9 signs you need a digital detox

As I write this article, I also play DJ episodes on Mixcloud, read articles about Trent Reznor, research their authors on Twitter and check Facebook regularly. My mental landscape is mixed with platforms and advertisements; windows and videos are clamoring for me to pay attention; I can't seem to concentrate.

Sounds familiar? Achieving a cognitive leap from information uptake to applied knowledge requires discipline to eliminate interference. However, distractions are growing. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of us need digital detoxification. Here are eight signs to unplug and suggestions on how to detox.

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1. You have never read an article e from beginning to end.

Jumping from one thing to the next may have an adverse effect on your cognitive function. A 2009 Stanford University study reported that this online multitasking may undermine your ability to filter information. A study published in the journal Development Psychology in 2012 found that it also inhibits your ability to interact with others.

So how do you improve your concentration? A recent study reported in The Atlantic shows online games (if you want to spend more time online). Or try to reward yourself when you are doing long tasks offline.

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2. Your vision becomes blurred after watching the screen.

Is your eyesight a little blurry after a few hours of surfing the Internet? Ed Green, former chief executive of the Visual Council, said that this is not good news. “Digital devices are an important part of our daily lives, from business, entertainment to socializing, and even education, but this behavior poses a potential risk to our eyes,” he said.

If you have symptoms like red, itchy or dry eyes, blurred vision, general fatigue, back pain, neck pain and headache, it's time to reevaluate your device usageCondition. A report from the Visual Committee recommended a break of "20-20-20". This is a 20-second break every 20 minutes and a 20-foot look.

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3. You Unable to make up my mind.

Direct accessibility of contacts, text, shopping, navigation, apps and games is not always a good thing. Dr. Nathaniel Barr, a researcher in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience at the University of Waterloo, recently co-authored an article on how people “transfer thinking to technology”.

"Positive thinking is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy life," he said. “So we strongly encourage people to continue to think analytically in their daily lives... although we can now provide a lot of information to Google.” Some researchers suggest that games like crosswords can help improve criticality. Thinking ability published an article in QJM: International Journal of Medicine.

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4. You have encountered a lot of things.

So, using your phone will make you awkward? When you walk and type, yes. In response to an increase in mobile-related injuries, a 2012 study by Stony Brook found that pedestrians on mobile phones were 61% more likely to deviate from the route. Simple solution: Don't walk and type at the same time, even be careful to walk and talk on your phone.

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5. Your thoughts are vague.

Brain scans show multiple neurological changes as a result of internet addiction, Victoria L. Dunkley, M.D. For the writing of psychology today. These images show that excessive screen time can cause the gray matter of the brain to shrink and shrink, affecting executive functions such as planning and organization. In the brainThe "spot" white matter can also be seen in the scan, suggesting that her so-called "electronic screen syndrome" may affect the connection between the body and the brain and between the cerebral hemisphere and the brain and the lower middle.

What can you plan for this? According to Attention, a study published by Perception & Psychophysics, reading books and conceiving what you are reading can help with positive brain function and spatial intelligence.

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6. Unable to use without a mobile phone.

Once upon a time, there was no GPS to travel. It needs to refer to physical maps, pay attention to landmarks, exercise spatial intelligence and deductive reasoning. But according to an article in Applied Cognitive Psychology in 2008, the lack of premeditated and persistence caused by smartphone dependence prevented us from remaining resourceful and agile. In order to re-recognize these qualities, continue to take risks and deliberately get lost. Or grab an actual paper map and go on a hike without community service. You may be surprised by how you feel.

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7. You check your social fe every meal will eat.

When dining out, we often see couples and even groups of people constantly checking their phones. Researchers have identified a common feature, those who are diagnosed with so-called Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD): lack of impulse control similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. More importantly, a study published in the psychiatric study in 2012: Neuroimaging compares male patients with MRI of IAD and patients without MRI, and found different neural activities, demonstrating lack of inhibition. control. Therefore, you must unplug and focus on internal organs and interpersonal relationships. To reduce your reliance on technology and improve your interaction, please arrange a face-to-face meeting with your friends and turn off your phone during your time e 123.

Credit: dolgachov / iStock / GettyImages 8. Social The media makes you live for yourselfI am dissatisfied with the work.

While interacting with others on the Internet seems to promote social connections, it turns out to be the opposite. Many studies have linked the overuse of social platforms to social anxiety, loneliness, depression, and more serious problems such as suicidal thoughts or bipolar disorder.

If you feel low self-esteem in your ego or feel isolated when you log in to Facebook, Twitter or other social platforms, consider taking a week off from social media to see how you feel. Then, if you want to return to social media, choose the platform that makes you feel most popular to focus on your life and limit your interaction with that person. You may feel updated, grounded and more connected.

Credit: DeanDrobot / iStock / GettyImages 9. You talk with the tag and the acronym IRL.

Why do we use shorthand to communicate with each other in a hurry? It may be related to brain gray matter damage found in screen addiction scans. According to an article in Psychology 2014 today, “A particularly noteworthy finding is damage to a region called an island, which involves our ability to cultivate compassion and compassion for others and our physical signals and emotions. The ability to combine." Therefore, by using the complete sentence of wh to express your passion for the love of your compatriots. Keep in mind that while the virtual world has unlimited information, distractions and interactions, it must be adapted to the interests of the internal organs and the human world.

Credit: monkeybusinessimages / iStock / GettyImages How do you score?

If the answer to the three fewer statements in these statements is true, then digital detoxification may not be required. But if your answer to 4 to 6 statements is true, then you should consider reducing the screen time.

If your answer is 7 or higher, you need to plan to unplug the power cord immediately. Re-introducing the fun of paper books, face-to-face social activities, uninterrupted eating and outdoor activities.

Credit: demaeRre / iStock / GettyImages What do you think?

What is your score? Do you have any suggestions to share? Let us know in the comments. Want to share this quiz with your friends? Below, you can find a link to view the complete quiz, print and pin it to Pinterest.

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