4 entrepreneurial approved skills to change health careers

Together with Athleta, we are providing experts with actionable health advice you need - and Well + Good is available throughout the year in New York City. Here, Well + Good professional columnist and author Amy Odell discusses how to achieve career change is the right move and how to pursue it.

(Source: Unsplash / Alexandra Kirr)

When you draw a career path for a dozen people, you will see a completely linear orbit that is rare of. More likely? Most people will make multiple career hubs or major left turns during their personal work journey.

So if you are doing a daydream of pursuing another call, don't ignore this feeling - even if you have dedicated yourself to many years of school or training a path. Consolation in k now says that making positive changes is never too late, especially the kind of change that makes you healthier and happier in the long run.

"Listen to your intuition," Odell said. "Sometimes it may not be the most profitable or the simplest thing, but you don't want to know if you can do it just because someone or practicality - tell you. So listen to your instincts, even if they object to your trust. The advice of the person. "

sincerely invites you to explore your desire to change your career - and use this map to find the right person for you.

(Source: Unsplash / Nigel Tadyanehondo)

1. Decide whether to say goodbye to your current post

When you spend hours painting your own life (travel blog), for example, on the beaches of Bali, this is a very good sign. It is time to change.

"If you find yourself spending most of your time doing something that no longer makes you a person and a professional, now is the time," Odell said, she has made several leap in journalism. But if you are not sure, try asking yourself some questions to help you decide if you are really over it or justNeed to take a vacation.

  • Am I learning something new?
  • Do I like the tasks that must be done every day?
  • Did I learn from the manager?
  • Do I want a manager's job? If not, what is the next step for this company?
  • Does my manager value the same thing as me?
  • Does this job give me the life and work I want?
(Photo: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez)

2. The corresponding budget and plan

considering leaving the job and finding a new job may make you feel cold. However, there are some small ways to make the idea of ​​changing careers less horrible - and ultimately more feasible.

First, make sure you can pay your bills between jobs by starting a contingency fund. "Save money," Odell said. "A super practical tip, but if it doesn't work, you don't want to have no job, no financial safety net."

Then make plans and promise yourself. She said: "Never postpone it forever." "It's easy to say 'I will quit next month!' Then turn it off, turn it off, then turn it off. If you want to try something new Things, then a plan, and then actually do this. The longer the delay, the easier it is to do things. "Go forward!

(Photo: Unsplash / Clay Banks)

3. Help

[123 It is important to do your homework before accepting any new opportunities. Odell personally consulted her short list: "I am looking for two main things: an exciting role, challenging me to do things I have not done before, and a company that looks like it is moving in the right direction. ,"she says.

An important part of the information gathering task is to consult your network. Talk to friends (or friends of friends) in the area you want. Ask them how they got the job, why they chose this job, and they want themDon't do things, "She suggested.

[1]23] Then, once you have made a leap, ask someone you know who is your advice. "I am still surprised that even if I think of myself I have found a job for myself, and I will learn something from my friends, if I just take the time to ask myself to work for myself," Odell said. "If things feel more difficult than it should be, then it may be You can do a signal of something more efficiently. Ask your contacts how they handle these situations. "

(Photo: Unsplash / Charisse Kenion) ] 4. Accept fear - fear is ok

If you

don't have

Full of nerves, excitement and passion to come to work, you may be in the wrong place. ] For Odell, the best career advice is related to fear - why this is a tell you Mark the king, where you can grow up. "If you are scared, it means you are doing your job," she said. "A former colleague heard this from someone else and shared it with me a long time ago. And I have never forgotten it. If your job scares you, it may mean that you are taking risks. If you take the risk, what about you? "It is more likely to produce an interesting result."

In other words, don't solve it. Find jobs and opportunities to get closer to yourself and what you really care about. When your passion and work are lined up, there will be room for happiness and overall happiness.