A guide to self-care - here is what you know

Together with Athleta, we are providing experts with actionable health advice you need - and Well + Good is available throughout the year in New York City. Here, Chillhouse founder Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton revealed her four-step plan to help you become familiar with self-care.

(Source: Getty Images / JGI / Jamie Grill)

If you have been following the 2019 health scene, you will see a phrase that appears everywhere: self-care. What exactly is it? Mask? massage? bubble bath?

According to Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton, founder of the Chillhouse Spa and Wellness Café in New York City, it can be all that - or not. Ramirez-Fulton said: "Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all." "It should primarily remind us as an r, we are the primary task."

Therefore, one person's mask may be another People walk in the morning. What is the focus of the focus? Charge your personal battery. "This is just a way to change your mindset. Practice," she said. "It's a bit like drinking a glass of water every morning - if you haven't already, you should do it completely."

To help you start thinking about how to integrate yourself into our lives, we ask Ramirez-Fulton Share four ideas for promoting relaxation.

(Source: Getty Images / Westend61)

1. Bathing or meditating

Yes, if you think for you, the bathroom can still be your personal self-care photo a part of. But if you are not a soaking person, Ramirez-Fulton suggests that the takin will give yourself a shower for a few minutes. "I don't always take a shower, but I always do one or two minutes of meditation while I am taking a shower," she said.

Close your eyes, breathe steam, and focus on your breathing. Bingo: You are meditating. "Don't tell yourself that this is a to-do list item,It’s a habit to complain to yourself, this is part of life,” adds Ramirez-Fulton.

2. The first thing in the morning is stretching

“The one-minute process actually It's all you need to rejuvenate your body,” Ramirez Fulton said. Once you get up, do a full body stretch before checking the news or email so you can inject yourself for the rest of the day. Vitality.

Take it from Ramirez-Fulton: It doesn't take a lot of time to pay attention to the real difference in your feelings. "If I have to suggest that people want to take better care of themselves, they have to find a 5 to 10 minutes of daily life, let yourself be the first, set the tone for the future of the future," she said.

(Photo: Getty Images / EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER)

3. Determine each Day Fast Skin Care Program

No, this doesn't mean you need to buy a lot of fancy products. It just means you should take a period of time to cultivate your own slimming ceremony in the morning and before going to bed - simple or Carefully designed.[12 3]

"I am a big skin care addict - this is my daily life, never skip a beat," Ramirez-Fulton said, and pointed out that she sometimes relaxes further." To offset some of them more crazy In the week, I arranged a few uncompromising self-care moments, just like a horse you can do in the Chillhouse or massage my mom to do facials. "It's the same for you. If you feel more overwhelmed than usual, please allow yourself to go big.

4. Let the phone leave and read a book

According to Ramirez - Fulton's statement, the final step into the trench of your personal care is to get out of your head - and get some ideas. "Take the phone away and read a magazine or a book. Lost in inspiration, "Ramires-Fulton suggested.

pause the reality for a while (email can wait anytime) and spend a few minutes giving you the most soulful thing." No rights Or [doing self-care] is not the right way, but it must happen,"She said." If you can't appear in front of yourself, how can people expect you to appear? "