10 healthy habits that are destroying your teeth

A bright, energetic smile will not only make you feel more confident; healthy teeth and gums are the key to your overall health. Tooth decay and inflammation of the gums increase the level of inflammation in the body - so that gum disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, and an increased likelihood of complications from diabetes. Of course, regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular cleaning and inspection, are the best way to maintain oral health. But some lifestyle factors can also have a major impact. Read on to learn how healthy habits affect your teeth and gums and how to keep them strong.

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1. Eat a small meal

Give up three meals a day, five to six small meals, you can let Enjoy faster weight loss to higher metabolism. problem? Eating a few times a day can cause problems with your teeth. “The presence of food on the teeth always provides an opportunity for bacterial growth, especially if any of these foods are sugary,” said Dr. Brent Rusnak, Dr. River Run Dental, Richmond, VA. Every snack and meal will expose the cavity bacteria on the teeth to fresh carbohydrates - which means they will have a better chance of eroding your teeth. Instead, limit your meal time to three meals a day. If you need a snack, enjoying it once can limit the time your teeth are exposed to acid - don't graze throughout the process

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2. Drinking lemonade

From increasing hydration to providing vitamins and promoting detoxification, Lemonade is said to work wonders for your health. But these egg tarts are one of the most acidic foods, and sipping lemonade during the day exposes your teeth to more acid than normal. "Acid exposure can devour tooth enamel," Rusnak said. “When the enamel is damaged, the tooth structure is completely fragile.” As a result, white spots may appear on your teeth - this indicates your teethThe enamel has lost some mineralization. powerful. This may in turn increase the risk of tooth decay. Drink lemonade quickly and try not to sip to minimize acid exposure. Even better, you only need to exchange for pure water.

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3. Cooking with natural sugar

If you switch to processed sugar, if you switch to a healthier natural Sweeteners such as red dates, maple syrup, coconut sugar and honey will reduce your eating habits. While most natural sweeteners do have a certain nutritional value (for example, dates are a good way to get more iron), they are no better for teeth than processed. “Although natural sugars may have some beneficial effects on the glycemic index, the bacteria in the mouth cannot be distinguished,” said Samantha Sacchetti, a dentist at Village Dental in Kenilworth, Ill. “They use them like ordinary sugar.” Acid can break down the structure of the teeth and cause tooth decay. “You can even treat healthy sweets as occasional indulgence to avoid tooth decay and avoid grazing naturally sweetened snacks throughout the day.

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4. Drinking Kombucha

The shiny effervescent texture of Kombucha makes it a soda The perfect healthy alternative to water and other carbonated drinks. Each bottle of Kombucha contains healthy probiotics that promote digestive health. But the rich taste of kombucha comes from vinegar (also known as acetic acid), which is - you guessed it - acid. Rusnak says this means it can erode your enamel, causing demineralization and sensitive white spots on the teeth. “If you choose to drink Kombucha as a source of probiotics, be sure to drink it all at once, then rinse your mouth with water.”

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5 . Making your toothpaste

We are all about natural beauty products, but DIY toothpaste is where you should draw lines. Although commercial toothpaste is usually evaluated by the American Dental Association.Estimate to make sure they are not too worn, but homemade toothpaste has not been tested - which means they are too harsh for you. “Although I support anything that encourages brushing, baking soda, salt and charcoal are too worn and can quickly damage the enamel on the teeth,” explains Jennifer Dean, a dentist at the Rancho Santa Fe Cosmetics and Family Dental in California. Over time, this damage increases the sensitivity of the teeth and increases the risk of new cavities. “Reputable companies that make toothpastes containing baking soda and other ingredients will be done in a way that reduces abrasion for safe use.” Protect your smile by choosing an ADA-certified toothpaste.

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6. Eat dried fruit

Let's face it: dried fruits (especially natural sweeter fruits such as mango) are delicious. Dried fruit provides a rich nutritional value, including ocular vitamin A in dried apricots and recycled iron in raisins. But snacks that eat dried fruit are much worse than eating fresh things. “Dried fruit, all the water is taken out of the fruit, leaving a lot of concentrated sugar. Many manufacturers actually add sugar to make the situation worse,” says Saketi. And because the dried fruit is particularly viscous, it may leave tiny grooves and depressions in the teeth, becoming a buffet of bacteria that cause voids. "The dried fruit is delicious - as long as you try not to let me eat Sakatti," "Gently cut your teeth and brush your teeth immediately." "If you are a person who is easy to get out of the hole, you may want to skip the dried fruit completely."

Credit: [ 123] steftach / Adob ​​e Stock 7. Sipping Seltzer

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Delicious LaCroix habits may not contain calories, but drinking soda or soda throughout the day may have a negative impact on the teeth. Sacchetti says neutral pH - which means it is not acidic and does not dissolve your enamel - soda has an acidic pH due to the addition of carbonic acid during carbonation. Although acidic than ordinary sodaLow, which makes it a better choice, you still need to limit your exposure. Immediately drink your soda water all day sipping ads, then rinse your mouth.


fahrwasser / Adob ​​e Stock 8. Drinking bottled water

Speaking of water chooses the bottled version of ordinary old tap water for your teeth Said it could be very bad. the reason? You missed fluoride, a mineral that helps strengthen your enamel and makes your teeth more resistant to acid. "The effect of fluoride on preventing tooth decay has been widely proven," said Sakati. “We recommend that all patients use a fluoride toothpaste brush to drink tap water to make sure they are adequate.” Every once in a while, replace the bottled water with a glass of tap water to make sure you get enough minerals.

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Past media [Adobe] 9 Overbrushing

You might think that it is good to brush your teeth a few minutes after each meal. But brushing your teeth for more than two minutes will not improve your oral health. In fact, it may actually make the situation worse. Dean explained that unwanted brushing can damage your gum tissue. Over time, your gums will recede from the teeth, exposing the roots of the roots and causing the teeth to become sensitive. Adhere to the dentist's recommended two-minute brushing time to eliminate plaque without damaging the gums. And make sure you use a light pressure - just enough to replace plaque - because brushing your teeth too hard can also hurt your gums.

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Past Media / Adob ​​e Stock 10 Juicing

Of course, eating a piece of fruit or a serving of vegetables can provide fiber that promotes digestion. However, many of us turned to vegetable-packed juices to get a few cups of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients from a glass of easy-to-serve service. Some juices have specific health benefits: for example, beet juice can boost your endurance and help youBetter performance in the gym. But there is also a disadvantage. “Freshly squeezed juices usually contain sugar, which can cause decay and corrosion,” Rusnak said. Some juices - like blueberries, blackberries and beet juices - may also stain your teeth and make your pearl white less active. Choose a vegetarian-only blend to keep your juices friendly, and the sugar content of these blends tends to be low. If you are susceptible to tooth staining, choose a light-colored juice instead of a juice based on berries or beets.


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Do you follow these healthy habits? Are you surprised by their influence on your teeth? How do you take care of your teeth?


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