Weak AF: Male celebrity mental illness is open

"Boys don't cry" is a long-standing community of proverbs, but since a large number of male celebrities have opened up mental health, this shame has finally come to rest. Just as famous women like Demi Lovato and Chrissy Teigen have frankly treated their struggles, some of Hollywood's most famous men have followed suit - and said their confession is important, which is an understatement. Every year, 6 million American men suffer from depression, but they are much less likely to talk or seek treatment with women. From the long-term struggle of The Rock to depression to the serious anxiety of Ryan Reynolds, there are 10 famous men who have an understanding of their mental health. This is a trend that we can definitely fall behind.

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1. Jared Padalecki

"Supernatural" star Jared Padalecki beats him on the screen in real life The devil has carried out more struggles. In an interview with Variety, Padalecki revealed that he was dealing with clinical depression, although it did not make sense to him at the time.

"I am 25 years old. I have my own TV show. I have my favorite dog and many friends. I like fans very much. I am very satisfied with my work, but I can't figure out what it is; My point of view doesn't always make sense," he said. So Padalecki hopes that other people with mental illness will give themselves some credibility. “There is no shame to fight every day,” he said. "If you are still alive to hear these words or read this interview, then you won your war. You are here."

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2 Prince Harry

Historically, the British royal family is discussingThere is a stiff upper lip on their feelings. But Prince Harry broke this sultry tradition in 2017 when he frankly interviewed his internal turmoil. After the death of his mother, Princess Diana, "I can say with certainty that my mother was lost at the age of 12, so I have closed all my emotions for the past 20 years, not only for my personals, but also for my personal Influence. Life, but my work," said the prince.

At the urging of Prince William, Harry spoke to the therapist. "All these griefs I have never dealt with have begun to go to the forefront. I am like, 'There are a lot of things I need to deal with here,'" said the 33-year-old man. Today, one of Harry's biggest charities is Heads Together, a campaign that emphasizes the importance of mental health.

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3. The Rock

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's childhood has provoked and lasted for many years The fight for depression. In an interview with Express in 2018, the actor talked about how to witness the attempted suicide of her mother at the age of 15, because he forced him to a spiral. “She got on and off Interstate 65 in Nashville and walked into the oncoming traffic,” he said. "I grabbed her and pulled her back to the gravel shoulder on the road."

Years later, the actor actually dreamed of playing football seriously after being injured, and soon after, his girlfriend Break up with him. . "This is my worst moment," said the star of the "Beach ambulance." Johnson has surpassed the pain, but the 45-year-old is still overly sensitive to other suffering people. He said: "When other people are suffering, we always try our best to attract attention."

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4. Michael Phelps

In 2017, when talking to the audience at George Washington University, the world's most beautiful Olympic athlete Michael Phelps admitted He has dealt with anxiety for years, depression and even suicidal thoughts. "I remember sitting in my room for four or five days and didn't want to live, not wanting to talk to anyone," the 32-year-old said.

In the same year, in the documentary "Anxiety", Phelps explained that talking about his problems helped him to deal with them better. "I just don't like who I am. If I am angry, depressed or upset, I will almost ignore it," the swimmer said in a snippet. "So I will push it further. Once I opened it, I stayed in my body for so many years, and then I found that life became much easier. I got to this point, I understand that it can't be done."

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: Slaven Vlasic / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages 5. Zayn Malik

In 2016, singer Zayn Malik was amazed at the cancellation of the show because of anxiety. Instead of chalk cancellation, like many other celebrities, this "virus", this 25-year-old is coming clean. “One of my team members made a statement saying that I was ill, but I don’t want to do this. I completed the statement to cover up the reissued statement. Allies continue,” wrote the former One Direction singer in his book. "Zayn. "

" is anxious and unscrupulous; it affects millions of people every day. "After Malik revealed his anxiety, he received thousands of support messages from male fans. "The guy on Twitter told me how much anxiety affects their lives and says they are happy that I said it," he said. "It feels like there are some benefits from this situation."

