live in Africa.

Credit: USO / iStock / GettyImages 6. Beaver [ 123]

Like a hippo, a beaver is a vegetarian. But invading their territory, you will pay the price. These long-toothed animals usually don't attack without provocation, but if one interferes with their aquatic habitat, they can go all out to use the grizzly bear.

There is nothing funny about taking a bite from a beaver. It can be that the trees are long enough to pass through the human body and they can cause serious damage. Beavers live in or around freshwater ponds, rivers, lakes or swamps, and they are known to attack swimmers.

Many beavers also carry rabies, which can make them lose their direction and become more aggressive. So please don't try to pamper (or hug or kiss) one or too intimate!

Innocent: You will find beavers living in North America and Eurasia.

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Little_Things / iStock / GettyImages 7. Dog

You are notThere is a danger of being bitten by a dog if you don't have to travel far away, but you can go to rabies if you are bitten or scratched by a lost person.

If you are planning to go to India for a holiday, then you must be careful and even consider vaccinating a pre-exposure vaccine before leaving.

An average of 20,000 people die each year from this disease. According to the Global Rabies Control Alliance, India accounts for 35% of human rabies. Therefore, the country's 30 million stray dogs are a serious health problem. If you are bitten, seek medical attention immediately (in the form of an anti-rabies vaccine). Don't wait to see if symptoms appear: these can take weeks or months to appear, and when rabies is not treated, it is almost always fatal.

Aboriginal people: India, Russia and Sierra Leone have serious stray dogs.


wissanu01 / iStock / GettyI Master Koala

They can sleep up to 22 hours a day, but this still leaves time for cute exams Pull it out. These marsupials become vicious when they feel dangerous, and they bite with sharp claws and teeth and catch anything they fear to threaten them. They also carry the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, which can be transmitted to humans if the koala urinates. So think twice before you pick up one of these little banyan trees - you may be bargaining more than you.

Homeland: Koala calls Australia home.

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Have you ever met a cute but not so cute animal? Maybe you risk your life to eat puffer fish, or think that the running-in with one of these animals has completely lost your travel. Please tell us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below!


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