You can do 5 CrossFit exercises at home (or anywhere!)

One of the best things about CrossFit (although, perhaps, surprising for some people) is that it can be done anywhere. The definition of CrossFit is - according to its founder Greg Glassman - "changing, functional, and high-intensity."

Kettlebells is the main content of the family CrossFit training. (Photo: Westend61 / Westend61 / GettyImages)

At-Home CrossFit Exercise #5: Kettlebells

Kettlebells can be used in many ways, CrossFit uses them often. The round of this triplet will include 15 kettlebells, 15 kettlebells and 15 goblet squats. You will complete three rounds.

For this training, choosing a challenger (36 pounds kettlebell) is a good goal! ) at the same time allows you to maintain the correct form. If you have a CrossFit experience, try not to give up the kettlebell.

3 rounds of time:

  • 15 kettle bells
  • 15 kettle bell swings
  • 15 high feet Cup squat

Kettlebell Deadlift: Start with a kettlebell on the floor between your feet and feet. Hing the hips and grab the handle of the bell to keep the back flat. As you push your hips forward and stand up, press your feet into the ground. Push the hips back and start pulling down. Once the kettlebell passes your knees, you can bend them and put it back on the floor.

Kettlebell Swing: Grab the kettlebell with both hands and stand with your feet apart. Keep the neutral spine articulated on the hips until the kettlebell is between or behind the legs. Go through your heels, squeeze your hips, stretch your hips,Put the weight to the eye level. Slightly relax and let the momentum of the weight get you back to the starting position. If you want an extra challenge and have confidence in your shoulder strength and mobility, you can continue to swing until your weight is directly on your head.

Goblet squat: See the second training for a description of the movement. [ 123]

At-Home CrossFit Cool Down

Remember to calm down after exercising! These stretches are great after any workout. Each holds 30 seconds.

    puppy stretching
  • pigeon posture
  • sealing str etching
  • folding forward
puppy Stretching: landing on all fours. Keep your butt out and stretch out your hand in front of you, making you feel the entire upper body and hips stretch.

Pigeon Pose: Put your right knee to your hand. Put your left leg behind you. Your right foot can be next to your left hip or stick out so your cheekbones will be parallel to your hand.

Seal Stretch: Lying on your stomach. Lift your chest and torso from the floor and support yourself with a few inches in front of you. If this is too big for your back, don't straighten your arm all the time.

Fold forward: stand and articulate from the hips, bend forward and reach the ground. Let your knees bend slightly and fold into the best of your ability. Stop when you feel the hamstring stretch.