10 signs you found that

According to the statistical brain report released in 2017, approximately 44% of adults in the United States are single, and approximately 40 million Americans use online dating services. Finding a special person you will work with in all of this will be amazing. Although there are no special formulas to satisfy compatible people, many powerful relationships have similar characteristics from the beginning. Continue reading to learn about the 10 powerful signs of experts and real couples.

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1. You share mutual respect

Respect each other is a sign, you are not only a compatible companion, but you Love may last. Kitt C. is not in a hurry to promise anyone to meet her husband. A father who used to be a liar made her particularly cautious. They built friendships, and even though he was not the type of body she thought, they shared a strong chemical reaction. His patience finally paid off, and Kitt was reluctant to accept anything below the maximum respect.

"My sexy nature doesn't trigger his jealousy, but his entertainment," she said. "My outspokenness is encouraging. He is my biggest warrior, but he is waiting to defend me. He knows my independence says I can fight for myself, I will tell him when I need a backup."[ 123]

Credit: @crystalmariesing / Twenty20 2. Your health

Body attraction is very important in any rom, and when you cultivate it The benefits of taking action on this attraction will increase. A study of nearly 300 adults published in the 2006 American Family Therapy magazine shows that the more physical feelings a couple share – such as hugs, caresses, hugs, massages, and hands-on – the more they are satisfied with this relationship high. [ 123]

"I knew it when I first hugged her," said her partner Prudence M. “It feels like a hole in my soul has been filled.”

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Why American obsession with 'happiness' fully emphasizes us [1]23] Credit: [ 123] monkeybusinessimages / iStock / GettyImages 3. You feel safe

Feel safe to guarantee trust and intimacy - c strong romantic pairing of orerstones. But it is not always that easy. Lynette B. meets her partner through a physical dating service. They soon knew they had similar interests and passions and could discuss almost anything. However, she feels that she has patience.

"He knows that I am not safe for any man," she recalls. "He told me that he would prove that I can be safe with him. He stares at me and holds me every night until I feel safe. After more than 20 years, we still share interest and passion, I feel safe." The opposite sign - feeling unsafe - may include feeling the need to keep secrets or snoops or encounter fear when telling your thoughts.


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4. You have the foundation of friendship

A study by renowned marriage expert Dr. John Gottman shows that The lasting connection and vitality of the couple is strong throughout the process through conscious friendship. relationship. Elizabeth M. understands the power of friendship from experience because her relationship begins with purity.

"We were friends first, so we have this foundation," she said, knowing that her partner is that. "On our first formal date, we were talking all night - until 6am - about our dreams and ambitions. This for me - 32 years ago."

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jacoblund / iStock / GettyImages [You rediscover yourself

[12] 3]

Jan J.'s colleagues saw that she endured one of the toughest times in her life after her husband's death. Now, many years later, this colleague is her partner. She said that the most important sign of dating her is that he accepted who she is. “When we are together, time stops, what we found when we were colleagues,” she said. "The most important thing is that he accepted me. I have rediscovered him. When I feel sad in unexpected ways, he supports me. We have seen a long future together."

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6. Your sexual compatibility

Jess O'Reilly, PhD, Astrog said that sexual compatibility played a role in relationship satisfaction. Ryder's resident sexologist. But that doesn't mean you have to be consistent in the bedroom department. “Compatibility is about effort, not identity,” Dr. O'Reilly said. "If you are willing to work hard to meet each other's needs, you can divide into different things without sharing the same strong sexual desire and still be compatible." For Ken, this means participating in some BDSM with him. Occasional activities of the partner. "This is still not my business, but I really enjoy her fun," he said.

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7. Have fun together

[123 According to sexologist Lanae St. John, adventure, curiosity and fun are cooperation An important aspect. She experienced it for herself. “I have sex as a sexologist, she is very sad,” she said. "People just want to teach me something I don't know or are taught."

Then one day, a man sent her a well thought out message through a date. Since then, they have been playing together. When he learned about his career, "no big deal." "We have done a lot of fun together," she added. "I accepted him and accepted me. I have always been embarrassed, imperfect and Non-traditional. We have been together, tried new things and grown. "


g-stockstudio / iStock / GettyImages 8. You share similar values ​​

Sharing values ​​can make sharingLife has become more enjoyable and fulfilling. A similar attitude towards the role of the family Astroglide's resident sexologist Dr. Jess O'Reilly said that this is an important value in your life. “It doesn't mean you share the same type of relationship,” she added. “But it's just that you share similar values, and you are willing to adjust your expectations to meet your partner, and vice versa.”

[123 ] Credit: monkeybusinessimages / iStock / GettyImages 9. You don't judge each other's challenges

You can even share them. Astrea B. knew that she had encountered the anxiety disorder and left an anxiety disorder at home. "When he asked if I was OK, I explained that he had taken out his own anxiety medicine," she said. "The heart of cartoons flies over our heads."

Do you know that your role is from experience to non-experience, and it is important to practice empathy. When you can listen without judging the other person, you can meet each other's needs, not fuel contempt. “When the demand is met, the relationship will thrive, and when they are not satisfied, the relationship will go on,” said Heather Gray, a therapist and contributor to the Gottman Institute. "It's very simple, this fact is not negotiable. Credit:

AntonioGuillem / iStock / GettyImages

10. Even if you encounter difficulties, you will follow closely

Career and business coach Amy Everhart knows that she found the one after the wrong date. In the new year, after a stylish hotel bar rang, her dating car broke down. When they went to the warmth The rain poured on the two, and Everhart’s feet were bloody ody hours wearing high heels. When everything was finished, she realized that this person was for her.

"I would rather fight with him. I don't want to live with other people,” Everhart told LIVESTRONG.COM. She also had the experience: “No matter which way you choose, some of them will suck. Hard. Your path is not the kind of road that never goes through. Your path is the path you are willing to follow, even if it is. The right direction is worth it. " Credit:

oneinchpunch / iStock / GettyImages

What do you think?

Have you ever met someone you plan to stay in for a long time? If so, there is What signs are first highlighted to you? Please let us know in the comments!

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