Why is the lack of contact with others affecting your well-being - and how to find your own support group

Together with Athleta, we are providing experts with actionable health advice you need - Well + Good will be launched throughout the year in New York City. Here, HealHaus co-founder Elisa Shankle shared her four-week guide to building healthy communities.

(Source: Getty images / jacoblund)

It is well known that building strong, lasting friendships with adults is not easy. Your school day is over, you may have moved to a new city, and you are no longer surrounded by those who immediately like you to do the same.

This is where health can come in - if you let it. Obsessed with yoga? travel by walking? The new factory restaurant opened on the street? Those are places where you can find your people, this is mor more important than you think. There is no time to build a support group, and a lack of community can actually have an impact on your physical and mental health.

"We can do so much work on our own, and then we must seek help to "continue to heal and evolve at a deeper level to promote overall health," said Elisa Shankle, co-founder of Brooklyn Health Space HealHaus. 123]

She learned from her first-hand experience. “My tribe is very strong. When I lost my brother two years ago, it obviously needed a village,” Shankell said. “When managing such a weak position You have to admit that I can't do this alone and ask for help. "

When you have a strong group of supporters cheering you high, and it can make a huge difference for your personal growth, Shankle is an expert. "Our mission at HealHaus is to let Healing is not just something that someone has tried, but is integrated into their daily lives. We really believe that healing is a way of life and is committed to transforming a healthy culture into health, making it more accessible, inclusive and modern. "

We asked Shankle to share four possible ways to start building up a community of friends - so what are you waiting for?

(Source: Getty ImagEs / PeopleImages) 1. Consciousness is the first step

Before you start to connect with others, you need to be firmly in control of what is happening to you. “I always say that consciousness is the first step to start as a novice and start to understand what works for you with others,” Shankle said.

Once you are more comfortable with yourself, you can brainstorm what you are looking for. other people. “Health is not a one-size-fits-all approach that may be beneficial to you and may not be suitable for others,” Shankle said. After some self-reflection, you will find the type of friend very well. On your health journey, you want to be by your side.

2. Really understand who you are

Shankle pointed out that when you are really serious, people will respond better to you. So, before you start looking for friends, make sure you make a vibration that matches you - not just what you think others want you.

"It's easy to fall into our predicament. I think we put them together, or we don't have enough," Shankell said. "It's not always easy to express yourself, but now it's time to practice some extra self-love. You already know who you are, it's just being able to put all the information outside - although it may be a little cringe at first, but it's The benefits are worthwhile.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

It's time to take some action. Shankell suggests interacting with people you may not normally have - just responding to someone Facebook posts you often scroll or chat after a workout.

Once you open, you will find that you are not the only one who feels awkward at the gym water bottle station - you only need to break the ice.

4. Participate in community organizations ented events

"Try to resonate with you, don't hurt yourself," Shankle said. Events (especially those that are community-centric) are all with An ideal place to connect with people looking for the same thing: a new, meaningful community.

In addition, you can use social mediaAs a tool to teach you these types of parties. Take this opportunity to follow your local rotating studio or coffee shop on Instagram to learn about the upcoming experience. Join local message boards and Facebook groups and bookmark their event pages. Look for community groups that publish upcoming events (such as the Conscious City Guide). Then, bring the action into real life.

Shankle said, “Don't be different, share your story or treatment, and inject vitality into the body, mi and spirit.”