This pool workout will help you stay healthy and stay cool throughout the summer without swimming

Summer is officially here, which means it has time to get rid of these levels and enjoy the warm weather workout outdoors! One of the best ways to stay cool and healthy throughout the summer is to sneak into the pool.

The Vibrating Kick is a great heart tube and leg movement that blends into the pool to practice with perfect summer workouts. (Source: Getty Images / Tetra Images / Erik Isakson)

Water sports is an effective and inefficient exercise that allows you to exercise both your muscles and the cardiovascular system. The sensation was caused by these 10 fun pool exercises.

1. Jog in place

One of the best places to start a water workout is jogging in place. Water will be resistant to your lower body (aka you won't be able to move your legs quickly, but you will increase your heart rate and start warming your body for the rest of the pool practice. This low-impact aerobic exercise pair Your joints are very good and easy.

  1. Starting from the deep water in the waist, the arms are higher than the surface.
  2. Jogging for one minute, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat three rounds.

2. High knee

Once you heat up by jogging, you should increase your speed.

  1. Flood deep water, increase your right as much as possible Knee height your left arm.
  2. Quickly alternate this action.
  3. Repeat 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds for a total of three rounds.


[ 123] Make the knees more difficult cult, drown yourself in deep water to challenge your upper body.

3. Tread Water

Although treading water is a basic skill when learning how to swim, But it's also a good move in full body pool training.

    In the deep pool, let your body stand vertically in the water, above the head Surface
  1. move your legs back and forth in the water, while shaking, or in a similar manner as kicks.
  2. Step for one minute, rest for 30 seconds, complete three groups.

4. Jumping Jacks

Water will create resistance to your legs and arms, resulting in a full body, low-impact pool movement.

    In the deep water of the chest, start with your feet and put your hands around you.
  1. Jump up your feet and raise your arms, from the water above your head, to keep your body in an "X" shape.
  2. Return to the beginning and repeat the three groups of 20.
5. Leg lift

Just like on land, leg elevation also increases core strength and can also train your limb muscles.

    Use the elbows to the edge of the pool and the belly towards the sky.
  1. Join your core and raise your legs to the water's edge, then lower.
  2. Repeat three groups of 10
6 . Deep jump

Underwater deep jump strength, burden on the buttocks, limbs, hamstrings and calves.

    Start from the deep water and immerse yourself in the deep position. [
  1. With all your strength, jump and try to jump out of the water as high as possible.
  2. When you jump out of the water, hold your breath and repeat the four groups, five times each.
7. Flutter Kick

Exercise your leg muscles with this fast-paced lower body exercise while increasing your heart rate.

    Grab the edge of the pool and let your stomach face the water.
  1. Swing your legs back and forth as quickly as possible.
  2. Kick for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds and complete three rounds.
8. Bunny Hop

Bunny Hops is specifically for calves, but they are also an aerobic challenge.

    In the deep water of the waist that is close together, push away and take a small jump as soon as possible.
  1. Complete three groups of 20 representatives.

9. Cycling

Just like a bicycle sit-up on land, this movement will also challenge your core - and your hip flexors.

    Your elbows are near the edge of the pool, facing your stomach towards the sky.
  1. Start cycling, just like riding a bicycle.
  2. Repeat three groups of 20 cycles.
10. Tuck Jump

Pleated Jump is one of the best aerobic exercises in the pool, and you will feel this enhanced movement of your hips, limbs, hamstrings and calves.

    In the deep water of the waist, the feet are separated by the width, and the body is immersed in a quarter of a squat.
  1. When you jump up, raise your arm and raise your knees to a folded position.
  2. Lo returns to the ground and repeats three sets of 10 jumps.