Novice training camp? 3 important things to know before first class

The motivation for going to the gym recently is almost non-existent. Your old routines are getting old and you don't see the results you are pursuing. Maybe you should throw away the slang (gym) towel.

Outdoor training camp is a popular change in the typical gym environment. (Source: skynesher / E + / GettyImages)

3) Prepare for a variety of things

What you did before class can make your training The camp experience is more enjoyable. Don't have a 5 minute course, a shoe is untied and there is nothing in a few hours. You will be crushed.

On time. Or even a little early, dressed and ready to go. If this is your first class, you may need to fill out some documents (some things g like: "This is a boot camp. If you break yourself, we will not be liable. But just in case we have insurance. ")

Eat well. Have a snack one hour before class. A mixture of protein and complex carbohydrates will provide you with energy and help with muscle repair. Make snacks or meals with the same carbohydrate and protein mixture within one to two hours after class to support recovery.

Hydrates, hydrates, hydrates. before, during, and after. this is all.

Bring your "A" game. "A" stands for attitude - a good attitude. Come to class optimism, ready to try new things. This is not easy, but if you maintain a positive and open attitude, this may be beneficial.

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