This is the average number of sexual partners people have each state

Have you ever wondered how many of your sexual partners compare to the number of people across the country? A new survey dares to ask an uncomfortable "What is your number?" Asking thousands of Americans and Europeans to find out who is having the most sexual behavior with different partners in different countries.

Here, people have the most and least sexual partners in the United States. (Photo: courtesy of Superdrug)

Living in Oklahoma, Nebraska and South Carolina have an average of more than 10 lovers in their lifetime, and Mississippi People in Kansas and West Virginia remain unchanged. Their numbers are on the lower end, and the average can't sleep five people.

It also found - here zero impact - honest f actor in response to "What is your phone number?" will vary by gender. Ask your partner a question. The survey showed: “When revealing details to a partner, men tend to exaggerate the number of sexual partners, and women are more likely to report fewer than real numbers.”

Obviously, the sample size is small Some people may not be completely honest when revealing their actual figures. When it comes down to it, your exact number is nothing, but your own, right?

Not complete. From a public health perspective, the number of people you have slept may have an impact on health, as the number of reported sexually transmitted diseases seems to rise and fall with the average number of sexual partners. For example, Louisiana reported a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections than Utah. The survey also determined that, overall, the greater the number of individual partners, the greater the risk of developing STI. Thirteen percent of people with 15 or more sexual partners revealed that they were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, while only 3% had four or fewer partners.

The moral of the story? For the sake of safety, no matter how many people or how many people you sleep, you must protect them.

Read more : The 15 universities with the most coffee in the United States

What do you think?

Do you think someone's "number" is important? How many people have you asked your partner to sleep with? Do you feel the average number of sexual partners AmeSurprised someone?