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Kevin Winter / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages 6. Adam Levine

When he was a kid, Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine was estimated to have One out of 5% of the children diagnosed suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) each year - and he continues to fight it as an adult. In 2014, the “The Voice” judges collaborated with the Own It campaign, which helped break the stigma that ADHD only affects children, inspiring adults to get help while they are still dealing with symptoms. ["I sometimes have difficulty writing songs, and I can't always focus on and do everything I need," the singer told ADDitude magazine. "I remember once in the studio, there were 30 thoughts in my head, but I couldn't record any of them." Levine eventually returned to his doctor for help, and he was committed to helping others.

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7. Jon Hamm

Although his "madman" character Don Draper may be too proud Not acknowledging treatment, Jon Hamm is certainly not. In an interview with InStyle in 2017, the actor talked about how treatment helped him in particularly difficult lives, including depression, addiction and grief (Ham lost his parents before graduating from college).

The 47-year-old said: "Whether it is the elbow joint or the teeth or the brain, medical care is needed." "And this is very important. We live in a world that recognizes anything negative to ourselves. Think of it as a weakness when it is actually a power."

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8. Howie Mandel [

In a 2009 ABC News Interview, Howie Mandel admitted He has a lifelong battle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Since he was young, the 62-year-old comedian has had a debilitating fear of bacteria. When he became the moderator of "transaction or non-transaction", he refused to shake the hands of any contestants, but chose to hit the fist.

"In my opinion [hand] is like a petri dish," he said. "Otherwise, I will spend a day - just like I used to - rubbing, scrubbing and scalding in a man's room." To deal with his problems (Mandel also suffers from anxiety and ADHD, TV celebrities see the therapist and take it Drugs. He said: "I think the solution to make the world a better place is if we are mentally healthy."

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9. Ryan Reynolds

Although he seems to have everything - Talent, appearance, wife - Ryan Reynolds suffers from anxiety. In a recent interview with the New York Times, the "Dead" star admitted that he has been fighting this issue for a long time. "I have been very anxious," the 41-year-old The old man said. "The two are all relaxed and happy." I am anxious about this kind of thing. I have already reached the dark depths of the spectrum. This is not fun."

In his 20s , Reynolds experience A "real spiritual phase," during which he self-healed to cope with his serious anxiety. Now, the actors are treated differently: in addition to using the meditation application Headspace, Reynolds often pairs "dead" in the role. Conduct an interview." When the curtain opensWhen I turned around, he said, "This rapper has increased the number of calls to the suicide prevention hotline by 50%." 123.

Previous: This rapper added a phone call to the suicide prevention hotline. 50%.


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10. Logic

Male rappers are not always known for their vulnerable groups. But singer Logic broke this stereotype in an in-depth personal interview with CBS News in 2017. The 28-year-old child was hospitalized after the collapse in 2015, acknowledging the side effects of being diagnosed with anxiety.

"This is a strong form of anxiety, you feel that you are almost separate, and there is always a filter between you and reality, because you said in an interview, "is highly analyzing around you. Case. In the same year, the rapper launched his song "1-800-273-8255", which is the telephone number of the suicide prevention hotline. After the MTV VMA, the call to the lifeline increased by 50%.

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11. Trevor Noah

He may make people break up in the "Daily Show" every night, but Trevor Noah is no stranger to depression. He accepted the 2017 Annual Comedy Character Award. At the same time, the 34-year-old is grateful to Jim Carrey for helping him name his feelings over the years. “Jim Carrey is one of the first comedians to describe the beasts of many of us in this room, it’s frustrating. , Noah said. "I don't know what it is. I just think that I sometimes like to sleep for a few weeks, then I read the [Carrey] story, I am like, 'Oh no, that isWhat continues. "I thank you, because, you know, I found a way to fight it. I found a way to build a community, this is the place: this is a community where people try to do something."

Credit: Dia Dipasupil / Getty Images Entertainment / GettyImages

What do you think?

Have you ever struggled with depression? How about anxiety or other psychological problems? How did you respond? What is most helpful in fighting your mental health struggle? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments section.

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