Everything you need to know about prebiotics - the secret to promoting gut health

Whether it's pop-up supplements or drinking Kombucha, everyone is paying attention to probiotics. But do you know that their cousins, prebiotics, which are not so popular, are equally important for good gut health and for supporting probiotics that are naturally present in the gut?

(Photo: Westend61)

This is true. Amy Shapiro, the founder of RD and Real Nutrition, broke this for us: "The two are important," she explained. “Probiotics are [in your intestines] healthy bacteria that help you fight disease [and maintain gut health], and prebiotics are the food they need to live. They [both] both expand health and wellness well. "

Still confused about prebiotics? We asked Shapiro all the pressing questions, including how to take the new health balance probiotic fiber powder of the prebiotic supplement ike Benefiber to promote intestinal health.

Read on to find out why you need to start taking prebiotics as soon as possible, how they work, and all the benefits of fiber intake.

] (Photo: Westend61)

How do fiber factors affect the intestinal health equation?

Let's start with fiber. Dietary fiber is part of the food that your body cannot break down. Because this undigested food passes through your intestines, it helps to keep the activity, but it also helps to keep healthy bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, if you have constipation, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), high cholesterol, high blood sugar soaring or weight gain, these may indicate that there is not enough fiber in your diet, or-to Shapiro.

The best way to do this is through your diet and supplements. Shapiro recommends increasing fiber intake to 25 to 30 grams per day, either through fiber foods or supplements like Benefiber's healthy balance. However, the key is to slowly increase your intake and make sure you drink plenty of water to stay alive.

What is the prebiotic?

The prebiotic is a fiber. “Prebiotics are indigestible food ingredients that help promote the growth of healthy bacteria that live in the intestines,” explains Shapiro..

Your healthy bacteria (probiotics) break down the prebiotics into nutrients that can be used to feed themselves and the intestines. You can find them in a lot of fiber-filled fruits and vegetables (think asparagus, artichoke, jicama, berries, bananas and palm heart.

How does the prebiotic supplement work?

Some of Shapiro's favorite sources of prebiotics are fruits and vegetables, but she notes that supplements can come in handy if you don't get the right kind or can't get enough fiber from the food.

Probiotic Health Balance has Similar benefits of eating food-based probiotic fibres - support your good bacteria and help alleviate occasional constipation and abdominal discomfort - in an odorless beverage that does not cause diarrhea (this may be a side effect of some people consuming too much fiber Because sometimes the convenience of dietary supplements is the key to maintaining this balance.

What are the signs of your gut health h in progress?

If you have been trying to track you The prebiotics and probiotic intake, you obviously want to see the results. If you feel great, you will know it works. According to Shapiro, according to the prebiotic fiber you use and / Probiotic strains, signs should be noted that better digestion, improve regularity and reduce cravings thanks to prebiotics and good intestinal health.