Which of the following 7 training camp exercises will you try?

If the psychological image of your training camp is that the camouflage men perform endless push-ups in the camouflage, you will fall behind the times. Although the military still has its own version, designed to test the physical and mental health of recruits, the fitness community has renamed its format as a boot camp.

Training camp training will introduce you to new exercises and equipment. (Source: SolStock / E + / GettyImages)

Similar to many other mainstream high-intensity trainings, these courses combine aerobics and strength training for full-body exercise. The boot camp is very versatile and often trains in gyms, parks and even swimming pools. You can even find a training camp that supports the cause you care about.

We have collected your seven options, so you decide which one you want to try (if you want to give them all one shot). In the end, the training camp that is best for you will make you excited about your workout so you can continue your class after class.

1. Indoor Training Camp Training

Indoor training camps are usually offered in gyms or independent studios, specializing in this fitness trend. The main benefit is that they usually carry bells and whistles in all physical locations - lockers, showers, towels and many different types of equipment.

For example, in Atlanta's boot camp course True Fitness uses TRX suspension systems, combat ropes, plyo boxes, medicine balls, power wheels, gliders, agility ladders, resistance bands and stability balls.

n There is a training camp training pioneer, Barry's Bootcamp, which relies on standard strength training equipment and an extra calorie-burning treadmill with running intervals.

Are they suitable for you? Indoor If you like all kinds and the roof is over the head, the boot camp is a good choice for you.

2. Outdoor Training Camp Training

More outdoor sports types can enjoy training camps held outside the four walls of the gym. These courses don't offer so much equipment - sometimes no equipment at all - so you can run while enjoying the fresh airAnd do a lot of weight training.

One disadvantage of these courses is that they may not be held throughout the year depending on the climate in which you live. However, when they are in the season, you can expect changing weather conditions - spring is rainy and summer is hot and humid.

Are they suitable for you? If you like all kinds of ever-changing weather and terrain, and you want to feel like a child on the playground again, outdoor training camp is a good choice.

3. Water training camp training

Water aerobics, water training camps are more difficult to find, but if you live in a big city, you may be lucky enough to have this choice. Although exercise in water provides less impact than exercising on land, it also provides greater resistance.

The Midwest gym chain Genesis Fitness Club's water training camp is a tough, one-hour water workout, at an intermediate to advanced level. Therefore, this special course may not be a good choice for beginners, but other water training camps may be more suitable for novices. Alternatively, you can build a fitness base on land and then enter the water.

Are they suitable for you? If you have a joint problem or you are repairing damage, but you still want a challenging workout, check out this training camp variety.

4. Online training camp training

introverts and housewives, rejoicing! You don't even have to leave home to exercise. Online streaming services like Studio Sweat on Demand provide training camp training that you can comfortably do in the living room.

Some of the creative naming exercises of Studio Sweat include "Butt-Kicking Bootcamp" and "Unicorn Unilateral Ucandoit Bootcamp". "(You know you want to check the last j because of this name!)

Although you don't need a real unicorn, you need some equipment, including dumbbells and exercise mats. If you don't have equipment, you can Try this 30-minute training camp with no equipment and celebrity personal trainer AdamRosante works out together.

Are they suitable for you? Like to make it alone? Don't have time to drive to the gym? Want a cheaper workout option? The training at the training camp at home sounds like you are in your alley.

5. Military Training Camp Training

You don't have to participate in military training like a soldier. Training for military-based boot camps for civilians is almost as strong as the training you might get before the war. (It's not as free as military training, but you don't have to participate in it. It's a reward.)

The North Firearms Training Academy in Vanderbilt, Michigan claims, "You can get the best, the most realistic Military training." Its Level 1 program includes a 24-hour endurance course called "Hell's Night", based on Naval SEAL "Hell Week" training, as well as downhill/climbing and spells, survival lessons, defensive hand-free Fighting and first aid training. The course is taught by experienced military and senior law enforcement combat training instructors.

Are they suitable for you? If you have been exercising for a while (ie not a newcomer), you are looking for a challenge, you are as tough as a nail (or want to see if you are), consider trying a military-style boot camp.

6. Prison-style training camp training

was created by former Concos Marty, ConBody mimicked Marte's training during the prison, and he performed in his 9-foot-6 cell without any equipment. In his New York studio, in a slightly larger space (but not too much), the course includes a mix of powerful and weight strength training exercises that will make you stronger.

Prison-style decoration and at the beginning of each lesson, the sound of the iron gate closed to the tough guy (or girl) atmosphere. The course is taught by the previous course and you can even get a big photo after class. Or choose to do real-time online workouts at home for $5 a month.

Marte's goal is not only to make you in battle through his trend-setting concept, but also to raise awareness of the difficulty of trying to get back up after imprisonment.

Are they suitable for you? If you are the kind of person, give these exercises a chance to take a serious approach to health, and your space and/or equipment is short.

7. Train your body for a career training camp

and appease your altruism in a training camp that rewards charities and promotes good careers. Many of them are like any other training camp - a great way to exercise and reach your fitness goals - but you will feel good and your fitness program is helping you to give back.

The camp and the business in Largo, Fla., support local charities to provide services to families in need and participate in boot camps for money, supplies or clothing through donations. Other organizations offer repeat or single event training camps to support Lyme disease or mental health awareness.

Are they suitable for you? I hope that your exercise endorphin has a warm, fuzzy side to do something for others? This training is for you.